Diagonal connection of radiator: scheme, pros and cons


2018-03-19 03:41:30




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The Heating of the battery can be connected by one of the three schemes. When choosing must take into account that each has its pros and cons. As the basis of choice is the pin layout of the pipes. Diagonal connection of the radiator is not used in urban apartments, because they usually have to be the lateral connection. However, some home craftsmen and specialists when choosing an effective system prefer diagonal option.

Features of the scheme of the diagonal connection

the diagonal connecting the radiator

If you too wondered about why the diagonal connection is the most effective, you should consider this option in more detail. If you take into account the process involving hot air or water, the action will occur in a single physical law that requires lifting the warm mass up, then cold down.

To ensure uniform distribution of heat over the volume of the heat sink to distribute the heat carrier at the battery. As mentioned above, the lateral connection in apartments acts as the main scheme. After all, there is a forced circulation high pressure. Diameter coming and outgoing connections is only 20 mm. Through them, water is supplied into the battery under high pressure, allowing you to evenly and quickly fill the device.

If we are talking about private construction, where the natural circulation, filling of the radiators is under the influence of the above-mentioned physical law. That is why hot streams penetrate through the top pipe, pushing cold water through the bottom outlet from the opposite side. Two pipes are arranged diagonally, if to consider the device. Hence the name for the connection. The coolant fills the battery slowly, giving the heat the whole volume. It is necessary to consider not only the law of heat transfer, but also physical law. That is why this scheme is most effective.

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Features of the implementation of the diagonal scheme

diagram of connection of radiators

The Diagonal connection of the radiator you can implement yourself. Work should start with the preparation of the battery. For this you need to ensure you have:

  • Themselves heating devices;
  • Valves;
  • Floor;
  • Fittings;
  • The need for additional equipment for the type of meters, crane Majewski and the thermal head.

In the first phase of the work is set to the radiator. It is necessary to consider the rules. This is because they will depend on the efficiency of heat transfer. When you use a diagonal connection of the radiator, part of the window opening should coincide with the axis of the radiator. To the upper manifold from the sill to keep the distance within 15 cm as for the step from the floor to the underside of the manifold, it should be the same. From wall to battery must be placed a distance of 5 cm, the defect might be the place to be. If we're talking about the distance to the sill or floor, the inaccuracy can reach up to 4 cm, whereas the step between the battery and the wall can be increased or decreased by 1 cm

If you decide to use a diagonal connection of the radiator, you need to consider some assumptions that will affect the intensity of heat transfer. For example, if the room has no window sill, the figure can be increased up to 20%. The approach of the battery to the floor will reduce heat transfer by 7%. To improve the efficiency of heat transfer professionals recommend to add to the radiator a reflective screen, which is mounted on the wall. To use for this sheet of fiberboard or cardboard, each of which is covered with foil. In this case, the heat transfer will increase by 25%.

Guidelines for implementing a diagonal wiring diagrams

options for the connection of radiators

If you want to achieve proper operation of the radiator, it should be exercised in making and installation with the utmost care. It is important to set the appliance horizontally. From distortions can be eliminated using the level. At this stage it will be important to apply the markup. As soon as the layout will be able to apply, you can install the brackets.

As the fasteners used screws mounted on plastic dowels. In the sale today, you can find brackets that have the form of pins. They are screwed into the dowel impressive diameter. You are now ready to install the radiator and connect it to the pipe system.

Package radiator for the diagonal diagrams

diagonal single-pipe connecting the radiators

Diagonal wiring diagram of the radiators necessarily imply the complete set of batteries. To do this, it complements the crane Majewski, with which you will be able to pull the air. You need to take care of the metallic clutch, which is also known as American girls. They are installed in a pipe, it needs to use threaded metal coupling. To last stronger valves, for each pipe should have one such element. This will allow you to cut off the battery from the heating system, if you face the necessity to repair. The system will operate normally.

For more information about diagonal wiring diagram

diagonal connection of radiators in a private home

Diagonal circuit connection of radiators in apartments is rarely used. However, according to experts, this method can be used if the number of sections in one battery more than 12 pieces. When the lower-side connection, as well as by circulation of water under pressure the pressure will not be able to master such a number of sections. Extreme will remain a little warm, and the use of them will not.

This scheme is used in a twin system wiring. The falling contour must be connected to the upper nozzle, while the opposite – at the bottom. If the circulation is forced, the connection may be opposite, but in this case you will suffer from reduced efficiency.


the diagonal connection of the radiator in single-pipe system

When you use a diagonal connection of radiators in a private house, heat losses through the battery is 2%. Therefore, the implementation of thermotechnical calculations in this case is the factor, which is 1.1.

Basic types of connection

diagonal connection of radiators in the apartment

There is also a one-way connection in which pipe hot water pipe return will be connected with one side of the radiator. The application of this principle is the rational for single-storey buildings. Suitable scheme in case if you want to use long radiator number of sections to 15. But if this parameter is increased, the efficiency of heating will decrease, because the last section will be colder.

Considering the main options for the connection of radiators, you should pay attention to the bottom connection, which is suitable for those systems, the pipes are under the floor surface. In this case, above the surface will be a small section of pipe supplied to the lower nozzle. The inlet pipe is installed with one side of the battery, while the discharge-on the other. The downside of this method is an essential heat loss, which reach 15%. In the upper part of the battery can warm up completely.

Important to remember

A single-tube diagonal connection of radiators is rarely used, because such a scheme has a significant drawback, as expressed in the inability to adjust the supply of heat. Thus, the user will not be able to adjust the degree of heating of the radiators, in some cases, this feature is a significant drawback. However, heat dissipation is calculated when you create the project of heating, and further it should meet the specified parameters.

The Main advantages of diagonal connections

The Diagonal method is good because it can be used to ensure the highest heat transfer coefficient. That's right, when compared with the rest of the above schemes. In other words, in the case of a diagonal connection can be the maximum amount of heat. Diagonal connection of radiators in the apartment must provide movement of the coolant inside the battery with the formation of the contour of the gradient.

The Effectiveness of this scheme may decrease, what will happen when a large number of sections. But even in this case the reference number can be 24, while the side of the diagram, this parameter is only 12. This feature can be considered as an important advantage, because you can use longer radiators. At lateral connectivity increase in the number of sections will be accompanied by less efficient work, located on the sides of the elements.

Main disadvantages

Article in other languages:

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/hatn-tul-nasc/21322-dyyaganal-nae-padklyuchenne-radyyatara-acyaplennya-shema-plyusy-m-nusy.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/gem-tlichkeit/21329-diagonale-anschluss-heizk-rper-schaltung-vor-und-nachteile.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-comodidad-del-hogar/21347-diagonal-de-la-conexi-n-del-radiador-de-la-calefacci-n-el-esquema-de-l.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/domashniy-uyut/21310-diagonal-noe-osu-zhylytu-radiatoryn-s-lba-arty-shyly-tary-men-kemsh-l-.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/komfort-domu/21280-przek-tna-pod-czenie-grzejnika-ogrzewania-schemat-plusy-i-minusy.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/o-aconchego-do-lar/21281-diagonal-noe-liga-o-radiador-o-esquema-pr-s-e-contras.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/domashniy-uyut/21321-apraz-ba-lant-radyat-r-s-tma-devre-art-lar-ve-eksileri.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/domashn-y-zatishok/21303-d-agonal-ne-p-dklyuchennya-rad-atora-opalennya-shema-plyusi-m-nusi.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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