The installed capacity of consumers and generators


2018-04-01 22:27:08




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Everyone whose work is connected with electrical engineering, have a good understanding of what is meant by the term "installed capacity". During installation it allows in the most rational way to pick a power supply, and duly perform the necessary compensating calculations.

In the definition given by the Soviet dictionary of Energy, 1984, the installed capacity of any electrical installation is understood as the most active component of all its capacities, which allows the entire installation for a long time to operate normally without overload, according to the passport data. However, in this case one can hardly speak about a clear definition. In fact, everything is quite simple.

Imagine familiar to many situation, when there is the need to replace home wiring. It would seem that no such challenges. But it's not. One of the key points – selection of the conductor. It is predicated on a valid current or, what is also true (although with some reservations), the value of the power. For example, the room hosts a single bulb, an electric kettle and a microwave. Installed capacity – is the sum of all active components of each appliance, i.e. 100 W + 1,200 kW + 2,000 kW = 3300 kW. Any reactive load, if any, should be recorded separately (the total power in kilovolt-amperes). Electric motors and fluorescent light – the most common of such consumers. So, the first time – the installed capacity is actually consumed, as not necessarily all appliances must be included at the same time.


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In case the utility grid is taken into account the sum of all its components generating capacity (current sources). An example is the network of substations in the workplace. It is important to note the utilization of power. It represents the ratio produced for an accounting period, of time electric energy to its design value. For example, for the month the generators was produced at the user 10 MW of energy, despite the fact that the theoretical limit of generation is 100 MW. It is obvious that generating capacity is used inefficiently and idle. Indirectly, this means “unnecessary” the cost of acquisition and maintenance of electrical installations. At the same time, this coefficient is also required in the calculations to account for the time required: scheduled maintenance (shutdown), fuel loading (NPP and TPP), etc.

In the above example, the wiring is the ratio of the demand of electrical equipment. In fact, it is offset, allowing calculations to take into account the fact that practically never all electrical consumers not be used at the same time. For a single device its power should be multiplied by a factor that will give the actual value. The ratio is selected in the table, depending on the characteristics of consumers. This solution allows to significantly (sometimes more than twice) to reduce the cost of equipment and related materials, to simplify further maintenance.

For example, in the case of calculation of lighting networks this coefficient is equal to:

is 1.0 to emergency lines (which is understandable – power consumption is relatively low, and the work is short).

- 0.6 – the premises of the storage type. As a rule, switching on the lights only need when using the buildings.

- 0.8-domestic premises in the workplace. Significant adjustments makes the specificity (sometimes the lights are on around the clock), but the average calculation 0.8 is correct.

- 0.95-buildings with large spans. Sometimes even on a Sunny day, there is a need in the lighting, etc.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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