The North Crimean canal. Ukraine, the North Crimean canal


2018-03-19 11:36:01




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The reunification of the Autonomous region of Crimea with Russia called the new Ukrainian authorities difficult and painful reaction. The fact that this act was supported by the majority of the population of the Peninsula, at first they denied. However, further actions unambiguously confirmed the awareness of the reliability of this situation. The North-Crimean canal, which provides 85% of the needs of the residents of Crimea and its economic structures, in fact, ceased to work.

the North Crimean canal

Converters of nature

In order to imagine the magnitude of the hydraulic structure, we need only point to the fact that most artificial river in the world. The length of the waterway more than four hundred kilometers, it was built by all Union. The idea of creating man-made system that gave life to barren arid lands, evidence of the desire of the two Soviet leaders, Stalin and N. S. Khrushchev, for all their unlikeness to demonstrate to the world the advantages of the new social formation, socialism, and unyielding commitment to the transformation and improvement of all, even of nature itself. In the early fifties were implementing a plan to transform the landscapes and reliefs. As something real perceived projects by leveling mountains and rivers turns back the clock. Not all of them were implemented, but the North-Crimean canal, the map of the journey from Tavrijsk through Armyansk and Krasnoperekopsk repeatedly delineates a blue pencil and cutting Stalin's pipe, waiting for more good fortune.

the North Crimean canal map

Time for miracles

On October 17 – the date is significant for the generation of "the sixties". In 1957, on this day Soviet spacecraft ushered in an era of satellites. In 1963, the city of Armyansk was rocked by an explosion, but he was not frightened, but rather pleased thousands of people gathered for solemn meeting. The ceremony came by himself First Secretary, charge of TNT swept a narrow crosspiece of the soil, and into the breach poured fun the Dnieper water. Thus was solved the question of irrigated land, previously considered unsuitable for agriculture. Recently, another man-made wonder, the flight of Gagarin, and of course, it's been a priority in the minds of contemporaries, but the North-Crimean canal, with all its visible prosaicness, turned out to be the no less wonderful work of human hands.

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water in the North Crimean channel

Complex system

Launched under Stalin, the construction was resumed in April 1961. On impact the object was written to the entire editions of specialized universities and young engineers in practice, learned the intricacies of their chosen profession. Several construction-erection departments, mobile mechanized columns, and other organizations were tasked to create conditions for the irrigation of 180,000 hectares, which was not enough only one channel, so the North-Crimean canal – the construction of complex and branched, with lateral drains, pumping stations, culverts and other hydraulic components. Such a broad scheme demanded the preservation of all other infrastructure such as roads, railway paintings, pipelines and power lines. For this purpose the builders have constructed numerous bridges.

the North Crimean canal blocked

Construction Phases

First and foremost waterway as a whole, was completed by 1978. One plan assumed irrigation area of the entire Peninsula and end the construction in Yalta. It operated until 1990, commissioning annually by 30 miles of water trails. The final stage, which began in 1985, was not completed. In 1991 the wreckage of a great country emerged new independent States, including Ukraine. The North Crimean canal proved too heavy a burden for the economy of this country, and construction was halted, although its end is not enough is quite small on a macroeconomic scale the amount of 23 million UAH.

Ukraine North Crimean canal


And in an incomplete form, this enormous structure is impressive in its scope. In its construction were constantly attended by ten of thousands of highly skilled workers. The total cost of the performed estimates, in comparable prices exceeded the half billion Soviet rubles. Water in the North-Crimean channel can take place at a rate of 300 tons per second, providing the supply to the Peninsula volume of 1 billion 300 million cubic meters per year. During the construction extracted almost half a billion cubic meters of soil. Three million tons of concrete laid in the bottom and sides of the channel. Its width on certain sections is one hundred and fifty meters. The construction lasted a total of 36 years. All these characteristics could be the pride of any nation on the planet, anywhere in the world. Americans are happy to talk about the Hoover dam in Nevada, carry on it tourists. The North-Crimean canal this honor is not rewarded.

Ukraine North Crimean canal

Blocked channel

During the period of the Crimean Autonomous oblast within the composition of Ukraine's domestic economic issues were resolved difficult. The Peninsula was considered to be a subsidized region, his debts to the state budget accumulated, including for the used Dnieper water. What would be the further developments and how this problem could be solved, now we can only guess. Any projects to improve the efficiency of the economy of the Autonomous region, apparently, was not, at least never heard of them. Its secession from Ukraine after the events on the Maidan translated the relations between the Peninsula and “the rest of the country’ de facto to the rank of the interstate.

Ukraine North Crimean canal

As an incentive To return the breakaway Peninsula in April 2014, the North Crimean canal blocked. However, this fact was denied, although the evidence is sufficient for him. This deserted channel, and pictures taken from the plane, proving attempts to fill the bed of a light polypropylene bags filled with sand or soil. Ukrainian authorities claim that the construction point of released water are other explanations, often contradictory, but the fact remains, the water on the Peninsula is not received. The government of the subject of the Russian Federation has taken steps to ensure the independence of the hydraulic system from an external supply. The government of Ukraine recognized the fact of Crimean foreigners.

Further development of the conflict – the theme of bold hypotheses. One thing is clear: it is just part of the accumulated international problems.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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