how to pickle salmon


2018-03-27 19:54:08




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Salmon – representative of the genus salmon, is a typical fish of the salmon family. It is widely used for preparing home-cooked meals and also for gourmet dishes. Easy, very tasty meat will satisfy any fish foodie. Usually the restaurants are buying the fish whole and then cut into steaks, so better and cheaper. We also suggest and skillful Housewives who want to treat your household with delicious and tasty food. However, before you start cooking the fish, it is to understand.

If you don't know how to carve salmon, this article is for you.

  1. Naturally the first stage is primary processing of fish. She is cleaned from the scales. Like any other fish, remove scales with a sharp knife in the direction from tail to head. After thoroughly and check for undetected scales. This is a very important step, which largely depend on taste quality of cooked fish.
  2. Next, cut the abdomen. This must be done in one smooth motion from podrostkovogo fin to the base of the head of the fish.
  3. In the next step, scrub the inside of the fish. If you have previously cleaned other varieties of fish, you will not have any problems. Please pay special attention to the ROE (if available). Try to gently remove it, because it can be useful in future to prepare diverse and delicious dishes. Don't forget to remove the tape that covers the abdominal cavity. If she stays, or not fully removed, then taste the finished dish will be bitter.
  4. Wash and proceed to remove the head. After you cut the fins and tail. To simplify incise the flesh, then the fin is easy to pull out.
  5. The Final stage will be cutting the carcass into pieces or individual steaks.

Clean the fish used to prepare fish dishes. And you can pickle, however, many do not want to do because I do not know how to pickle salmon. Firstly, let's fillet, or rather make a separate portion pieces of steak.

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To make 2 fillets cut piece on 2части, and the spine remains one of the resulting sides. With a special knife cut the thin layer of bone with a layer of meat. This procedure is done for the backbone and ribs. A prerequisite for the correct execution – thin, flexible and very sharp knife. Also cut away all the excess from the base of the abdomen, and back excess fat strip. Flick of the wrist cut away the skin, make sure that the fish skin remains intact. So we've got 2 loins.

Now learn how to pickle salmon. We offer a few simple recipes for those who want to cook salted fish at home.

  • You Can proselyte the fish with coarse salt, use sea or regular in its sole discretion. Leave for 1.5-2 hour. After a quick rinse, not wash, namely wash, a little pepper, add spices at will and can bring to the table. As you can see, it is correct to pickle salmon is not difficult.
  • We Offer another recipe. If you are not confident in their culinary abilities and don't know exactly how to pickle salmon, use the below proposed method. For preparation take a piece of fish closer to the head, so it was meatier. If you want more lean meat, take it near the tail. RUB this piece of salt, small or large, there is no difference. Most importantly how many fish absorb and a little sprinkle on top. Meat wrapped up in a cotton fabric to put in the package with cellophane. On the day leave in the kitchen or other room temperature. The next day to do the same procedure and leave for another day. Ready salted fish can be stored in a cool place.

Here is a simple recipes how to pickle salmon. Create your culinary creations with us. Share your knowledge about how to pickle salmon, with your family and friends.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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