Candles "Indomethacin" in gynecology


2018-03-26 17:56:08




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A Considerable number of drugs today available in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories. They significantly speed up the healing process. For the treatment of diseases caused by inflammation of the female genitalia, use the vaginal suppositories. Rectal injected directly into the rectum, and are a kind of substitute tablets. Their value lies in the fact that substances in the composition of the candles, are rapidly absorbed and enter the blood. Thanks to this feature of the drug fairly quickly have a therapeutic effect on the entire body.

Quite often candles are used in gynecology for the treatment of pain. Many drugs, including dipyrone or paracetamol are used by doctors to reduce fever and pain. Candles "Indomethacin" in gynecology has been widely used. They are prescribed for severe pain arising from serious diseases.

The Drug "Indomethacin" (in the form of tablets, capsules, suppositories) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. It has analgesic and antipyretic action, reduces pain, swelling. The immediate effect of the adoption of the drug becomes noticeable after a week. Candles "Indomethacin" in gynecology are mainly used for the treatment of inflammatory processes.

The Preparation for rectal use is available in dosage of 50 and 100 mg.

Candles "Indomethacin" in gynecology are usually prescribed for diseases such as adnexitis, cystitis, inflammation or adhesive disease of the pelvic organs, fibroids, endometriosis, tubal obstruction, inflammation of the appendages. The drug should be taken only on prescription and under his supervision.

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In Addition to getting rid of pain, candles "Indomethacin" in medicine it is prescribed for treatment of painful menstruation and to eliminate the effects of dysmenorrhea.

It Should be noted that this drug does not cause any disturbances in the vaginal flora. But, nevertheless, it can cause bleeding of unknown etiology.

When using this drugs, you must read the instructions, as candles "Indomethacin" I have a number of contraindications. When poor blood clotting, violation of the integrity of the vaginal mucosa and rectum, in the presence of hemorrhoids and cracks in the anus and inflammatory diseases of the skin of the perineum, lactation and pregnancy this drug is not recommended to use.

Some guidelines

  • Assign the drug should only an experienced doctor;
  • A day it is recommended to use no more than 200 mg of indomethacin;
  • For the treatment of diseases appoint 50 -100 mg means twice a day;
  • As a maintenance therapy permitted the use of indomethacin only at night;
  • In the presence of chronic diseases of the rectum and perineum treatment with this drug should be agreed with a doctor.

Drug "Indomethacin" (candles). Reviews

Due to the reasonable price and good quality, this drug is very popular among women. Therapeutic effects when applied are highly effective. Many patients say that the drug for a fairly quick time, it is well relieves pain, reduces inflammation.

Drug "Indomethacin" (candle). Counterparts

Similar analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and other medicinal drugs. For these purposes it is possible to use drugs "Naproxen", "Ketoprofen" and candles "Diclofenac".

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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