Best disney cartoons list, description and reviews


2019-03-28 06:20:34




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The Best disney cartoons, list of which is presented in this article was created over nearly a century: since the 1920's till present time. Pictures of the company are still popular among viewers. And this despite the fact that the style of shooting is largely changed, especially in recent years, in connection with the introduction of computer technology not only in film but also in animation.

A short biography of the Creator

A Real breakthrough in the film were the best disney cartoons. The feed list is quite impressive. However, in our work, will be marked the most famous and interesting. Their Creator, William Disney (1901-1966) was a film Director, screenwriter, producer and founder of the company, which in our days is popular among the audience. He was the Creator of many favorite characters he voiced them. Received more than two dozen prestigious awards “Oscar”, and many other awards. Disney has made an enormous contribution to the development of the sound of music animation, has had an enormous influence on the development of animation in other countries. For example, his achievements had a great influence on the Studio "Soyuzmultfilm”.


The Best disney cartoons, a list of which open early short works Director, immediately began a breakthrough in world cinema. The plot, characters, sound, music, animation was at the highest level. In many ways they set the tone of the then film industry. Fame studios brought cartoon “Steamboat Willy” (1928). It was one of the first appearances of Mickey mouse on the screen. A short story about a fun trip resilient mice on the ship all at once fell in love and made the hero a symbol of the company.

best disney cartoons list

Reviews from critics and audiences for this work was extremely high: picture, sound and the character were all to taste. Largely because of this cute little mouse on a world-famous best disney cartoons. The list should fill up a short film ‘plane Crazy", which in addition to all beloved animal operates his girlfriend – Minnie. The authors introduced a fun love story between the two, which is still operated by modern writers.

Tape 1930-ies

In the prewar years, the Director has conceived a series of works under the title “Funny Symphony”. It was a cartoon series which debuted its iconic characters: the grumpy duck Donald Duck, funny dog Pluto. In addition, there are some episodes which are recognized by critics as the greatest animated works of art. Among them – tape "Three little pigs”. She gathered a lot of positive feedback for the picture and for the famous song characters. The film's plot is pretty straightforward: it tells about unsuccessful attempts of a wolf to break in to the pigs.

disney cartoons a list of top

First feature

An Important role in the development of a full-fledged cartoon films played disney cartoons. List of the best works of the famous Director, it is impossible to imagine without his work “Snow white and the seven dwarfs" (1937). It was a real breakthrough with both ideological and technical point of view. First, Disney started to create hand-drawn human figures. Secondly, the picture was filmed using "Technicolor".

For the audience, accustomed to the black and white image, this cartoon was a sensation. Finally, the story of the brothers Grimm was presented in a surprisingly entertaining way. The audience praised this work because each character is carefully spelled out, as well as for the music, the depth and psychology of the image of the characters. In addition, the tape has been appreciated for a new multi-dimensional style of filming, which gave the picture a realism and volume.

cartoons from disney best cartoons

Film adaptation of the fairy tale of Collodi K.

The Most successful adaptations of famous children's books are disney cartoons. A list of the best works of the Director should fill pattern "Pinocchio" (1940). Despite some deviations from the original text, the cartoon has become a real classic. The story shown in it is known to every child. Wooden doll, being unattended, falls into a whirlpool of adventure with amazing transformations, troubles and troubles that nevertheless end happily for the heroes.

Reviews the film received very positive thatshe won prestigious awards. However, some users noted a number of shortcomings of the tape. For example, monitoring the audience, the plot towards the end was somewhat crumpled, and morality are too simple and naive. But the quality of music and animation does not cause any doubts.


During the war years a kind of outlet for a mass audience become cartoons from Disney. A list of the best cartoons need to replenish his full-length tape about animals. One of them – the iconic story of Dumbo from the same film. A fun story about a circus elephant with big ears who learns to fly, left no one indifferent. The film received many positive reviews for the high quality of animation and illustration, creating a surprisingly touching character, instructive morality that fosters optimism and love for life and for the musical soundtrack.

disney cartoons list

Full list of Walt Disney cartoons is impossible to imagine without a picture “Bambi" (1942), which according to surveys was ranked first in popularity among all the works of the famous Director. Excellent animation and visuals, as always, he admired how the critics and the audience. But the main thing in this film – is its ideological Foundation: the story of growing up little deer in tough conditions. In this tape, the creators used a new move, making the main villain of a man, who is invisibly present behind the scenes.

Fairy tales in the 1950s and 1960s

In the last decades of his life Director dedicated to the epitome on the screen the exciting world of fantasy not only for children but also for adults. Disney cartoons, a list of which would be incomplete without the tales, known throughout the world largely thanks to that wonderful magical atmosphere that he created in his works.

One of the most iconic tapes – “Cinderella” (1950). A famous story about the poor girl, suddenly became the Prince's bride, was raised to a new level. It made it interesting not only for children but also for adults. Audience speak positively about animation, illustration, visual range, a thorough psychological study of the characters and touching plot. The only drawback some people may find crude image of the Prince, which is clearly not enough originality.

best disney cartoons

A List of “Best disney cartoons” it is impossible to imagine without the famous film adaptation of tales of the English writer D. Barry “Peter pan”. A famous story about a boy who never wanted to grow up, and carried away in their amazing country girl Wendy and her brothers on an adventure, probably, familiar to every child. Audiences appreciate first and foremost a fascinating story and the humor and funny characters. The only drawback that has been noted by some users – this is a deviation from the original tale, which, however, does not spoil the viewing experience.

Feeds Studio 1970-1990-ies

The most comprehensive list of cartoons (Disney and here was a innovator) should include well-known tape-musicals 1970s-1990s years. One of them – the film “the aristocats" (1970). The story tells about the adventures of animals during his return home, became popular all over the world. Viewers appreciate the images of the characters (especially stray cat that helps Duchess and her children), music and a fascinating story.

The same applies to the animated film "Robin hood" (1973). The painting is a rather free interpretation of English ballads about the famous robber. The user reviews are mostly positive. While some note that the picture is not fully transferred to the adventurous spirit of medieval England.

the most comprehensive list of disney cartoons

Very interesting to get our selection. Cartoons Disney does colorful and fabulous. Was no exception and the picture “lion King”. It is considered a cult. The story still has not lost its popularity due to the serious interesting story, beautiful music, colorful photography, which indicates that most of the audience. Cartoon “Aladdin” is also extremely popular around the world. However, many people noted that the picture did not reflect the character and atmosphere of the tales of “Thousand and onenight”.

Modern tape

In our days on the market one of the leading places is disney cartoons. A list of the best works, to be completed with a brief overview of the paintings of recent years. «Cold heart» - this is the story about how Princess Anna along with their friends goes in search of his sister, the fault which turned out to enchanted Kingdom. The film received positive reviews. Critics have noted that the creators saved the best traditions of the company, despite a new format of filming with computer animation.

a selection of cartoons disney

The Last of the acclaimed cartoon – “Zeropolis”. He broke all records at the box office and collected a huge amount of positive feedback for the original idea, interesting characters and quality animation. The story is about how the main characters, a Fox and a rabbit, looking for the missing animals. The action takes place in the fictional town of anthropomorphic animals, which is reminiscent of the realities of modern society.

So a huge impact on the development of modern animation rendered cartoons from Disney. A list of the best cartoons presented in the paper proves that the Director, in fact, laid the foundations for the creation of hand-drawn strips for the whole family.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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