Table grape "Transformation". Description and features of cultivation


2018-03-23 16:06:06




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Table of contents:

The Sort of "Transformation" – early grape ripening. It is obtained by crossing two cultures - the "Talisman" and "Sultana" varieties "radiant". Grape "Transformation" is distinguished from other varieties of high, stable yield, resistance to defeat fungal diseases, low temperatures, simplicity of cultivation and care. But the most attractive feature is the delicious taste of fleshy, large berries with juicy flesh. Grape "Transformation" is ideal for growing on a small suburban areas and vast plantations.

Description class

A Bush of this variety of grapes has a large force of growth, has plenty of well-ripened shoots, and cuttings root quickly. The fruits are large, can weigh up to 18 grams and has an oval, more oblong in shape, up to 50 mm in length. And pinkish hue gives each berry is incredibly appetizing appearance.

grape transformation

The Bunch of grapes amazed by its size and weigh up to four pounds. Grape "Transformation" is well transported and has a high commercial value.

How to choose seedlings?

In Order to obtain high and stable yields, you need to plant strong, healthy seedlings. What to pay attention to grape variety "Transformation" didn't disappoint you? First of all, the seedlings should not be frozen or dried. If the plant is healthy, the root should be white, and the cross-section – green.


The Best time for planting is spring. Grape "Transformation", the description of which is presented in the paper, likes a good warm soil. So no need to hurry. While the ground will gain heat, dig the wells of such depth to accommodate the root, but the root of the neck remained on the surface of the earth. Before the planting of vines should be well soaked with warm water, then cover with foil so that the root remains humid.

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grape transformation description

The bottom of the planting hole is laid out with an organic fertilizer, covered with a small layer of soil, so when planting do not develop burns on the backs, the ends of which should be slightly undercut. After the seedling is planted, the hole should be well watered and top to close the polyethylene. This will help keep the heat needed for the growth of the seedling.

How to care?

Grape "Transformation", the disclosure of which may affect final choice in his favor, need annual pruning. It's better to do blanket forming, leaving fruit vine with 6-8 eyes and 25-35 stems with one inflorescence each. This normalization harvest connected with large size and heavy weight of the grapes. During the winter cold the grapes are in need of shelter. To facilitate this process, the vine on ¾ length is shortened. Pruning is carried out in the autumn.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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