Experiments with egg: description. Experiments for kids


2020-07-03 09:24:13




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Table of contents:

To Develop baby need from birth. It is not necessary to strictly observe the instructions for psychology, study a bunch of monotonous literature. Enough to spend more time with the child, show him tricks, to explain strange phenomena, tinkering along toys.

experiments with eggs

Such collaborative efforts that make a child more advanced and raise the credibility of an adult. For your child become a magician and sorcerer, give him the joyful moments of communication, to develop his interest in the environment and show by example the importance of the need for regular procedures, conduct joint experiments with the available products.

Cooked or raw?

Even ordinary cooking in the kitchen can benefit your baby. It's enough to use those products that are always at hand. For example, conduct experiments with chicken egg at home. Such activities will help to understand the intricacies and complexities of individual things and objects but also answer a number of complex issues.

First, teach your child to distinguish a boiled egg from raw. In appearance they are quite similar, so at first glance to make a correct choice impossible.

To do this you must spin the eggs and see how they will behave. Cooked immediately begin to spin and the raw will almost stand still. Such experiments egg will explain to the child that it all depends on the internal state.

A Boiled egg is a solid mass, and raw — liquid. The liquid will slow down the process, so a raw egg will not spin.

Experiments with eggs and vinegar

egg in the bottle

To explain to the child why it is necessary to daily clean the teeth, is sufficient to conduct a simple experiment. Take an ordinary chicken egg and brush one half of the toothpaste used by the child. Mate, leave intact.

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In a jar, pour the solution of vinegar (9%) and place the prepared egg. Half an hour later, show the kid what happened. The half that was brushed with toothpaste, will remain the same, and the second, unprotected, will become thin and change color.

This example clearly shows the importance and usefulness of toothpaste that will protect your teeth and keep their color.

Experiments faster are perceived and absorbed by the child, rather than reading. Fun to watch them, and the results will be remembered.

Pop up egg

Conventional Process of dipping eggs in a solution of vinegar will bring the child a lot of pleasant experiences. At first it will sink and stay on the bottom, then gradually begin to fill with lots of bubbles. The reaction of the acid with calcium within the shell, the formation of carbon dioxide.

experiments with water and egg

These bubbles will cause the egg to rise to the surface. As soon as the bubble ends, the egg will again sink to the bottom and will begin to gain a new portion of gas, which again will push it up.

Bubble experiments with egg will last as long as the shell will not fail and will not give all of the calcium for the reaction. The accumulation of bubbles will attract the attention of baby, and your comments will help him to understand what is happening.

If the egg is left in the solution longer, you can get a great rubber ball. Pulled out after a while, the egg will become soft and pliable. You could throw it on a plate and it will jump like a ball.

The Child is sure to enjoy the experiences with the egg and it will ask them to repeat, and maybe he will learn to show.

Magic eggs

A normal chicken egg can show the child many interesting things and to explain the most obscure phenomena. For example, why it is easier to learn to swim in salt water? If it is to explain in words, it will do nothing, but to show — is another matter.

Take three cans. Put one of them regular water and the other — salt. Give your child to give back the egg and watch what happens. The salt water will push the egg surface, and in the normal water it will appear at the bottom. This is because salt water is heavier than raw eggs and will be able to raise it.


Now take an empty jar and place the egg. Alternately pour salt and normal water. The child will be interesting to observe what is happening.

The Egg will change its location. When excess salt water it will float, and at its lack of — to sink to the bottom. When the water concentration is balanced, the egg is the middle position. It will be between the bottom and the surface.

If not to reveal the secret, it is possible to carry out this demonstration in the form of focus, causing the egg to change the situation. Experiments with water and egg is very simple and does not require special tools and cost. And the children watch them with interest.

Egg in a bottle

Experience with egg and a bottle will amaze not only baby but also adult. Boil an egg, let it cool and peel it from the shell. Take any utensil with a spout, such as a bottle. The neck should not be too narrow, but narrower than the diameter of the balls. For experience need some matches.

  1. The first Step. Take an egg and put it on the neck, giveto try child stick it inside the vessel. It can be done.
  2. The second Stage. Take a match, light them and throw into the bottle. From top to put on top the egg with the pointy end, cutting off the access of air.
  3. Step three. Gradually begin to occur in the process of sucking eggs to the inside of the vessel. This interesting experience will demonstrate the properties of air due to pressure changes inside and outside.

Experience with egg and bottle can be carried out in reverse order — try to get the egg back.

egg in the bottle

Turn the vessel upside down and start to heat the bottom. Gradually, the egg in the bottle starts to move in the opposite direction.

This experiment can be done with a raw egg. For this, you will need to soften the shell in acetic acid.

Some tips:

  • You can pre-coat the neck of the bottle with oil;

  • To soften the shell, you must hold the egg in the acid for at least a day;

  • Close the egg in the neck as soon as I threw the matches;

  • The neck should be broad and too narrow (not more than ½ the diameter of the eggs).

“donkey” of eggs

Their eggs can make the perfect tumbler. Naughty egg will stick in the baby, if you allow him to take part in the manufacturing process.

experiments with chicken egg at home

Materials Needed — spark, weights in the form of gaac, metal detail and the egg. The cooking process consists of several stages.

1. Getting started, need to get rid of the liquid inside the egg. To do this, puncture a small hole with the pointed end and empty the contents.

2. Then rinse the egg inside and leave to dry. When it dries, distribute on the bottom of the prepared by “load” and drip its wax from a burning candle.

3. After hardening — test the egg. Check the strength of fixing to the goods inside is not hanging. The egg must constantly return to the same position, with the weight at the bottom.

4. Now we have to decorate the egg and close the hole.

You Can make a toy in the form of a face and glue on top of the hat hole, thereby closing it. Give your child the opportunity to decorate an egg yourself. Perhaps it will prompt more interesting ways and options.


Spend more time with the child. His constant questions suggests that he try to see the world and understand all the intricacies. Help him with tips, entertaining games. Craft together toys and explain incomprehensible things.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/dom-syam-ya/40392-dosvedy-z-yaykam-ap-sanne-dosledy-eksperymenty-dlya-dzyacey.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/das-haus-und-die-familie/39951-erfahrungen-mit-ei-beschreibung-erfahrungen-und-experimente-f-r-kinder.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-casa-y-la-familia/39669-los-experimentos-con-huevo-descripci-n-experiencias-y-experimentos-par.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/y-zh-ne-otbasy/40772-t-zh-ribeler-zh-myrt-a-sipattamasy-eksperimentter-zh-ne-t-zh-ribeler-b.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/dom-i-rodzina/42616-do-wiadczenia-z-jajkiem-opis-do-wiadczenia-i-eksperymenty-dla-dzieci.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/a-casa-e-a-fam-lia/42251-experi-ncias-com-ovo-a-descri-o-experi-ncias-e-experimentos-para-crian.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/ev-ve-aile/37413-deneyimleri-ile-yumurta-a-klama-deneyimler-ve-deneyler-ocuklar-i-in.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/d-m-s-m-ya/41271-dosl-di-z-yaycem-opis-dosl-di-eksperimenti-dlya-d-tey.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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