Zinc sulphate: where to apply?


2018-04-02 02:20:09




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Zinc-an important trace mineral in our body. Its presence is necessary for the normal functioning of many enzymes, for immunogenesis. It stimulates the regeneration of tissues, synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids prevents damage to cell membranes, “absorbs” developed reactions of free radicals.

Active ingredient in some medications is zinc sulfate. Can also occur in the drugs “Asparaginat” or “zinc Picolinate”.

There are several dosage forms for its application: effervescent tablets, solution for use externally, pills, eye drops.

Zinc sulfate used in enteritis, psoriasis, liver cirrhosis, systemic collagen diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis), enterohepatic dermatitis, frequent colds, cerebral palsy. Topically (in the form of drops or solution) is used in the vaginitis, urethritis, laryngitis, conjunctivitis. In recent studies it has been found that zinc sulfate can be used in the treatment of viral warts, as its use is safe and effective, serious side effects does not develop.

Extremely accurate considering what he is doing in the body, we can say the following. Zinc sulphate forms an integral part of more than 90 enzymes that regulate DNA synthesis and involved in metabolic processes. Zinc is important for functioning of sex hormones and insulin limits the liberatiou of histamine from mast cells, thereby stabilizing cell membranes. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the alkaline phosphatase, alcohol dehydrogenase, carboxypeptidase and lymphoid tissue. In addition, zinc makes the body less susceptible to infections, accelerates wound healing, improves performance, protects the hair from falling out.

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Some people need a higher intake of this substance. These include adolescents, pregnant, lactating, athletes, vegetarians. Insufficient intake or improper diet, a violation of his absorption can lead to the development of hypozincemia.

Shown to the use of zinc sulphate (ZnSO4 his formula) in the following cases:

·         Topically for inflammation of the larynx, urethra, conjunctiva.

·         Inside to eliminate hypozincemia that occur in liver cirrhosis, enteritis, renal disease, enteropathies the acrodermatitis, steatorrhea, worm infestations, psoriasis, burns, hypovitaminosis D.

·         As prevention is applied at hypogonadism, frequent colds, pregnancy and lactation, cerebral palsy, systemic collagen diseases, diabetes, alopecia baldness, the use of glucocorticoids.

·         in the event of an overdose according to the drug (developed in the ingestion of large doses) it is possible the following reactions: high temperature, respiratory distress, lethargy, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance in the body, kidney failure, dysfunction of muscles.

Do not use in the presence in the body of autoimmune processes in the active phase, especially in the presence of immune encephalitis, and in severe lesions of the renal parenchyma in acute renal failure. Use during pregnancy and lactation caution in the presence of proven zinc deficiency.

Side effects appear only when using this drug in large doses. Arise diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, renal failure, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, lethargy. However, when using this drug in the therapeutic range, complications are extremely rare.

Before using zinc supplements be sure to consult with an expert!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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