Find out how to apply the cream on the face


2018-03-20 15:28:08




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A well-Groomed, youthful, toned face with soft, velvety, radiant skin-every woman's dream. And each of us understands that without the cream – cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing – no rejuvenating treatment will not give complete results. Currently, the cosmetic industry offers a lot of means on care of skin marked “for all skin types”. But we still prefer to buy cosmetics in accordance with your own type. Whatever our skin may be: oily, dry, mixed, - method of application of the cream on the face is always the same. To choose the right cream is very important, but knowing how to apply the cream on the face, it is even more important. It is proved that the effectiveness of the cream is increased by at least 20 percent when properly applied.

It is recalled that, before you apply the cream on the face to cleanse the skin from daily pollution (street dust), to remove all traces of makeup special means. In the morning you can just wash with cool boiled water. Clean, moist skin – the best basis for cream, the effect in this case will be maximal.

Advice and tips on how to properly apply the cream on the face based on the anatomy of the face. Wrinkles and folds of the skin – as the muscular frame of the face. Does not need to know how and where the muscles are attached to facial bones, but to know the line of their contraction and extension, tension and relaxation you need. They define the very skin, the cream is applied.

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This is a line - always from the center, the middle to the sides and up to the temples (from the middle of the forehead and nose); the middle ear - from the corners of the mouth to the ear lobes – the middle of the chin. The upper and lower eyelids, the skin under the eyes while not moving.

The Question “how to apply the cream on the face?" contains another – how much cream is needed for a simultaneous procedure? Cosmetologists are advised – this item should be equal to the volume of an ordinary pea. This amount is sufficient for nutrition or hydration.

A Day cream applied first to the middle of the forehead and chin, on the tip of the nose, and then evenly with a light touch of fingers, distributed throughout the face in accordance with the skin lines. Usually, these creams are lightweight, quickly absorbed, so such a procedure would be quite appropriate.

Fatty, thick cream is recommended first to warm up. On the palm of one hand rubs the right amount of fingers on the other. Warm hands will make the cream less dense and viscous. As a rule, dense texture have nourishing creams. Therefore, following the General principle of how to properly apply the cream on the face, you should pay more attention to the skin on the jawline, nasolabial folds, wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. On these problem areas, we not just apply the cream with light movements, as if trying to drive it into the skin with your fingers. Appropriate here even a careful Pat with palms or tingling. This procedure is similar to a light massage.

For applying oily cream-emulsion or cosmetic oil is perfect the way that beauticians are called indentation. The selected tool is poured into the palm of one hand and presses the other. Then both palms pressed against the face, as if embracing it, evenly distribute the cream and rhythmic movements strengthen the pressure on the skin.

The skin around the eyes requires special attention. To care for her applied makeup. And creams, and cleansers have a light, delicate texture. Before you apply the cream around the eyes, it is necessary to remove makeup. The movement should be directed along certain lines, avoid stretching the skin of the eyelids.

Cosmetologists recommend to apply the cream directly on the upper eyelid, it is applied in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outside on the skin under the eyebrows. For the most delicate skin of the upper eyelid shows a special hydrating mask.

The skin under the eyes and nutrition is applied with a careful touch of the fingers in the direction from the outer corner to the inner eye. You can do a light massage, a little hammering cream.

The Surplus of nourishing cream can be removed after twenty minutes, during this time, the skin will get the required amount.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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