Jelly black currant


2018-04-02 19:17:10




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There are many desserts that are loved by both adults and children and one of them – jelly. Our family has long been fond of different dishes of currants. Currants have long been known to man, and pleasing to his taste, but her vitamins had been opened recently.

Probably many of you know that jelly and other dishes of black currant very tasty and healthy treats. This vitamin a treat you can cook all year round. In summer this dish is made from fresh berries, but in the cold seasons from the frozen preparations. Jelly black currant will look great decorating the Breakfast will give you energy and good mood for the whole day.

If you want to make this jelly, have a little Tinker, but the result is worth it. Cooking options great variety, enough to choose for themselves the optimal ratio of currants and of sugar. Someone who likes sourer, but sweet tooth will prefer more sugar. On the festive table can be fed in very beautiful two-tone jelly of red and black currants, and Bay it layers on top of each other. In addition, the jelly of currants is a diet dessert. You can enjoy the unique taste of almost no harm to the figures.

Prepare a jelly of black currants is not difficult, but it will take time. For starters, leave gelatin in cold water for forty-fifty minutes for it to swell. After a time pour out the excess water. Berries (from one hundred to one hundred fifty grams) should be separated from leaves and twigs and cook for about five minutes. Next, you should decide whether you want jelly was whole berries. If not, then after cooking the berries should be ground into pulp. Otherwise, they should all or part leave whole. Next, pour the sugar (100 grams) and place on the stove and bring to a boil. After mixing the resulting mixture with the gelatin and send it back on the stove. Boil the mixture, but stir constantly, to avoid gelatine lumps and achieve a uniform mass in the future the finished dish. After the mixture is fully blended, remove from heat. Then it needs to cool and pour it into moulds, place in the refrigerator for approximately six hours (a little more, but not less). After, you can try your creation. It is also possible to prepare a jelly from a black currant-based wine.

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Here's another one of the recipes for this dish.

The Ingredients have changed, now we take only the sugar and the juice of the currant in relation to one-to-one. First make the juice of the currant. First of all, you need to rinse all the berries with water. After that the currants must be warmed either in the oven or in a colander placed in a pot of boiling water or in a microwave oven. The last option is the easiest, quickest, and most relevant to modern Housewives. Five minutes, and you can proceed to the next stage. Namely, to squeeze the juice. How to do it, decide for yourself. You can skip the currants through a sieve or juicer, but the choice is something to consider. Using a sieve will be a clear juice, so that you will get a transparent jelly. Well, if you use a juicer, then the jelly will be cloudy.

Mix the juice with the sugar and infuse. Pour into a saucepan and place over heat, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. It happens quickly, in the region of two to three minutes. After mixing, the mixture is poured into jars or other containers (depending on what shape you want to give him and how to serve). As the cap is better to use parchment paper and strings. To do this, wet it and shape the cover. This is necessary to avoid condensation. After cooling you can bring to the table. Here's the second simple recipe of jelly from a black currant.
enjoy your tea!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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