Brenda Walsh: the love of the audience and unexpected departure from the series


2018-03-27 00:24:11




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Sixteen years have passed since the release of the latest series of the legendary TV series “Beverly hills 90210”. In the memory of the fans are still alive memories and sympathy for the main characters.

Brenda Walsh


In the first season the focus was the family who moved in elite area. Brandon and Brenda Walsh were among the rich and spoiled teenagers. The beautiful lives of celebrity offspring enchants twins from Minnesota, they find new friends and, of course, arrange his personal life.

Despite the ease of the narrative, “Beverly hills 90210" reveals to the audience rather serious problems: racial inequality, rape, lack of attention of parents, cheating, alcoholism, teenage pregnancy and AIDS. Brenda Walsh and her friends find themselves in a difficult situation, encounter problems in the family and school. The role of the main heroine played Shannen Doherty.Brenda Walsh photo

Twin sister Walsh

Brenda Walsh – a charming girl in the first episodes trying hard to get rid of provincial naivete. She's a little jealous of the lives of the local Teens, but soon realizes that they are truly unhappy. The famous Callie's mother suffers from alcoholism, Tiffany steal in expensive stores for the attention of parents, and actress Skye ran away from home and quit school.

Brand tries their life and understands the value of his own family. Walsh decides to help other Teens and gets a "hot line". The first call is an ordeal – calls for help for the girl raped by a classmate.

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Character Brands revealed gradually. In the second season the girl from Minnesota is waiting for the first “California” love – Dylan McKay. Pregnancy and rival, the conflict with the mother of Dylan and the attack of the robber – despite the difficult period, our heroine manages to get back to normal.

Character Development

The relationship of Dylan and Brands become one of the main storylines.

The head of the family is dissatisfied with the choice of his daughter, and she doesn't care. The conflict escalates after an unplanned vacation in Mexico. The girl moves to a bachelor nest McKay, but joint life only leads to quarrels.

Brenda Walsh actress

Father offers to go to summer in Paris, and after thinking the Brand agrees. At this time in California begins the novel, Dylan and Kelly – betrayal of friends hurt his twin.

In the new year, friends have admission to the universities. Brenda Walsh suddenly decided to go to Minnesota where he wants to improve relations with old friends, but they see only the “upstart Beverly hills”. After returning sister, Brandon goes to the University of California and tried his hand at the stage. The talent of the student says the Director, who invites her to a summer internship in England.

Shannen Doherty

Many viewers from the first season to remember Brenda Walsh. Actress Shannen Doherty, who plays a major role, began his film career at 11 years of age.

The talent of the young Doherty immediately appreciated criticism: show “Our house" and "Airwolf" brought the first nominations for the prestigious awards. In 1990, screens out the “Beverly hills 90210”, whereby the idol becomes a teenager Shannen Doherty and her character Brenda Walsh.

Departure from the series of the beloved actress became for the audience a real shock. After four seasons the writers had “send” Brand to study in London, and Doherty was fired due to conflicts with the crew and colleagues. It was the first time in his career, when Shannen have demonstrated their complex.Brenda Walsh departure from the series

Four years Later she was reconciled with the main producer and even took part in a new project. Her role as the witch Prue was Halliwell in the show “Enchanted” increased the army of fans. Shannen even acted as a Director of several episodes, but without disagreements has not managed. The actress left the show after three seasons.

In 2008 on the screens appears again Brenda Walsh. Photos from the set of very happy fans of the legendary series. The producers invited the singer to the project “90210”. An accomplished actress meets up with old friend Kelly and helps in the school play. Initially, it was planned five episodes, each of which Doherty received 45 thousand dollars. However, fans of the spin-off was happy to see a familiar face – because of the high ratings of the Brand appeared in eight episodes of the first season.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."



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