The best cherry varieties for the Leningrad region


2018-03-28 17:50:16




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Wonderful cherry white in spring bloom, as if covered with rubies in the summer, she always attracts the eye. This is not to mention how useful this berry. That is why culture is being recognized for gardeners. But of particular importance in regions poorly suited to fruit culture. Today we will talk about the varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region. Today, they are cultivated almost in all areas of Amateur and industrial, despite the fact that winter temperatures here often reach critical levels. Excellent fruits bring unparalleled health benefits, so everyone wants to stock up on berries for the future.cherry varieties for the Leningrad region

Gardening in Northwest

Initially, cherry – the southern culture. So to make it pleasing to the eye and give a sufficient amount of delicious berries, you need to use varieties of local breeding, zoned, that is adapted to local conditions. Then you will be able to grow on his land the cherry tree. Critical differences, which are characteristic of the local winter, can be disastrous for any fruit tree, which is why breeders derive all new varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region. But local gardeners know that it is necessary not only to choose the right variety, but also to observe some rules.

Growing tree

The best time for planting in that region – spring has not yet blossomed buds. Be sure to choose a well-lit place, it is a prerequisite. In addition, to be able to count on good result, you need to choose neutral or at least slightly acidic soil. If your area is dominated by acidic, peat areas, it is necessary to be well prepared for landing. To do this, dig a big hole and fill it purchase earthy blend. In the middle of this hole to plant a young cherry. Don't forget that you only need to select self-pollinating varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region. In addition to your landing back safely through the frost, varieties should be taken only with excellent winter hardiness.felted cherry varieties for the Leningrad region

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Felted cherry – the darling of the Leningrad

Often, gardeners make the same mistake - felt cherry grafted on common rootstock. This is absolutely wrong, despite the similarity of the fruits, they are not genetic relatives. Therefore it is better to buy ready seedlings and plant in your garden, especially thanks to the excellent bio-economic qualities, a favorite of local gardeners is a felt cherry. Grades for the Leningrad region today there are a wide variety, we list only the most popular of them.samoplodnye grades of cherry Leningrad oblast

The Best varieties of felt cherry

  • Most first, it is worth noting early variety Delight. The Bush is very compact and easy to handle, cherry with a mass of about 3 grams of sweet and sour. The bushes are very productive, with each can collect up to 9 kg of berries.
  • Excellent varieties are Princess, each tree brings up to 10 kg of large grapes. The Bush average of density, short and wide enough, you need to calculate stocking density.
  • Now the most winter-hardy felt cherry. Varieties for Leningrad region all have this quality, but the Ocean Virovskaya is superior to the other. The yield is high, about 9 kg per tree.
  • If you are concerned about the lack of space on the site, you can opt for a very compact variety is called Oriental. The yield is about 9 kg.
  • Additionally it is worth noting the other varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region, is Alice and Natalie, fairy Tale, darkie East, Triana. What is the main advantage of these varieties? Many gardeners choose them not only for the special sweetness of the berries, but for a compact crown. As if created for the local winters are short, bushy felt cherry. Grades for the Leningrad region (photos show only some of them) were bred specifically for the harshest weather conditions.cherry varieties for the Leningrad region reviews

Selecting varieties for your country site

A Variety on the market, can really make it difficult to make the right choice, as the gardener just confused in vivid descriptions. So let's select the main criteria that will determine what varieties of cherries are best for the Leningrad region are suitable. First and foremost, you need to pay attention to the timing of maturation. Early maturing varieties will delight you with berry in the first half of July, mid-season main crops will be given in the second half of July and late - August. Choosing different varieties, you will provide a harvest of fresh cherries on almost all summer.

The Second point: pay attention to characteristics such as disease resistance, large fruit size, yield. If the characteristics of the variety is less than 7 kg per tree – that is not the one you should pay attention. Finally, the best cherry varieties for the Leningrad region should be hardy, it is advisable samoplodnye, then your harvest will depend on the weather and insect activity. We will introduce you tofive new varieties that are optimal for these climatic conditions.cherry Bush varieties for Leningrad oblast

Memory Enikeeva

We Continue to consider the varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region. Reviews suggest that the cherry Memory Enikeeva is one of the most popular and productive. It is obtained by crossing old varieties of Zhukovka and Currant. Appeared variety in the all-Russian selection and technological Institute of horticulture. The crop Matures early, while the trees exhibit excellent winter hardiness. Grade samoplodnye, universal. Tree of medium height, very convenient to harvest. Fruit large, dark red, sweet with a pleasant acidity.

Rastorguevsky cherry

This mid-season variety, very productive, resistant to many diseases. Many gardeners love it for the peculiarity of the crown, it is spreading, that is, in General cherry shrub. Grades for the Leningrad region should be chosen very carefully, because even zoned Rastorguevsky cherry tend to podmerzaniya, but the trees are very quickly recovered, and have time to give a good harvest. Fruits are medium sized, dark red, flavor very good, sweet and sour.what varieties of cherries are best for the Leningrad region

Barney bear

As we have said, should be considered only samoplodnye grades of cherry for the Leningrad region. This is this wonderful variety, winter-hardy, terrific yielding, resistant to diseases and pests. The tree itself is medium, the crown is quite dense. The fruits are large, round with red pulp. The taste quality is very high. Among the shortcomings of the varieties include low resistance to kokkomikoza, that is, planting must be treated regularly.

Sort Rusinka

Choosing the perfect winter-hardy varieties of cherry for the Leningrad region, do not forget about this remarkable representative of its kind. One of the best varieties for the Northern region, it winters in the most severe weather conditions, has a tremendous resistance to all pathogens. The tree does not tend to “relax”, the fruiting year. Grade samoplodnye, another amazing feature – a fantastic rooting cuttings, that is the problem, in order to grow a garden will not. Tree below medium size, harvesting will occur without the help of a ladder, crown globose, spreading. Fruits are medium sized, flesh is dark, taste good.], felted cherry varieties for the Leningrad region photo

Sort Saniya

We presented to your attention the excellent varieties of cherries for the Leningrad region. Photos show their high decorative quality and productivity, and reviews of gardeners confirm that each of them justifies the trust and each year provides berry. Today we finish our review by discussing one variety. Saniya – mid-season cherry with a high yield. Partially samoplodnye and versatile. It is necessary to note high speed of tree growth, crown spherical, the fruits are quite large, with red flesh. Conducted variety trials confirmed the possibility of its use in severe climatic conditions, even if the air temperature in winter can reach critical levels. This makes the variety is very valuable for the gardeners of the Leningrad region. With deficiencies he was found.

This concludes our conversation on the varieties of cherry for the Leningrad region, although advances in modern plant breeding can be discussed for a very long time.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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