The root of elecampane. Useful properties and applications


2018-03-27 15:39:07




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Table of contents:

Nard to Distinguish from other plants simply because its flowers are quite showy and large. They are painted in orange or yellow. Maximum recorded height of the flower – two meters. The plant is herbaceous, reminiscent of Bush. The most valuable substances are found in its root.

If you decide to prepare the elecampane root alone, choose a tall plant, the stem of which is straight and wide. Bush must be careful to dig out of the ground, a little shake and carefully separate the stem and rhizome. The root washed in water and dried by putting it on the paper surface. A few days under the sun will be enough to ensure that it is fully dried. It is not recommended to dry the root of elecampane in the oven, because in this case, the therapeutic effect of the plant will be completely lost.

Useful properties

As noted above, the most valuable is at the root of the flower. The greatest benefit in the treatment of various ailments have contained resin, wax, essential oil, mucilage and vitamin E. Broth elecampane root, you can get a great tool in the fight against inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach, cough, diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as worms.

Vitamin E contained in the plant helps slow down the aging process because it is a natural antioxidant.

If you're concerned about skin diseases, a strong decoction of elecampane will also come to the rescue. It is recommended to add to your bath or apply topically. Using the root of this plant can get rid of scabies, itching, irritation, inflammation of the skin.

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The Root of elecampane. The use in folk medicine.

To prepare the most popular products from this plant it is necessary to mix the crushed root with pork fat and fry carefully in a frying pan. The resulting mass is spread on a linen rag and apply to the tumor or the wound.

To Overcome the gastritis or ulcer will help the infusion of these roots. One tablespoon of broth cooked washed down with a few tablespoons of pork fat.

External or internal use of elecampane allows you to get rid of sciatica, toothache, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Treat sciatica and low back pain. For this you will need three-liter jar on the bottom of which is laid out pre-chopped and the dried root of elecampane. Yeast is then added (100 grams) and honey (500-700 grams). The remaining space in the container filled with warm boiled water. On the neck of the banks are required to wear a rubber glove, pre-punctures her finger with a needle. A lot should be stored in a warm (but not hot) place, carefully covering it with a thick cloth. After three weeks the tool will be ready (the main indicator – the fermentation process). Before use, the resulting product is filtered. It is best to store it in a cool place, and in the fridge. The recommended dose-half a Cup twice a day.

At long not healing wounds, ulcers or tumors of the attachment freshly picked leaves of the plant problem areas will help alleviate the pain and accelerate the healing process. A decoction of elecampane, mixed with water, eliminates the pain in the chest and stomach, as well as kudocast.

In some cases not recommended the use of this plant?

Elecampane Root, contraindications for the use of which has been determined accurately enough, it should not be taken for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and also in the waiting period of the child and breastfeeding. It is not recommended its use, and with scanty menstruation, increased blood viscosity, chronic constipation and intestinal disease.

Wisely use the gifts of nature and be healthy!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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