Maunfeld, extractor for kitchen: popular models, customer reviews


2018-04-02 10:02:14




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Without the hood it is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen. This equipment allows you to eliminate unpleasant odors and removes contaminated air. Such devices have become affordable for most consumers. If you want to add to your house such equipment, it is necessary to consider several models. Drawing Maunfeld will be a great example.

The Choice should be made on the basis of several factors. For example, the capacity and width of embed. The first parameter it is necessary to take stock, the device will not work wear. Modern manufacturers usually indicate the recommended area of the room.

Overview of the most popular models: 50 MPA

maunfeld extractor

This variant of the equipment is 2900 RUB the Device is a standard model of high quality steel. Embedded equipment above the surface of the plate. To install the device under a Cabinet by kozyrnoy installation.

The Design is compact, but perfect for standard kitchen area up to 12 m2. The design of hoods Maunfeld can fit into your kitchen interior. High quality material ensures long service life. Not to mention about modern functionality.

Hood has three speeds that you can control. The working surface is quite wide. It provides an effective air capture and eliminates the deposition of soot and grease on the ceiling and cabinets.

Reviews about the model

corner extractor

According to customers, capacity and performance are some of the important characteristics. The first is 120 watts. The device operates at the expense of the Italian motor. As for performance, it reaches 320 m3/h. These features allow you to clean the air as efficiently as possible.

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Hood Maunfeld operates at a low noise level of 48 dB. It is responsible for the high-quality materials based on the design. The work zone if necessary, can be illuminated using incandescent lamps. They allow you to provide comfort when cooking on the stove.

Visiting the store and examining models described extracts, you will note the wide color gamut. The housing may be made in the following colors:

  • Black;
  • White;
  • Brown;
  • Color stainless steel.

Consumers emphasize that the choice can be disqualified in the vent or use a replaceable carbon filter.

Overview hoods brand Tower C 60 White

drawing maunfeld reviews

This model you can buy for 7800 rubles. It is a fireplace, and has one engine. Capacity is 650 m3/h. the power consumption is 180 watts. Maximum noise levels could reach 54 dB. Pekomenduemaya floor area equal to 20 m2. The base of the case are metal and glass.

Reviews about the model

maunfeld tower

Maunfeld Tower, according to buyers, have long life also due to the mechanical control. To adjust the operation of the device, you can buttons. The type of filter – fatty metal. Buyers like that for illuminating the work area, equipment using halogen lamp. Its capacity is 20 watts.

You may be interested in dimensions that are equal to 310 x 600 x 970 mm. When embedding, you may need the diameter of the fitting, it is 120 mm. Quite often, the extract Maunfeld 60 cm draws attention of consumers and even for the reason that it is manufacturer warranty for 36 months. This device with the European quality has a compact size and unique design.

Overview corner model Tyne 90 White

hood 60 cm maunfeld

If you are interested in the angular range hood, you should pay attention to the version of the equipment referred to in the subtitle. Its cost is quite large and is 95200 RUB, but the features are truly outstanding.

Performance is 1050 m3/H. the kitchen Area can reach 40 m2. Power consumption 320 watts. Dimensions of the device is restricted by the following parameters: 1450 x 900 x 180 mm. the noise Level is 52 dB.

Reviews about the model

The Above angular range hood has a touch control and digital display. This, according to consumers, simplifies operation. The device can operate in one of four speeds. The auto power off timer works in the interval from 10 to 90 minutes.

Additional modes are ducted and recycling. Hood Maunfeld has the option of Remote Control which allows access to all functions of the unit via a smartphone. The device works at the expense of the Italian motor. It uses a carbon filter, which is sold separately. Hood features led lighting. The set comes grease aluminum filter.

Model Overview Aire Fast 50 Inox

If you want to buy the classic version of the vent in the kitchen, you should consider Aire Fast 50 Inox. This device is 5000 RUB and represents equipment that is fitted to the wall. Maximum capacity is up to 520 m3/h Power equal to 250 watts. Width for installation is equivalent to 50 centimeters.

The Control is performed by a mechanical system. This extract is Maunfeld reviews, which are presented above can help you make the right choice, has the metalthe base of the housing silver. Powered by a single engine. As used operation modes are the circulation and withdrawal. Number of speeds equal to three. Illuminate the working area will be halogen bulbs of 25 watts each.

Reviews about the model

If you still don't know what hood you should purchase, you need to start to consider the options of such devices with the most simple. An excellent example will be the Aire Fast 50 Inox. Its price is average compared to other models. This, according to consumers, attracts their sight.

There in design antiphosphate valve. It eliminates the flow of air into the duct into the kitchen through the hood if it is in the off state. You need to pay attention to quite a low level of noise. He is 48 dB. The customers emphasize that the quieter operating device, the more comfortable it becomes the cooking process.

In conclusion

Drawing Maunfeld are goods with European quality. They have a long warranty from the manufacturer, which means that the provider values its customers. Before you make a choice, you must pay attention to the main characteristics of the type of capacity and space on which to install the device.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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