Large-caliber antiaircraft machine guns - specifications and photos


2020-05-14 20:20:25




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Anti-aircraft guns – it is a weapon that has a circular attack, a very large angle of elevation, enables to deal with enemy aircraft. Modern weaponry of Russia – it is a reliable device which can be used to actively fight for a long time. Consider the most popular model anti-aircraft guns.

Heavy machine gun DShK

anti-aircraft guns

Heavy machine gun Degtyarev-Shpagin (DShK) has been widely used during the war years, when it was required to hit lightly armored targets, machine gun nests, anti-tank artillery. In addition, anti-aircraft machine gun DShK proved to be excellent and as an active fighter against low-flying aircraft. As said the designer himself, this technique was created as infantry, but due to the achievement of the highest caliber, it was decided to redesign it and replace some parts. As a consequence, there was a reliable machine gun of large caliber, in which were preserved the General principles of the design.

Technical features of the ANC

anti-aircraft machine gun DShK

After the release of the ANC is constantly fine-tuned in the first place was an increased rate of fire, has become a perfect feeder system cartridges. Already in 1939 the anti-aircraft DShK was adopted by the red Army. The main technical characteristics of this type of weapon include:

  1. Automatic mechanisms, which is conducted at the expense of energy of powder gases.
  2. Gas chamber located under the barrel of the gun has a regulator, which is optimized thanks to the automatic movements.
  3. Barrel is air cooling, and the whole length of the trunk the ribs.
  4. Considerate design allows you to replace the heated barrel directly into firing positions.
  5. Anti-aircraft DShK machine gun has a lockable channel – for this purpose, lugs shutter.
  6. Shooting is based on rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition consists of cartridges with armour piercing bullet that can penetrate the armor thickness of 16 mm cartridges with tracer bullets.
  7. Sights include a folding framework sight and the front sight, which is mounted on a high stand at the muzzle of the barrel.

The DShK is different versatile application because it is installed on the machine design Kolesnikov. The fighting qualities of the heavy machine gun is allowed to use it in different branches of the armed forces.


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Heavy machine gun “Maxim”

Anti-aircraft gun “Maxim” is one of the most popular heavy machine guns, which were adopted by several groups of troops. This powerful weapon capable of hitting the open group live targets and firepower of the enemy at a distance up to 1000 m, is the sudden fire at ranges of 600 m. the First machine gun “Maxim” was created by an American engineer in 1883, and the Russian masters have refined it, making more than 200 changes in the design. This affected the performance.

anti-aircraft gun

Large-Caliber anti-aircraft gun “Maxim” is a system of automatic weapons with the recoil of the barrel. That is, after the shot the barrel is pushed back by expanding powder gases, and then turn on the mechanism of recharge from cartridge tape cartridge is extracted, which is sent into the breech, then cocked the shutter. After the shot operation is repeated. The features of this weapon include:

  1. High rate of fire – 600 rounds per minute at the rate of 250-300 rounds per minute.
  2. The Trigger allows automatic fire, is equipped with a fuse that protects from accidental shots.
  3. Sights – rack-mounted sight and front sight, and optical sight on some models.
  4. The Gun is put on a wheeled machine developed by Sokolov: it provides a steady shooting at ground targets, and the wheel stroke makes it easy to move the gun into firing position manually.

How it works machine gun “Maxim”?

Anti-aircraft guns “Maxim” are stable work: they are widely used in support of infantry in any terrain, because the weapons easily suppressed the fire of the enemy and cleared the way for the shooters. During offensive operations, heavy machine gun actively fighting with the enemy infantry, and leads an attack on vulnerable sections of the tank – sight slots or sighting devices. During the onset of the gun moves forward and then takes up certain positions. They vary depending on the characteristics of warfare.

Machine Gun Vladimirov (KPV)

twin antiaircraft machineguns

Large-Caliber anti-aircraft machine gun Vladimirov designed to kill tanks. As the cartridges used caliber 14.5 mm, and the weapon is able to penetrate the armor thickness of 32 mm. This model, unlike the other analogs, working on the basis of the energy of the recoil barrel with a short course. The special features of this unit include the following:

  1. The Shutter is locked by rotating combat larvae and accelerator opernogo type.
  2. The design of the trigger mechanism allows only automatic fire.
  3. Shooting is long orin short bursts.
  4. Rate – about 80 rounds per minute. After 150 shots when doing long fire you need to replace the barrel of the gun.
  5. The fuse System allows to exclude a possible accidental shots.

These guns that was widely used in small parts, placed on a wheeled machine and plenty of weight.

Quad machine gun mount ‘M-4”

Quad anti-aircraft machine gun "M-4” can be mounted on any vehicle – car and train platforms to the ships and boats. It's also possible to put it on the ground as a permanent installation if needed, of protection of especially important objects. This gun is suitable for bombarding ground targets. However, due to the lack of caliber – he was only 7.62 mm – the installation were removed from the weapons.

Quad anti-aircraft machinegun

Quad anti-aircraft machine-gun installation of ZPU-4, by contrast, has been widely used. First and foremost, due to the fact that the caliber anti-aircraft machine gun ZPU-4 12.7-20 mm. a Similar setup allowed to fight with enemy aircraft at altitudes up to 1500 m and at a distance of 2000 m. its design was based on the Vladimirov machine guns that met the tactical and technical requirements. The facility is constantly fine-tuned and entered service with the Russian troops in 1946.

At this point the FP-4 – is a powerful anti-aircraft machine-gun installation, which includes: 4 machine gun KPV 14,5 mm machine, with the mechanisms of the pickup, wagon, and sights. The machine itself consists of two parts: the top revolves and is the basis for the swinging part. The distinctive features of this gun include:

  1. Move on wheels automobile type tires.
  2. The Availability of special absorbers, whose main task – to facilitate the transition of the installation from marching to combat position.
  3. The Total rate of fire – 2200 shots per minute.
  4. Combat rate of fire is 600 rounds per minute.
  5. Ammunition: 14.5 mm cartridges with different bullets – armor-piercing-incendiary, tracer, incendiary instant action incendiary-sighting.
  6. The Speed of a bullet – 300 m/s.

Operation properties

Anti-aircraft guns ZPU-4 a long time have passed various testing. The main problem of their work was non-simultaneous move rolled back the barrels of the guns and sometimes shot down by the tip. It was noted that the installation of weapons – talking about KPV machine gun – was not survivable. But the wide distribution of ZPU-4 received on the improvised armored trains, which were widely used during the wars in Chechnya.

NSV-12.7 “Rock”

anti-aircraft machine gun Utes

A Heavy machine gun with a code word “Cliff” has developed a group of designers. Moreover, during development the main goal was to create a universal weapon that could be used as support for the infantry, as the weapons of armored vehicles and small ships and as anti-aircraft guns in special units. As a consequence, the model is constantly fine-tuned, and only in 1972 was adopted. Anti-aircraft gun “Cliff” has the following features:

  1. Works on the basis of gas operated automatics, with the gas piston located under the barrel.
  2. Barrel is air-cooled.
  3. Shooting can be conducted only with open bolt.
  4. Machine Gun works on the basis of the trigger lever and hand guard located either at the machine or on the machine itself.
  5. Infantry machine additionally has a collapsible stock, where the built spring buffer recoil.
  6. Caliber cartridges used by the weapon – 12.7 mm.

These machine guns has long passed the tests, which confirmed that the weapon has high combat and operational characteristics. And let the weapons they were taken a long time but with these devices, the conduct of the battle has become more effective.

Twin antiaircraft machine gun mount ZU-2

calibre anti-aircraft machine gun

The Coupled antiaircraft guns ZU-2 – installation, which allowed to significantly strengthen the air defense of the various regiments, especially tanks and protivotankovy. Design memory-2 was developed based on the characteristics of the ZU-1, which has been significantly improved:

  1. Carrycot top of the machine was adapted to mount two machine guns KPV 14.5 mm.
  2. Model was combined with a seat for the gunner, who served the scope.
  3. Assembled extra the right frame, in which montereyca second ammunition box.
  4. Wheel stroke of the carriage was designed in a new way: he was now inalienable. Thanks to this technological solution, operation of the ZPU-2 has become more convenient, the new plant has become more resistant to shooting in different conditions.
  5. Used For shooting bullets of 14.5 mm.

The Clever design of the gun carriage anti-aircraft guns helped to provide all-round fire, and the weapon it was possible to direct in a vertical plane in a wide angle range. Thanks to the installation of anti-aircraft sight the combat effectiveness of the ZU-2 is much higher. Such design allowed to keep fighting in different conditions - as in the fight against airaircraft and destroy ground targets.

Greatly improving the combat effectiveness of the memory-2 contributed to the installation of anti-aircraft sight ZAPP-2, developed by designers of the plant «Progress». This sight is a fairly complex mechanical counting-decisive instrument of high accuracy class and provides the ability to conduct effective fire. In addition, the designers paid attention to the elaborate scheme of this weapon.


Antiaircraft machine guns Russia – a selection of powerful weapons, which have largely helped to achieve good results in battles. ZSU-1 – mountain anti-aircraft machine-gun installation on the basis of which it was possible to conduct combat operations in mountainous terrain and selenoproteins. This weapon was equipped with mountain guns and regimental mortars. When designing this type of installations, the designers paid attention to the fact that transportation was possible not only in the horse but in human packs.

anti-aircraft Maxim machine gun

A Light anti-aircraft gun was designed so that it can effectively counteract the aircraft in difficult conditions of combat. ZSU-1 was modified under the tank variant of the KPV machine gun, and the first batch of these guns were exported to Vietnam. The features of the ZSU-1 include:

  1. Light weight & ndash; in a combat situation, this setting has a weight of 220 kg, differing by a simple disassembly. To move the machine gun from place to place a lot of efforts to 5 people.
  2. As the weapons used a modified machine gun KPVT 14.5 mm.
  3. Swivel mechanism has two speed horizontal guidance, giving you the ability to easily and accurately direct weapon at an aerial target.
  4. Wheel stroke makes it easy to transport the unit even in the areas with difficult terrain.
  5. The Defeat of air targets is conducted at ranges of 2000 m and a height of 1500 m.

The Guns of Russia and the world: current realities

One of the most powerful weapons of our time – anti-aircraft gun. Photos of many models shows that this technique is reliable and safe operation, capable of hitting air and ground targets. Medium caliber cartridges suitable for the machine guns of 12.7 mm, which guaranteed the defeat of ground targets with a sufficient thickness of armor at the distance of 800 m.

large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun

The Heavy machine guns – the addition of a fire for many types of combat. They can be mounted on any technique – from combat vehicles to armored vehicles and reinforce infantry. In addition, this small gun allows you to hit air and ground targets, even moving. Interest in anti-aircraft guns caused primarily by the range, which gives the opportunity to deal with serious purpose.

At the moment the most common in the world are considered to be two machine guns-the 12.7 mm DSHKM Soviet and "Browning" of American manufacturing. They differ in mobility, despite the considerable weight and dimensions. In addition, all models are divided into generic or specific. Field machines weigh on average 140 kg of heavy machine guns Russia attract the attention of the Russian NSV 12.7 mm caliber and a Russian “CORD”, which has a unique mobility, speed and ability to hit different targets.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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