The movie "127 hours": reviews, story, actors and roles


2018-03-23 01:27:25




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What kind of movies can not leave anyone indifferent spectator, despite the many overwhelming of his senses?

“restaurants”, “Impossible”, “1+1”, “Earthquake” - these popular movies based on real events. In a number of them stood the movie "127 hours" which reviews are mostly very positive. First heard about it, many certainly wonder why 127? This is the time required for the escape, or, perhaps, to save his girlfriend? Maybe so many hours left to live hero? Let's clarify this.

Origins of the story

The Story in the movie "127 hours", the plot of which was based on real life events of Aron Ralston, will not leave anyone indifferent. To be more precise, the basis for beginning work on the film was the book of memoirs of Aron Ralston “Between a rock and a hard place”. In it the author tells about the events that happened to him in April 2003 in Utah.

Aron Ralston

Aaron, being extreme traveler and climber, wanted to conquer all 55 peaks of America, each with a height of not less than 4 thousand meters.

26 April 2003, Aron Ralston set out on their next adventure. Canyon blue Jack National Park Utah is an incredibly beautiful place. Walking through a desolate and virtually uninhabited area, contemplating the natural strength and power, Aaron had no idea what the journey will end.

In some point of his trip, Aron noticed three huge boulder, they closed down a small narrow passage away from the main route. He became interested in the gorge, and trying to climb boulders, Aaron shattered one of them. A huge lump began to move and tightly gripped the right hand of the traveler between himself and the rock.

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Aron was trying to undermine, at least a little to move the boulder, but in vain. A stone weighing nearly 400 kg did not yield to the insistent actions of one person.

Since Aron Ralston was left alone with a huge boulder in the middle of the desert. As he told after his father Larry Ralston, Aron set 5 possible ways to get out of this situation enough to shatter a boulder present in the equipment, to break the wall of the canyon until you see the opportunity to pull out a hand, waiting patiently for rescue or self-amputate a hand stuck between a boulder and a rock. There was another way out suicide, but incredibly strong-willed Aaron, this option is immediately discarded.

Despite all attempts to defeat a boulder or a rock, Aaron for several days was in a deadly canyon. Until a rescue was pointless, because none of his family and friends did not know in advance a new route Arona. He ended the scarcity of food, and he took a terrible decision: to cut off your arm. In his possession was only stupid Chinese knife is a cheap fake, and a few Bicycle spokes, of which Aaron is building himself a makeshift enforcer. He alone breaks the radius and ulna, and then takes in his left hand a knife…

Salvation Arona

Overcoming the hellish pain, he gets out of the gorge. Rescue of Aron Ralston waited only a few agonizing hours, passing through the desert, hungry and dehydrated, more than 12 km away, Aron came across tourists from Netherlands, they called a rescue helicopter.

After discharge from the hospital, Aron continued the conquest of the remaining vertices is four-thousandths, and did not drop the class extreme sports. In 2009, Aaron married in a few months, gave birth to their first child. Aaron now is a true example of incredible courage and will to live.

movie 127 hours

“127 hours": the beginning

Eighteen months after the rescue of Aron Ralston released an autobiographical book in which in detail described the events with him the events of those terrible 5 days.

A few years later, after reading this book, the famous Director Danny Boyle decides to once again assemble a team of top-notch experts in their field and take quality movie. With producer Christian Colson and screenwriter Simon Bota Boyle worked on ‘Slumdog Millionaire”.

Boyle's Desire to make this film initially frightened many: they were afraid that the audience won't like to see throughout the film the face of the same actor. But, reading the book of Aron and learn about his history, had all come to the same conclusion: worth it!

The Main idea of Boyle was to immerse the viewer in that terrible gorge, and together with Aron Ralston forced to endure the pain and overwhelming fear, noticing how emotions change hero from panic to desire to escape and survive at any cost.

Ralson and Boyle: the first encounter

The First thing that had to do Director that when viewing the film, the audience believed him, this contact with the real Aron Ralston, to invite him to the set.

Aron met Boyle in Utah in July 2009. Canyon not frightened, and, in the words of Ralston, he thanked this place for the life she had revealed to him.

Before the confinement in a narrow gorge Aron was a man of secretive, a Maverick by nature, he thought about how worried his mother and father, when he sent in his dangerous expeditions. But during the most difficult five lonely days when day nowhereto hide from the scorching sun, and in the night to escape from the growing cold, Aaron had time to rethink their actions. Rightly we can say that blue John was the second of his birth.

The Ideological component of the film

It is said Ralston, and he to the end of the sixth day was too exhausted, thirsty, sun and cold - and it was all cleared his mind, “until they left only the emotional attachment”, not allowing you to surrender and give up even in such a difficult situation.

Danny Boyle moved that idea into the movie: he showed not only the ability to survive in a desperate situation, but also the desire to overcome the barrier in itself in relation to society and the people.

However, despite the idea contained in the movie "127 hours" of the reviews about it are very contradictory. After watching some considered this film a great motivating story, others named Aron Ralston is a crazy egomaniac who realized the value of family only after the most tragic story of his life.

Main objective Boyle

Having Defined the idea, the film team asked a question about who will play Aron Ralston, who was left alone with his misery, in the film. It was supposed to be, first, a very talented actor, and, secondly, its physical form should match the body type of Aaron, a professional athlete and climber.

The Man who plays Aron Ralston, had to be ready to work in difficult physical conditions, where 99% of the time would only. At the same time it was necessary to show the entire possible range of emotions, most reliably passing sensations, thoughts and actions of your character.

Actor of the first plan (and, in fact, the only character in the picture) film "127 hours" was James Franco. Himself Aron Ralston agreed with this choice: “I was very pleased to learn that this role will be performed by employees with this set of dramatic roles. I knew other works of James that he really likes to live the life of the character, played”.

127 hours reviews

In the footsteps of Ralston

For almost the entire film after hitting the main character in the gorge of the audience watching Aaron through a small travel camera. For Franco this was a unique experience he had during the long hours on the court do not interact with the other actors. He's very interested in this project is the novelty of doing shots. The basis for these was kinodelo with the audience. According to Franco, he was glad to work with Danny Boyle in this project, despite the difficult physical conditions, when for hours he had to sit in the same position in the layout of the room. Often the actor left the ground with bruises and scratches.

Franco had to transfer their game all the personal experiences of his hero. In this he helped write the real Aron Ralston. In a moment of complete despair Aron wrote a message to his family and friends, a kind of Testament in which he left them.

Ralston showed the James Franco of the possible poses in which he was during his long imprisonment, and even explained how he held the knife during amputation.

127 hours plot

After, Ralston and Franco long gone to the mountains together. For an actor it was important to see the prototype of his character in a real environment, in its native element.

“127 hours": actors and roles

The cast picture poor, because in 90% of all strip events unfold in the narrow gorge around James Franco.

Franco is not only acting, he also works on films as a Director and screenwriter, is a co-founder of the production company.

For her role in ‘127 hours,” James Franco was nominated for «Golden globe" and even «Oscar».

Speaking about the film ‘127 hours" of the actors, performing the role of a secondary plan, it is impossible to ignore, because thanks to their work, the viewer watches as increases over time, the desire Aaron to return to society. Lizzy Caplan, amber Tamblyn, Kate Mara, Clemence, Poezi coped with the task.

Poezi plays in the film “127 hours,” his girlfriend Aaron - Wound. International recognition she received for her role as Fleur Delacour in the film “Harry Potter and the goblet of fire”. Clemence, Poezi - not only a talented actress, she is also a fashion business. In 2007, Poezi became one of the faces of the brand Chloe.

Clemence, poezi

Another close girlfriend of Aron Ralston in the film - his sister Sonia, played by Lizzy Caplan. In the film, Aron before leaving for the canyon has not responded to the call sisters, what then is many times regretted being chained to a rock gorge. Lizzy Caplan viewers can see the film “Allies”.

Many rave reviews "127 hours" deserved it because the game its cast.


Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara in ‘127 hours" of the play of new friends Aaron - Megan McBride and Kristi Moore, whom he met in the canyon shortly before the tragedy.

Girls and Aaron spent several hours together, walking through a desolate rocky terrain and diving into a mountain lake.

amber Tamblyn

Their Meeting would not beso remarkable, if Megan and Christy are the only ones who saw Aaron before the tragedy, and the only one who knew where he might be.

Kate Mara has also starred in such films as “Brokeback mountain”, “Mars”, “house of cards”, but to see amber Tamblyn possible in such films as “house”, “call”, “Django unchained".

Kate Mara

Due to the strong cast of the movie "127 hours" of the reviews about it mostly positive, because the audience like to look at a job well done.

Interesting facts of the movie "127 hours"

  • The diaries of Aron Ralston didn't want to show anyone except the people close to him, but allowed to see them also, Danny Boyle and James Franco.
  • Filming partially took place in the gorge, where almost 6 days played Aron Ralston.
  • The filmmakers recreated a full set of tools at the disposal of Aron Ralston.
  • To Film the autobiography of Ralston Danny Boyle was going for four years.
  • Main role in the film also played Ryan Gosling, Cillian Murphy, Sebastian Stan.

Music for film

Separate opinions deserve a soundtrack to the movie "127 hours". The principal author of the musical accompaniment of the film was Allah-Rakha Rahman is an Indian composer and performer, with whom Danny Boyle, as well as Colson, worked on ‘Slumdog Millionaire”.

A. R. Rahman received a second in his life “Oscar” for the original soundtrack to the movie "127 hours".

“The Canyon" of the “Liberation”, “Touch Of The Sun”, “Acid Darbari” - these and many other soundtracks created and performed by Rahman, ever entered the list of the best musical works of our time.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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