The reign of Fedor Ivanovich – the consolidation of state authority


2018-03-19 11:15:25




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Table of contents:

The Last Rurikovich, who got the power, was weak in body and mind, and to govern the country could not, as could not have heirs. The reign of Fedor Ivanovich fell on difficult years for Russia. The legacy of the great father remained in a chaotic condition, which required urgent reforms.

General political climate

The Kingdom of Ivan ended under adverse conditions. First, unsuccessful war with Lithuania, and secondly, when dealing with the Swedes for duty free trade on the Baltic sea, Russia not only did not receive the desired, but lost part of their lands.

the Reign of Fedor Ivanovich

Oprichnina system undermined the economic power of large the aristocracy and physically destroyed its most striking figures, which could be a pillar in the reign of Fedor Ivanovich. Was abolished St. George's day, and the peasantry got accumulated hatred of the state, because they had to perform higher duties for landowners and landlords. Grew and state taxes. Themselves nobles and princes, landowners, tried to belittle the nobility and to strengthen their own positions, to regain the lost with terrible effect. The nobles fought against the domination of the boyars.

The identity of the heir.

Fedor Ivanovich was born in 1557. In commemoration of this event a Church was built in honor of his namesake Saint Theodore Stratelates in Pereslavl-Zalessky. In 1881 killed Ivan – a direct heir to the throne. With 23 years the heir was Fedor, obviously not born for power. The king's son thought only one – for the salvation of souls. In prayer and silence, in pilgrimages to the Holy places he spent his days. At 17 years old Prince was married to Irina Godunov, beauty and clever girl, brought up in the Royal chambers.

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the reign of Fedor Ivanovich

There was Not even a review of brides, which was a long standing tradition. Just decided terrible. This marriage was the first step to the elevation of Boris Godunov. But Ivan IV provided that marriage may not be children, so in this case he will have commanded Theodore to marry Princess Irina Mstislavsky. However, the intrigues of Boris Godunov sent the Princess to the monastery. At the age of 27 in 1584 began the reign of Fedor Ivanovich.

the reign of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich

But his habits he has not changed – still surrounded himself with Holy fools, monks, liked to climb the bell tower to ring the bells. Meanwhile the country waited for the action. Ivan IV established the Board of Trustees at his halfwit son, but the Council members all turned on each other, and in the political arena remained Shuisky and Godunov, who eventually won. Prince Dmitry, who had no claim to the throne, was removed with his mother to Uglich. It was required to weaken the Naga clan.

The realm

When the Board of Trustees finally collapsed, began a rapid ascension of Boris Godunov, brother of Queen Irene. Cunning and efficiency made him the most influential person during the reign of Fedor Ivanovich. He earned the right to lead the horse during the official visits of the king. Then it was a real power. According to the instructions of “stable” has taken important Royal decisions. Realizing the precariousness and insecurity of their situation, Godunov sought support from the nobility. During the reign of Fyodor Ivanovich Godunov's instigation was a five-year period of investigation of fluent peasants ( decree 1597), as the nobles more than the patrimonial, suffered from a lack of people working the land. Were made nobles of another gift. The poorest landlords, who themselves farmed the land, were exempt from taxes.

The Position

During the reign of Fyodor Ivanovich (1584-1598) began to recover economy and improve the economic situation. Abandoned vacant land plowed. Godunov taking the land from the boyars and gave them to the landowners, thereby strengthening its position.

the reign of Fedor Ivanovich and Boris Godunov

But to the earth were placed only those who have served. Moreover, in 1593-1594 years, it has been clarified the legality of ownership of land by monasteries. Those who do not have documents, were deprived of the inheritance in favor of the sovereign. The land is also possible to unsubscribe townsmen and serving people. Thus, Godunov was based on poor and “low-born”.

Church reform

In Moscow, believed that the dignity of the Russian Orthodox Church bowed down. In 1588 arrived in the capital the Patriarch of Constantinople and agreed to autonomy in Church Affairs, that is, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church of Metropolitan became a Patriarch.

the reign of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich

On the one hand, this kind of autonomy emphasized the prestige of the Russian Orthodox faith, but have separated it from the world, delaying development, not allowing to enter new ideas. The Patriarchate was formally elected, but in fact was only offered one candidate and chose the – job. Spiritual authority subordinate to the state and supported it. This strengthening of the secular power happened during the reign of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich.

The Completion of the conquest of Siberia

It started with the merchants Stroganov, called for help Ermak. After his death the remnants of his squad had gone from Siberia, but in 1587 Moscow has sent aid, and was founded the city of Tobolsk. Movement to the East continued the reign of Fedor Ivanovich and Boris Godunov.

A Little war in the West

The War for free trade in the Baltic began in 1590 and ended five years later. That allowed Godunov to return the Russian town on the Finnish coast and to make trade with Sweden busy, which brought him popularity among the Russian merchants.

South of the border has also been strengthened, and the Crimean Tatars from the year 1591, didn't annoy Moscow. In the North, in Arkhangelsk, in 1586-m opened the new white sea bargaining. The country grew rich and lived relatively quiet, so the chroniclers recalled the days when Moscow stood “the great silence”.

Despite the weakness of the sovereign, the reign of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, thanks to a clever policy of Godunov to have been a success. In 1598, the blessed Tsar Fedor died. He was forty years old. He left no heirs, and with him terminated the dynasty of Rurik.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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