How to choose a good thermos?


2018-10-25 01:00:37




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You don't know how to choose a good thermos? In the small article we will answer this and other questions. Ready? Then begin!

A Little history

Invented the thermos in the nineteenth century the Scottish physicist James Dewar. He significantly changed the box of glass, for storing liquid gas. Of course, he had no idea that in the future this invention will be used for food storage. For starters physicist changed the shape of the box made it in the form of a flask with a narrow neck. Then added double walls, between which was a vacuum. This vessel was to prevent the evaporation of the liquid stored in it.

Good flask

But to use a thermos for domestic purposes guessed disciple of James Dewar — Reinhold Burger. For convenience, it equipped the body with a metal coating, said plug and cover, which can be used as a glass.

Why do you need a thermos?

A Thermos, perhaps, can be attributed to one of the best and useful inventions of man. He holds both cold and warm. Thermos is indispensable in travel, at work and on vacation. Good product capable of holding the desired temperature for up to two days.

In modern society, it enjoys great popularity. The main task of the consumer - not to miscalculate when buying. A good thermos should be of high quality. No less important is the convenience. How to choose a good thermos? We'll talk about that below.

The purchase

Nowadays the market presents a very large selection of thermoses. You can purchase the product with a narrow neck for beverages, with a wide — for soup or other dishes. Case modern thermos is also made of various materials-metal, plastic, glass. Some thermos are better consider right now.

If you are a lover of travel, hunting, fishing, or just make frequent forays into nature, then be flask with metal case, as it is shockproof, it is safe to take on a trip. Be sure to choose a coating of stainless steel, otherwise the service life of such a device would be short lived. The downside of coating is that the food sticks to it.

what is the better thermosThe Thermos with plastic housing are ideal if you, for example, take your lunch with you to work or travel in comfort, and not mind at all to the way to drink a hot Cup of coffee or tea homemade. Minus the thermos with such a coating that the plastic readily absorbs the odors of food, and therefore requires more thorough washing and prolonged ventilation.

The Thermos with the glass housing to better use at home. It is ideal for steeping herbs or if you need some time to maintain the desired temperature of your favorite beverage. Minus the glass bulb lies in its fragility. Nevertheless, it is believed that this is the best thermos, as it is longer than all the rest keeps you warm.


In Addition to the various surfaces of the flasks are different models. The preferably be approached thoughtfully. Next, we consider what models exist today, and will try to decide which thermos is right for you.

The Choice is more convenient for you depends on for what purpose you need the thermos. So, read more:

  • Thermos body is made in the shape of a bullet. Perfect for any beverage. Compact, has a narrow neck and a strap.
  • For home use suitable pump thermos, which is quite long keeps the necessary temperature and is equipped with a button for liquid supply, which is very convenient, because the lid open is not necessary.
  • Thermo. It's kind of a mini-thermos. A small amount, but well fulfills its function. Useful if you have non-durable ride.
  • Subkowy thermos is indispensable if you need to save several hot dishes, as it has several containers of different sizes with airtight lids. For ease of use made of plastic.
  • Universal flask equipped with a sealed cover, will come in handy if you plan to use it for drinks and for food. The model is equipped with foldable handle and lid, which can be used as a mug or Cup.
  • And finally, it. Disadvantage of this model is that it long holds the desired temperature of the product. However, this is enough time if you want to keep a hot lunch or dinner.

the best thermosWhat a thermos is better suited depends on your needs!

Define manufacturer

Companies that manufacture vacuum flasks, great variety. Our task - to choose the best thermos, so weconsider different manufacturers that exist today.

The Most popular on the market today are four companies for the production of thermoses:

  • Thermos (Germany).
  • LaPlaya (Germany).
  • Arctic (Russia).
  • Biostal (Russia).

This is the best company thermoses that use high technology to manufacture durable and quality products. Also, manufacturers are attentive to the design that pleases its diversity.

The German company spetsializiruyutsya for insulated dish, the quality of which, of course, above all praise, but not everyone.

The Russian firms produce only thermopaste and accessories. The quality of domestic thermos is not inferior to foreign, and the price is more reasonable.

Best firms thermoses

Still if you want to buy a good thermos, it is recommended not to chase the cheapness of the products of an unknown manufacturer. After all, such a product can be made of poor material, even life-threatening.

The Cost and place of purchase

In Addition to the quality and appearance, I wanted to talk about the cost of the products and the place of purchase. As a good thermos is quite a popular product, it can be purchased at almost any retailer.

The Most modern way of shopping today is online shopping. In this case it is necessary to pay attention on which line to search is the website. The higher the string with the address of the store, the more likely it is to buy a quality product.

Good thermos reviews

As for the price, it depends on the manufacturer, the quality and volume of the thermos, and varies from 500 to 5000 rubles.

Consumer insights

The needs of each of us will depend on the nature of our activities. A good thermos requires careful selection. Many buyers after the purchase of any item, share your opinion with other consumers.

I don't know what a good thermos? Customer reviews are very diverse, and they can help you in making the right choice. Young moms prefer low capacity impact resistant flasks, which are very convenient to take along on a walk with the baby. As they prefer the mothers of the children who go to school, because in our time many children take Breakfast at the educational institution. In this case, such a thing as a thermos is simply irreplaceable.

People who work in offices prefer the insulated cups because of their compactness and long-term preservation of temperature. Fishermen, hunters, travelers prefer a roomy and impact-resistant models.

thermos reviews which is better

In General, how many people, so many opinions, but all the buyers agree on one thing: it is better to buy thermos-known manufacturers.

To Summarize

If you choose thermoses, reviews (what is better, a complex question), of course, are of great importance. Very convenient to rely on the opinion of those who already use the product of a particular model. But all the same it is not necessary to be guided only by reviews buyers. When you choose any product you need to carefully study not only the characteristics but also appearance.

Good luck with your purchase!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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