Pizza with pineapple and chicken for the whole family


2018-03-22 01:14:08




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Family holidays and get-togethers with friends are sometimes quite fascinating. However, it's tough housewife who needs something to cook that evening did not spoil the endless rumbling in the abdomen. So you need to cook something hearty enough for the whole merry company. So, a great dish that will brighten any evening and please any company will be pizza with pineapple and chicken. It is easy to prepare, and the taste depends on you will not regret if mistress toppings on your treat.

Pizza with pineapples and chicken is good because it can be eaten by adults and children, it is perfect for any drink and make it snappy. Perhaps that is why in many countries to watch a movie, drink beer in the company preparing the pizza with pineapple and chicken. We also often make this yummy, but this dish turned out truly delicious, you need to know some secrets on how to prepare a pineapple pizza. The recipe is quite simple, especially if you love and know how to cook a pizza.

Take pizza base (by the way, you can prepare yourself - be sure that will turn out even tastier than using store bought) and start putting groceries away. First of all, decide what kind of pizza you want to cook with it. Perhaps there will be only chicken and pineapples (it's not for everybody, because the taste is quite interesting). Some complement the pizza with all sorts of products, believing that the more they put, the tastier it will turn out. In fact, the taste can fend incompatible products, in the end, you will not feel any pineapple or chicken. The standard set in the kind of pizza the following (the proportions depend on your taste):

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  • Pineapple;
  • onions;
  • chicken;
  • Olives;
  • Pickled cucumber.

Someone runs the whole thing with mayonnaise, ketchup or soy sauce. Some prefer to add the mushrooms to get the full taste. By the way, any kind of pizza is pineapple and mushrooms go great together and complement each other. So if you like to experiment, on the order pizza with pineapple and ham. But here you can add and the chicken.

But then many will ask what these two pizzas differ? The fact that the pizza takes its name from that product, which most in her. So, if today you decided to cook a pizza with pineapple and ham, so these products will be felt in the pizza the most. And the rest of the ingredients will be just to complement the basic and added for full flavor.

There is Not much difference in how you will put food in pizza. Just remember a little secret: the pizza was not dry, add the cheese in several layers. So if you put in mushrooms and pickles — and now sprinkle cheese, then put chicken and bacon— sprinkle with more cheese. Whatever spices you wanted to add, this is best done at the end. Although this pizza does not need any spices because of its taste depends on the products that you put there. Want more spicy, add more pepper; and if you want to get something neutral, pineapple, chicken, ham, olives will give you an unforgettable taste.

As for baking pizzas, it all depends on the basics. Cheese melts somewhere around 10-15 minutes, so if you use a ready-made basis, then in 15 minutes you can safely enjoy your meal. But if you were prepared independently (i.e., used batter), then it will have to bake it at least 40 minutes. So when you call guests or are going to prepare pizza for a family dinner, immediately calculate how much time it will take to bake.

Perhaps a pineapple pizza and chicken is one of the most popular and favorite varieties of this dish, so increasingly, chefs are coming up with new recipes to constantly surprise taste and a wonderful aroma.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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