How to do makeup in the style of Chicago? Makeup in the style of Chicago 30-ies with photos


2018-03-26 12:33:14




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Makeup – an amazing invention. Thanks to him, even the ordinary, colorless lady turns into a stunning beauty. Any way you can come up with and implement, using decorative cosmetics. For example, the fatal seductress in the spirit of decadence, or of the jazz age.

The spirit of the age

This time is also called the era of gangsters, prohibition and the great American dream. 20-30 years... the Symbol they became Chicago. It is a city of myth, city of mystery, where gangsters and the mafia was considered all-powerful kings. The restaurants were flowing champagne, openly sold cocaine in the streets here and there was heard the crackle of firefights, the gang went to the fights wall to wall, one moment people become rich-a millionaire or bankrupt to the last penny. Yes, an awesome time of street romance and crime, banditry and brilliant jazz improvisations, criminal lawlessness and stunningly beautiful, seductive-femme Fatales. Want to be one of them? Then try to do makeup in the style of Chicago!

makeup in the style of Chicago

A gangster's girl

How should look like a real gangster's girl, or king of the Chicago mob? Of course, a fur coat and diamonds, high heels and hairstyles “wave”. Haze of mystery, the fatal delicacy, the emancipated parts of the toilet and demonic femininity surrounds it. However, to an even greater extent the romanticism of the image embodies a style makeover in Chicago. That for him is characteristic: pale face (no blush or very light, unobtrusive); even skin tone (all defects are masked), finely coiffed, smooth arcs, raised surprised eyebrows, eyes, attractive as a bottomless pit and the mouth, beckoning to passionate kisses.

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how to do makeup in the style of Chicago

Almost twins

Basically, make yourself a style makeover in Chicago is easy, especially if you are well adept in fashion for several seasons “Smokey”. They are, however, very similar. Only in “gangster” type more dominated by dark shades, rock notes, and the emphasis is not only on the eyes but also the lips - they need to be coral, bright red or dark cherry. In “Smokey” there are only eyes. The mouth is only painted with a gloss or light lipsticks in natural shades. But the main thing that unites the makeup in the style of Chicago and “Smokey”, is the absence of vulgarity, a sense of proportion and taste.

makeup in the style of Chicago photo


Let's start. As before any cosmetic “operation”, the person need a good wash and moisturize your usual cream. It would be great if a couple of days before the realization of the idea on how to do makeup in the style of Chicago, you would have cleaned the skin of blackheads and other «garbage». And a few to thin out the eyebrows. Then they will put a special gel and comb brush.

  • Mask the pimples and other "misunderstanding" of consilium. Then apply the tone. Preferably light, but so that it looked natural. Face powder-skin should be matte. And without a blush, the paler, the better.
  • About eyebrows we have already spoken. Them a little touch up with the pencil doing short strokes. The eyebrow guide is slightly longer than it really is.
  • Now the eyes. Circle lower eyelid light shadows. Don't forget that makeup in the style of Chicago (the photo to illustrate this feature) is only frosted decorative cosmetics. Sequins and pearl are excluded. Taking black or dark grey pencil, draw a circle around him, eyes in the corners, draw a line on the growth of eyelashes.
  • Apply on the upper eyelid, emphasizing the outer corners, dark shadows. Blend them together with the pencil smoothly across the surface. Again dark gray shadows draw a line along the upper colored border. The outer edge leave sharp. The rest of the mash. To look became deeper, acquired a mysterious languor, into the light, a movable part, apply a little dark blue or in the style of Chicago 30
  • Trace over the eyeliner and lower eyelid.
  • Pay attention to eyelashes. They need to paint over heavily, to give volume and splendor. So here is the plan: at the top and bottom walk a few times. Just don't wait until the paint is dry, otherwise there will be lumps. Well, if the Hulk has no effect - it will come in handy the most. Or use false eyelashes.
  • Complete makeover in the style of Chicago 30-ies of the lips. Draw the contours with a pencil, trying to give them a form of “bow” or “heart”. And paint lipstick in several layers. And near the lips or on the cheek, draw a mole-«fly». It will be, so to speak, the final touch of the image.
  • Now, closely look around yourself. Well you have expressed languor and sophistication? Correct minor errors and omissions. Please note that the same color shades of shadows.
  • And last. To see how exactly you implemented the planned way, look at the photos of Actresses of those times. Try to notice the most characteristic, “talking” detail. And apply them to yourself.

The Miracle of transformation

What else you need to do to transform completely?To build appropriate hairstyle, pick up a long string of beads “pearl”, dress “retro”. Shoes with high heels. And all of you - Muse gangster!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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