Laying of floor heating: types, stages, works, technology


2018-03-21 19:28:31




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In recent years, the bills for Central heating constantly growing. In this regard, many apartment owners are thinking about the installation of Autonomous heating of the dwelling. One of the most affordable options today are warm floors. They can serve as an additional or main source of heat.

Despite the fact that such systems are used for a long time, many people are still a lot of questions about their operation and installation. Whether the laying of floor heating to be carried out on your own? How complicated is this process? What are the options floor heating exist today? On all these questions we answered in our article.

What are the system of floor?

A Modern system of floor heating has several variants. The difference between them is the type of coolant used. It can be electric and water.

The Last option consists of a water circuit and a Cabinet, which houses the regulators of intensity of heating.

cable warm floors under screed

Electric varieties are the cable and film. In the first case, the heated surface is carried out by the power cable, through which the circulating current. Film floor works on the basis of infrared radiation.

Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Heated floor installation is not considered a particularly complex process. Work can be done with your own hands. However, you need to know some nuances.

The Installation of water systems is the most time consuming process, and the film floors can connect any handyman. Let us consider each type, its properties and installation.

Characteristics of infrared of the sexes and their application

Infrared floors are the most simple and widespread species. They are presented in the form of a transparent film canvases on which at intervals of 1.5 cm located conductive carbon strip. On both sides of the door leaf is covered with a heat-resistant polymeric composition, ensuring the integrity of the product.

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infrared film floor

Laying Underfloor heating film is the most simple. In the process of installation do not need to fill the screed and to carry out complex connection. The material has low cost and can be used in any room.

The advantages of this type of heating include:

  • Easy installation (no need for special equipment);
  • Uniform heating of the surface;
  • Easy adjustment of system operation;
  • Mobility ( in the case of moving the heating fabric can take).

The disadvantages include the increased costs of energy and the presence of electromagnetic radiation.

The Use of such systems in large and in small spaces. In order to save energy paintings can be placed not across the floor, but only in those places where there is no furniture and often visit the residents of the apartment.

Mount infrared film can be under any covering. Possible laying of floor heating under laminate, linoleum, carpet and parquet. In high humidity areas it is also possible to use a similar system.

Features of the unit infrared film

If you decide to perform the installation of warm floor infrared type, before starting work, take into account two main requirements:

  1. For high-quality heating film should occupy at least 70% of the surface of the floor.
  2. In the place of installation of solid furniture and technology film positioning is not recommended. This will lead to overheating of the conductive strips and their failure.
  3. Before you begin installation, make a rough layout of strips. It will need to apply to the base.

Special attention should be paid to surfaces on which to fit the film. It should be flat and smooth. Otherwise, a thin film may be damaged.

Technique of film heating

If the surface is characterized by large differences, the cracks and recesses, it is necessary to align leveling compounds. To work proceed only when the screed is clean, smooth and dry.

stacking film warm flooring

The installation of warm floor with their hands in the following way:

  1. On Top of the screed lay the insulating material. If the topcoat you choose laminate, linoleum or carpet, it is possible to use soft materials. Under the tile is laid exclusively solid substrate. Places of joining of materials, seal tape with heat-reflecting properties.
  2. Measure the required length of the heating material and cut it with scissors. Please note that the cut film is possible only between carbon heaters.
  3. Cover with foil the entire floor (according to your diagram layout elements). Face is the surface on which the heating fully visible bands.
  4. Edge copper bars (located on both sides of the ribbon), hold down the special terminals. Thus the smooth part of clamp must be between the tire and the film, and the second - outside copper strip.
  5. On the other endcloth tape bitumen tape, bare copper strips (supplied in installation kit).
  6. In the process of mounting the strip is not "went" for insulation, they must be carefully fixed with Scotch tape.
  7. Adjacent canvas butt pack. Make sure that the heaters of adjacent strips is not in contact.
  8. Edge of the mounting wire, strip the insulation from 5-8 mm. of Bare wire, insert in the clamp and squeeze with pliers. Likewise, connect wires to each terminal.
  9. Copper strip and the tips of the clamps isolate.
  10. Move the wires to the temperature sensor. They can be laid in the chase, hide under the baseboard or stretching in the outer box.
  11. Make a hole in the wall under the thermostat. It must be installed at least 15 cm from the floor finish.
  12. Under the black sector of the film lay the temperature sensor. Move it to the controller. The wire lay in the chase.
  13. Connect the controller to the mains and test the system.

Now you can lay linoleum, parquet or laminate. Possible laying of electric floor heating under tile. In this case, the film is covered with waterproofing, fit reinforcing mesh, then applied tile adhesive.

Description and features cable method of floor heating

In the systems of cable type as a heating element is used steel or copper power cable. It can be of two types:

  • Solid;
  • Double.

In the first embodiment, the cable has one lived from galvanized steel or brass, and the second two strands. System with insulated cables are different affordable cost, but their installation is a bit complicated. Laying floor heating should occur so that both of its ends, approached the thermostat.

Twisted pair cable connects to just one side, and from the second end, install special clutch.

Among cable flooring distinguish another kind of heating mats. Such a system uses the same heater, but he fixed on a plastic or fiberglass mesh.

installation of warm floors under the tile

During the installation process, it just need to roll on a surface and connected to the network. The mats for laying the floor heating will significantly help the editing process, due to which are more popular than conventional cable.

The Scope of application of such systems is very diverse. Single core cables are used for heating industrial and storage space. Options double source of heat can be installed in private homes and apartments with high ceilings. The last condition is due to the fact that in the process of installation is the laying of floor heating in the screed. Due to this, the height of the walls decreases.

How to install heating cable

For a standalone installation of cable floors should remove the old tie layer and clear base. Concrete base should be laid waterproofing material, which will go to the wall for 10 cm edges of the waterproofing is fixed to the wall of the damper strap (around the perimeter). After the installation of a heating system unnecessary parts of the material are removed.

Before laying the warm floor thermal insulating layer. For this purpose you can use sheets of Styrofoam (thickness 20 to 50 mm) or rock wool (not for 100 mm). On top of the heater is fixed to the reinforcing mesh.

technology laying warm floors

The Technology of laying of floor heating involves the following steps:

  1. Check the resistance of the heating cable. If the performance is not very different from those stated on the package, you can begin the installation.
  2. Define the installation location of the thermostat and temperature sensor. The first device should be located at a height of 50 cm from the floor level. Make a hole in the wall and the chase in the floor.
  3. The"Snake" start to lay out the cable on the surface. Mount the wires can be carried out by means of ties or special tapes.
  4. If you install warm floors in the wet area, be sure to perform grounding system. To do this, use ordinary copper cable. Mains must be equipped with RCD module.
  5. Arrange the Heating cable so that the distance between adjacent turns was at least 5 cm away from the walls should be 5-7 cm
  6. Power Cord and connect the heating element at a distance of 15 cm from the wall.
  7. When the cable is laid out on the floor, recheck resistance.
  8. Turn on the thermostat and check the operation of the system. If the cable is heated, turn off the controller power.
  9. Proceed to the installation of the screed. The thickness of the layer should be about 5-6 cm

To complete drying of the screed do not include Parking! When the solution self-dries, connect the controller and start the installation of the floor finish.

The Installation of electrical mats is the same. The difference lies only in yourself to arrange the cable is not necessary.

What materials can be used to warm the floor?

In most cases the masters by laying the electric floor heating under tile. This coating possesses excellent heat and quickly warms up. When using a ceramic orporcelain finish is not necessary to choose carefully the power cable, as both materials are resistant to high temperature.

However, often is laying the warm floor under the laminate. When choosing a finish, keep in mind its low thermal conductivity. System at low power will take longer to heat the coating and the more powerful variants use more electricity.

electric mats warm floor

If this fact does not bother you, buy special varieties of laminate. They should be marked "N20". It indicates the possibility of using a material with heating systems.

Plays an Important role and security products. The corresponding coverage are labeled "E1" and "E0". Such products do not emit into the air of harmful substances at heating, and therefore, can be laid over Underfloor heating.

Water heating

Water heating based on water circulation in laid in the screed contour. This type of heating is familiar to everybody, because it is on this principle works the Central heating. But, unlike the cast-iron battery, sat on the floor side provides a uniform flow of heat into the room.

The advantages of systems with a water circuit include:

  • Environmental safety;
  • The absence of electromagnetic radiation;
  • Possibility to use as a primary heater;
  • Lack of energy costs;
  • Use with any type of flooring.

Laying of water warm floor is in screed. For proper functioning of the system requires the installation of special equipment. The process of heating installation is also quite time-consuming. All this adversely affects the cost of water systems. However, the reliability, high performance and durability more than cover all these shortcomings.

equipment water warm floor

Water circuit can be installed in any room, but in apartments it practically impossible to find. This is due to the special technical characteristics of water supply systems in high-rise buildings. Most often, the laying of water warm floor manufactured in private buildings.

If you want to install the system on the second floor of a country house, the heat path can be laid between the Arab League or directly on the rough flooring. He subsequently sutured batten. This technology of laying of floor heating is used because of the inability to carry out the fill pipe with concrete. Moreover, it allows to reduce the cost of installation of heating.

The Device is a water heating system and the locations of pipes

In the process of installation water circuit is decomposed in several ways. The scheme of laying of floor heating depends on the area and the specific premises. The following configurations are possible:

  • Zip closure;
  • Double helix;
  • Double zip closure.

Laying a double spiral is used to cool larger spaces. Its principle of operation is based on the fact that the hot pipe is intertwined with the cooler, which contributes to uniform heating of the entire premises.

The location of the snake is used in rooms of medium size. Water circulates from the outer wall to the inner.

diagram for water warm floor

Double snake is settling in those cases where the premises cannot be uniformly heated by a single method. Its principle of operation is based on the fact that heating circuit stacked double zigzag. In this introductory pipe passes close to the output.

In Addition to the heating circuit, each water system includes:

  • Pump (for forced circulation of water);
  • Node for mixing of the heat carrier;
  • Header;
  • Waterproofing layer;
  • Insulation.

If you need to install heating in basement or basement room, the insulation surfaces should be given maximum attention. This is due to large heat transfer into the soil. Without high-quality insulation of the floor heating system install does not make sense.

The Technology of installation of water heating system

Before laying pipe for Underfloor heating must prepare the ground. The old plate to be down, floors clear of debris, remove the bumps. If the base is crooked, you can align it with a thin layer of screed. After drying floors should proceed to the installation of the system.

The Technology works:

  1. On the perimeter of the floor install damping tape.
  2. Arrange on subfloor insulation. You can use Styrofoam, polystyrene, etc. All the joints between elements, insulation, seal tape. The height of the insulating layer is selected depending on the room climate. It can vary from 3 to 15 cm.
  3. On Top of insulation place a polyethylene film.
  4. Lay the insulation reinforcing mesh. It will be attached to the pipe.
  5. Place the thermal circuit of the selected method. Fixing of pipe on the grid make with the help of plastic clamps. Much tightly fasten the pipe can not! Leave room for expansion of the material.
  6. Start of the pipe mount on supply pipe,and it will end at the return manifold.

After completion the system must be pressure test. This allows you to immediately identify all the existing defects and errors in the work. If her work has no comments, you can start grouting.

During the installation of the screed the pipe should be under working pressure. For the manufacture of the solution should be to take the cement composition of the M-300. The height of the screed should be of the order of 50-70 mm.

installation of water Underfloor heating in screed

Laying the finish can be started after complete drying of the solution. This process usually takes 3-4 weeks.

The Top of the system can be laid tiles, parquet and laminate. By laying the warm floor under linoleum. Do it are heat-resistant varieties of roller coatings.

Whatever system of floor heating you choose, the main thing - it to install correctly. In this case, you are guaranteed the desired warmth and comfort!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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