Than Rugby differs from American football? Defining the differences


2019-03-24 03:20:19




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American football and Rugby are similar games. Competitions are held on almost identical fields. Balls score in the same gate. The goal of the game has little differences. Next I would like to say what makes Rugby different than American football.


the Rugby differs from American footballForm of Rugby is no different from the one worn by the athletes playing in familiar European football. At the same time in the American football opponents have to constantly hold back the offensive of the enemy. The speed here is much higher than in Rugby. Therefore, athletes wear protective gear similar to hockey. Equipment for American football is represented by massive breastplates, shields on shoulders and knees. Use helmets with visors, which prevent a concussion and hitting him in the face.

outfit for American footballWill Continue to talk about how Rugby differs from American football. Defining the differences between the parameters of the field. In Rugby it has a width of 70 m and a length of 100 m.

American football – a game where the field is much narrower. Its width is only 49 m. as for length, it is equal to 110 m. all measurements are in yards. The fact that the field is divided into separate zones. Each of them represents a segment of 5 yards. Areas crosshatched with solid lines, which indicate to the players what distance left to run to the enemy base. The same bands are defenders that hamper the promotion of the opponent forwards.


The Rugby differs from American football? Rugby on the same team have the right to pashovitsa only by transverse lines or to give the ball back. In arbitrary directions are allowed to play, hitting a sports projectile with his foot.

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American football – a game in which steer the ball can go anywhere. But the pass forward for the attack is carried out only one. Further promotion of the ball occurs due to the sprint race of the attackers.

Points System

Rugby womenThe Rugby differs from American football? Significant differences exist in the rules. In Rugby, points are recorded in the asset the attacking team with the successful introduction of the ball into the end zone. You get 5 points. From the same place in subsequent players have the right to kick the ball foot. When you hit the ball into the goal a team gets another 2 points. If there are illegal hits in that game, Rugby players are allowed to make penalty kicks. In the latter case, defeat the opponent's goal gives 3 points.

As for the rules of American football for scoring, the player here is enough to put the ball in the end zone. This is called “touchdown". For him, the team gets 6 points. Moreover, during the game, participants have the right to beat the ball by foot at any time, performing a pass or trying to score a goal. In case of contact with the frame, the offensive team is credited with 3 points.

Number of players per team

In Rugby on the field for one team is 15 people. They can change an unlimited number of times, at any moment of the match, upon request of the coach. On the basis of specified rules, Rugby resembles hockey.

The one team in American football is only 11 people. Players can also change without any restrictions. At the same time, a smaller number of participants makes the sport more dynamic.

Power moves

American football gameRugby is a contact from the defending side may only be applied against the member of the opposing team who has the ball. In American football, the physical impact may be on any opponent. In this game, as a rule, the majority of participants focused on personal confrontation. With only a few players are passing the ball.

Do you Play Rugby girls?

Rugby women play as men. However, in this case the sport called flag football. This discipline is a specific kind of American football that doesn't allow hard contact between opponents. Each player catches the ball and passes to teammate. To bring an opponent out of the game, you should not knock him off his feet and tearing the box of equipment, which is fixed at a belt. For this reason, protective pads on the body are not required here.

Match time

In American football, the meeting split into 4 halves. Each of them lasts 15 minutes. Between the first and the second and the third and fourth periods are breaks of one minute, which is enough to get a coach, take a breath, improve your equipment and get a drink of water. In the middle of the fight, in other words – after the second quarter, the players rest for 15 minutes.

A Rugby match consists of 2 halves lasting 40 minutes. Breaks and forced breaks can occur only in the case that the participants of the fight are in need of medical care. The game may be suspended by the arbitrators for resolving disputes or video episodes. In General breaks as suchthe rules of Rugby do not provide.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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