Mandatory certification of services. The law on certification of products and services


2019-05-14 03:00:27




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In Russia, there are a number of services that must be certified by law. These include services relating to the life and health of people and their property. The issue is regulated by the law “On certification of products and services”. To view further details.

certification services

Services and certificate authorities

Objects of the Institute for certification in this case are:

  • Services;
  • Organizations in their provision;
  • Staff;
  • Production process;
  • Quality management system.

The Formation of the certification system carried out according to the Regulations on carrying out certification in Russia. According to the document, its members are:

  • Gosstandart;
  • Central organization
  • VNIIS;
  • The bodies conducting the certification and the laboratory that has received appropriate accreditation to operate.

Types and content of the certification schemes

about certification of products and services

According to Russian law, there are seven schemes, which are held simultaneously in respect of services and works. They include:

  • Evaluation;
  • Validation of results;
  • Inspection.

For services material process usually includes the following steps:

  • Certification of professional skills and inspection control;
  • Certification of provision of services and inspection control;
  • Spot checks;
  • Certification of quality systems and inspection control.

Certification of services of intangible nature includes such schemes as:

  • The procedure in the enterprise with the inspection control;
  • Certification of the system for providing quality of service with the inspection control.

There are Rules of certification of works and services, as well as the GOST R system. In accordance with these documents and make a selection of necessary measures.


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obligatory certification of services

When providing highlight some of the features that affect the process. They include the following:

  • The entity can be a person, and his right to property restricts the tests;
  • The user evaluate the skill of the performer;
  • The expert, the evaluator, must be present at the service;
  • The properties of a service may depend on the region where it is available.

Organizations providing certification

There are many organizations that can provide certification services. Among them are the following:

  1. The Ministry of Commerce.
  2. The Ministry of transport.
  3. Agency for physical culture and tourism.
  4. Gosstandart.
  5. Rosbytsoyuz.

Rules and regulations

The Regulatory framework of the implementation of activities consists of both international and national and regional standards, sanitary regulations and norms, as well as those adopted in the framework of a particular service.

The Mandatory certification of services is carried out on the basis of specific requirements, which specifies safety standards for life and health of people and their property, environmental rules, certain methods of verification of service, the Executive process and the skill of the person providing it.

certification of work and services

Quality Check performed by experts registered in the state register GOST R. Usually it is carried out in the place where service is provided. In case of positive results center procedure prepares the certificate and issues a license for the right to use the mark of conformity. If the assessment is negative, the applicant receives the decision.

In the implementation of the inspection control of a service that is intangible in nature, consumers are sampled by questionnaires, interviews and other methods. This task is generally assigned to social centers, marketing services, MOU and performers. Monitoring is scheduled and unscheduled. Periodicity is set by the center, which is undergoing certification services.

The First system that provided them, covering such areas as:

  • Repair and maintenance of electronic equipment, machines and instruments for household purposes;
  • Dry cleaning and paint;
  • Hotel and travel services;
  • Catering;
  • Passengers.

Evaluation Criteria

In any assessment you must adhere to certain criteria. Their choice — this is the hardest decision to obtain an objective evaluation. Consider how this issue is treated in Japan. Classification is made on the basis of importance to the consumer. There are:

  • Inner quality outside the field of view of the customers;
  • Material that the consumer sees;
  • Intangible that the consumer sees;
  • Psychological;
  • The elapsed time of service.

With this approach, certification of works and services is estimated most reliably, and at the same time produced by certain criteria.

Adopted ISO international standard 9004-02 called “Guidelines for the services” became the basis for the development of internal service standards, in many countries, including in Russia.

To the common characteristics hereinclude:

  • Standby time;
  • Performance period;
  • The number of staff;
  • Consumer confidence;
  • Convenience;
  • Aesthetics;
  • Politeness;
  • Quality requirements.

the law on certification of products and services

International organization

The Issue of certification of products and services occurs not only at the national level. There are regional and international organizations conducting such procedures. Known, for example, an organization such as the international European technical center chemical cleaning. He holds a certification for firms in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. Among other organizations stand out:

  • International Association of social insurance;
  • European Association of tourism;
  • The universal postal Union;
  • World tourism organization and other organizations.


According to official statistics, by the year 2000, the business has shifted to providing services to 70%. But currently, this percentage was even higher. This market is characterized by high competition and an even greater increase in the provision of similar services. Thus, quality is largely a determining factor for competitiveness. Therefore, certification becomes the most important institution, providing the highest standards of service.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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