Dmitry Zolotukhin, Russian actor, Director and screenwriter


2018-03-26 15:46:08




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In 1981, in the Soviet rolling out historical duologue, filmed on the novel by Alexei Tolstoy “Peter” Director of S. A. Gerasimov In the title role starred Dmitry Zolotukhin – a young and at that time not known to the actor.

Theatrical dynasty

In 1958 at the Studio “Hollywood” has been removed the tape is ‘the captain's daughter”, which debuted Lev Zolotukhin, actor of the Moscow art Theater. In the same year, August 7, he was born son Dmitry.

The Boy grew up surrounded by creative people. But despite this, on stage he is not pulled. Zolotukhin Dmitry graduated from high school with an English bias, and was very determined to enter the Institute of countries of Asia and Africa, where I handed over the documents. But one evening father said that he would like to listen Victor Minakov who taught in the School-Studio of MKhAT. It should be added that in the same theatre worked and the parents of Dmitry.

Dmytro Zolotukhin

After two days of auditions, he is of Oriental languages began to explore the techniques of theatrical skill. In 1979, after graduating from the Studio School, the newly minted actor Dmitri Zolotukhin was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow art Theater, and in the following year it was approved for the main role in the film “the Youth of Peter”.

Film series about the great autocrat

By his own admission, Dmitri, to star in the movies he liked more than to be on the stage. Probably for this reason that in 1982 he went to work for a Studio them. Gorky. Moreover, he has starred in the cult Soviet film "the Youth of Peter” and “In the beginning of the glorious”.

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Duologue was a huge success, it had been viewed more than 23 million viewers, and Dmitry Zolotukhin, embodied on the screen the image of the reformer, was named best actor in 1981. After approval, the main role, in addition to the A. Tolstoy's novel, which formed the basis of the script, he read also a lot of historical documents written at the turn of XVII-XVIII centuries. Therefore, it is said Dmitry in an interview he is very erudite on the part of the Petrine era.

Dmytro Zolotukhin biography

Typical of the role of the king it really was, and he again offered to play Peter at this time in the TV serial «Russia young" (1981). For her role in this picture Zolotukhin in 1985 was awarded the Prize named after Vasilyev brothers.

Life after Peter

It would Seem that after such a triumph for the young actor will be vying to invite to play in the most promising films. However, the opposite happened. Biography of Dmitri Zolotukhin is not as rich as you would expect. So, after a “young Russia” he starred in only 9 paintings in the period from 1982 to 2016.

The actor Himself explains that successfully played the role of Peter, had him confined after it Directors see him only as the king. In addition, most producers and Directors don't rehearse with the actors before filming, as they are already busy. But to interpret the new image on the screen, you need to work professionally. In short, Zolotukhin and spectators and filmmakers have remained Peter I.

Movie buff

The role of the king is not just a failed actor, she is, according to him, influenced his character. Dmitry Zolotukhin was 22 years old when he starred in the famous novels. The powerful personality of Peter intensified his dedication and will. Zolotukhin entered VGIK on Director's faculty, which he graduated from in 1987 And he studied at the Sergei Gerasimov, removing “the Youth of Peter”.

Dmytro Zolotukhin only two of the Director's work: the criminal-psychological drama “Christians” and “Area lube”. To the last picture, he wrote also the script.

actor Dmitri Zolotukhin

The Actor is not married. It is known that during the School-Studio of the Moscow art Theater, he met with his classmate Marina Golub, who died tragically in 2012.

In recent years, Zolotukhin is engaged in producing programmes for digital and mobile TV. The honorary title “Honoured artist of Russia,” he was awarded in 2000.

Dmitry calls himself a cinephile, because of all the visual arts, he has always chosen and selects the cinema. It does not matter - does he, does he write the script or just watching movies in the evenings.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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