Radiator tubular steel of Russian production: reviews, photo


2018-03-20 01:24:17




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Tubular radiator, a photo of which is presented in this article belong to the premium class and meet all the standards of heating appliances.

Tubular radiators photo

A device by inventor Robert Zender. It was created in 1930. The design was analogous to the cooling of the motorcycle engine.

Variety unit

The Radiator has a tubular design, which does not understand.

There are a number of versions:

  • Steel tube radiator which reviews are positive, is made of high quality alloyed metal. The device has a different design. Can decorate the interior of the apartment.
  • A bi-metal design. the Device has a high level of heat dissipation, durability and variety of forms. This radiator easy to install. It is based on two materials that are resistant to corrosion. It is made of steel pipes placed in the aluminium case.
  • Aluminum pipe. the Weight of this design is small. It has a high rate of heat conduction. To protect from rusting the inside of the appliance is covered with a film. When using film is moving away, which reduces the life of the product.

Steel tubular radiator reviews


The Radiator pipe is of different sizes:

  • Height Index is between 19 and 300 cm High structure, usually mounted in the living room to decorate the interior.
  • An indicator of the depth — from 40 to 225 mm. Individual order requires any depth.
  • The Length is about 45 mm. It depends on the number of partitions.

Radiator pipe


Technical characteristics of the device imply the following properties:

  • Temperature of fluid in the system is not more than 130 ºC.
  • Working pressure. Tubular radiators of domestic production include the 23 atmosphere, and foreign no more than 15.
  • The thickness of the walls is 1 to 2 mm, and the foreign analogs of 1,5 mm.
  • Diameter of Russian devices is equal to 25 mm, the rate of foreign devices varies.

The Advantages of the device

Due to the fact that the design based on the pipes, it withstands the pressure drops in a heating system. The sudden interruption of incoming heat radiator is filled with air. The device does not accumulate dust. She gently lowered on the smooth pipe down. Steel tubular radiators are smooth both inside and outside that makes them look aesthetic.

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Steel tubular radiators

In contrast to devices of the panels, tubular modifications have any forms that don't have edges, which makes cleaning the surface easy. In the manufacture of radiators made of steel is used laser welding, whereby the devices have a high-quality joints. They are not allowed to leak water. It is believed that the tubular radiator in which the applied laser is a high degree of reliability.


  • The level of heat transfer device is slightly inferior to the heating radiator, which is operating on oil.
  • Metal rust. In a private home as a coolant you can use antifreeze and other non-aggressive liquid. In urban apartments, in addition to water, nothing can not be applied. The water in the city system contains impurities and additives, which contributes to corrosion.
  • A high Enough value of the product. But life is also long. Design can operate for up to 25 years. Therefore, the money invested pay off.

In some cases, it is recommended to select a tubular radiator?

Steel tubular radiators are installed in hospitals and clinics. They are hygienic. The device does not collect dust, it can't hurt, since pipe bends are smooth. The devices have a high level of resistance.

In suburban homes, this configuration will be a good addition to the interior. Heaters feature quick response in the management and easily reach the set temperature.

Convection heating device provides uniform distribution of heat in the room. For the dwelling of such a device is simply irreplaceable!

The original production knows no bounds. The most common radiator can become a real work of art.

Tips before buying

When buying advisable to opt for a tubular structure made of stainless steel. It is characterized by durability and high performance.

Before buying, define the measure of area heating. So you will be able to choose the design of the desired power.

The room which has one window and one door, it is enough to 1000 W per 10 m2.

The Corner of the room is usually cold. Therefore, standard calculations require the addition of several sections. For apartments where the ceiling height more than 3 m, it is also recommended to increase the capacity of the unit by 4%.

Which model?

Despite the fact that the production of tubular radiators is an activity that has many firms, it is recommended to opt for domestic producers.

The Company produces not onlyqualitative and stylish products of any model. In addition, you will be able to order at the factory in its sole discretion.

Tubular radiators of the Russian manufacture is made in accordance with the characteristics of water and the level of pressure drops in our water supply.

Tubular radiators of the Russian manufacture

Browse manufacturers

From foreign companies in our market gained popularity following brands:

  • Swiss Zehnder radiators. They have a high level of heat and richness of colors. The most famous series of firm - and Charleston Completto.
  • German appliances Kermi inherent reliability. They can withstand water of any hardness. The company produces Decor models belonging to different series of D, V and S.
  • Czech Koralux device. As a rule, they are installed in the bathrooms. The manufacturer presents five series. The most popular line of Comfort, Classsic and Standart.
  • The German mark Dia Norm. Its products have a high level of heat transfer.
  • The Italian company IRSAP produces radiators, characterized by elegance and a high level of functionality.

Overview of domestic producers

The Production of tubular radiators established in Russia.

Production of tubular radiators

  • Tubular radiators “CSTO” include from one to four columns. They have their own varieties: model “PC” designed for square section, and the model of “RSK” — for round. The devices are designed for operation in local networks.
  • The company “Harmony” produces a number of versions, with custom design. Pipe in a dual, nested one inside the other. They are characterized by high functionality and stylish design. Usually installed in the premises of the oval-shaped or with Bay Windows.
  • Company «Stella-elite” produces a tubular radiator with a mirror. Configuration have two types of connections: lateral and bottom. There are single row and double row.
  • Manufacturer: “Effect” produces an unusual device. As convection plates use double pipes of steel, welded at the ends.
  • The Company is Charging. Its bimetallic structures made of aluminum. Devices represent innovative development. They are equipped with additional functions and accessories.


As well proven tubular radiators? Reviews indicate that such devices are compact and stylish.

Tubular radiators reviews

Many say that the system is “PC” established themselves with the good side. They have a high level of heat transfer.

Bimetallic design attracted buyers with its unusual execution and possibility of installation in any environment. Heater is uniform. The device does not dry the air.

Special attention, according to users, deserves the tubular vertical radiator configuration Zehnder Charleston 2180. It perfectly complements the interior and copes with its task, functioning not in the most powerful mode. Are easy to care for - just wipe with a damp sponge.

Proper installation

Installation is carried out by Autonomous or Central heating system in different ways:

  • Method bottom connection suitable in the case where the selected device has a large length. This gives you the opportunity to use the device to its maximum.
  • Side-type of installation involves mounting the unit to the nozzle located at the top. The lower pipe connects highway reverse direction. Ideally, when the height of the device is 4 times smaller than the width. For protection from overheating required the installation of a thermostat.

The heat Sinks are mounted on brackets, then they are connected to the pipeline, executes a compression and runs water.

Pay attention to the design or functionality?

Many see the device in appearance, completely forgetting about its technical characteristics. This is a misconception. If the radiator is not suitable to the interior space, it makes a certain dissonance. But this problem is easily solvable. After all, the market has a wide range of different screens.


Based on the above, we can conclude that the acquisition of the radiator is a serious step. Before buying the device you should consider all the existing factors, to calculate the power of the unit and to decide which model is right for you. Best of all proved steel tubular radiators. The user reviews confirm this.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/hatn-tul-nasc/728-radyyatar-trubchasty-stalevy-ras-yskaga-vytvorchasc-vodguk-fota.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/gem-tlichkeit/725-k-hler-stahl-r-hren-aus-russischer-produktion-bewertungen-fotos.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-comodidad-del-hogar/730-el-radiador-tubular-de-acero-de-fabricaci-n-rusa-los-clientes-la-de-la.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/domashniy-uyut/728-radiator-byrly-bolat-reseyl-k-nd-r-s-p-k-rler-video.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/komfort-domu/731-grzejnik-rurowy-stalowy-rosyjskiej-produkcji-opinie-zdj-cia.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/o-aconchego-do-lar/728-radiador-tubular-de-a-o-russo-produ-o-coment-rios-fotos.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/domashniy-uyut/734-radyat-r-boru-elik-rus-yap-m-incelemeler-foto-raflar.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/domashn-y-zatishok/730-trubchastiy-rad-ator-staleviy-ros-ys-kogo-virobnictva-v-dguki-foto.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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