A description of the nature of the Siberian husky breed. How to care and how to train a husky?


2020-07-03 15:29:12




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Table of contents:

Even passionate dog lovers always with great excitement react to the new puppy, especially if it is a wayward puppy husky. How to accept a pet of his new master. How to help him settle in a new home? What to feed, how to care and how to train a husky? This is only a small part of the issues faced by the person who wants to accept to their family a puppy of this breed. The article will try to lift the veil of secrecy, hiding the specifics of training dogs of breed husky.How to train a husky

Character species: to suit husky?

Siberian huskies have a very stubborn nature, they are independent and have their own opinions about all of this. The owner must become the leader for your pet, be persistent and strict in his upbringing, so the person with a weak character handlers not suggest to get a puppy husky. Otherwise, the dog will understand that it is stronger than the owner, and will assume the role of the leader, setting the house rules.How to train a husky at home

For all its activity and temperamental nature huskies are very kind and sensitive animals, they fit perfectly into the family with small children. To pacify the obstinate nature of the dog can be, loaded her frequent physical activity – walks and training. When a sufficient level of physical activity and awareness of the owner about how to train a husky, the dog will become obedient and docile.

Proper maintenance and care

Special skills and abilities to care for husky is not required. Molt occurs 2 times a year, and periodically coat should be to comb the brush. Bathe your dog more than twice a year is not necessary. Permanent walk curious puppy often lead to the fact that he comes home dirty, in this case water can not do.

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In General, all care is reduced to the study of how to train a husky, and the ability to take the dog and provide maximum physical activity. Food Siberian huskies are not particularly fastidious – feeds on the same foods as other breeds of dogs. Even before the advent of the house pet, you need to decide what type of feed you will feed the animal – dry or natural.

How to choose a puppy husky

Sometimes the owner is difficult to choose from the entire litter the puppy, which later will become the best friend and beloved family member. Nonetheless, it is difficult to clarify the question of how to train a husky puppy.How to train a husky puppy

On this account there are a few recommendations:

  1. Analyze the nature of puppies to choose from the entire litter need after they turn 3 weeks. Until that time, it is difficult to make any conclusions is – the puppies are still too passive and does not show character.
  2. It is Often hard to distinguish from a litter of best puppy – there may be a few, and in the process of growing a pet can change.
  3. Many are keen to take under their care the baby husky to raise it yourself. However, if for some reason the family got an adult dog, do not panic. It is possible to avoid mistakes, so how to train a husky in adulthood is not necessary – now you have already trained dog that does not need to educate.
  4. Before you take care of the puppy, you need to correctly calculate the forces, capabilities and availability of time – little pet requires much more attention than an adult dog.

Basic rules of training

Contrary to popular opinion that huskies are hard to train, the experience of the lovers proves the opposite. Dogs of this breed are very smart and clever, and if the pet ceases to execute commands, it does not mean he is stupid – this means that the puppy has lost interest in the process itself. Now the question arises: how to train a husky at home so boring training was seen as a lighthearted pastime?how to train a husky

To workout went easier and faster, try to interest the child an exciting game. The voice of the owner of the voice commands have to be calm, clear and persistent. Most often husky respond better to a request than an order – in this they differ from service dogs.

Punishment naughty puppy

The Husky is by nature dominant. They are smart enough to understand the attitude of family members towards themselves. If the owner starts dobivatsya pet husky do not miss her – connecting the cunning and charm, the pet begins to create all that enough acumen.

To Punish the dog should not be better from an early age to begin proper upbringing of your pet. However, the gaps in education without punishment is necessary, especially when the manifestation of aggression to family members or other dogs. How to train a husky if the dog is totally out of hand? To beat pet is impossible, in a pinch, you can hold the point of the withers and touching the floor, showing their advantage.

Promoting a husky puppy

A must-have item in training is the promotion with proper implementation of teams. For puppy it may be a favorite food that an adult dogto replace verbal praise. Praise the dog must in any successful completion of the training the soft and friendly voice, different from the one given team. Shrill and aggressive appeal of the vote should be removed - for the ears of pet they are unpleasant.what age to train a husky

What age to train a husky? The best age to start training – 3 months. With the right approach and reasonable strictness of the owner of the little husky grow a great friend and a beloved member of the family.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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