Musk duck (indoda): breeding, cultivation, upkeep. Mode of incubation of perching ducks


2020-05-28 06:20:28




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Musk duck (people indoda, lat. Cairina moschata) is a separate species of wood ducks, a number of which is particularly prevalent in South America and Mexico. To turkeys, contrary to popular belief, it does not apply. Domesticated by the ancient Aztecs, and today is common in almost all countries, in particular — in Russia. Much recognition has poultry enthusiasts. Today we will talk about what is the musk duck. Breeding, cultivation, the content of these home birds will also be discussed in detail in our article.musk duck

Brief description

Musk duck is very original and differs significantly in appearance from fellow. With a rather short neck, she has a wide chest, the wings are long and powerful, attached, the legs are short with sharp claws.

The Muscovy duck is calm, quite hardy, relatively undemanding, resistant to most avian diseases are able to do without water. The poultry yards are kept separately, no noise, companies do not like, but the fight will not take effect.

The Weight of the male (Drake), according to the standard, close to 6 kg, the female (duck) — to 3.5 kg. Egg production — 100-110 eggs, the weight of each — about 75 gr.


The Perfect diet of lean red meat. Fat content, unlike, for example, from Peking duck, low (25 %). High muscle mass. Muscle about 41 %. The weight of the edible parts (breast) reaches 800, Indoda like the taste of game with a great taste. In contrast to waterfowl, does not have a specific characteristic taste. In France, these ducks have long replaced most of the other breeds.


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The eggs of musk ducks are edible, and quite tasty. They are large, with a large and dense yolk protein.

musk duck breeding farming content


Musk duck without problems crosses over the simple domestic ducks. Hybrids (muladi) precocity, carcass weight — about 4 kg. do not give Offspring (infertile). Color birds predominantly dark. In Europe they are often fed forcibly, resulting in a very fatty liver (foie Gras), which is highly prized by gourmets.

Colors endotak

The Muscovy duck can be white, brown, black, blue. Distributed wild color, including “mirror”. However, there are exceptions. In Europe, for example, increasingly, there are others, not recognized by standard colors. It is noteworthy that they are stable and are transmitted to descendants. Perhaps very soon these colors will appeal to and will be reflected in the official standards.

It is Worth saying a few words about the monochromatic coloring. We believed that the mixed colors indicate the presence of hybrids. However, such options envisaged by the European standards. In other words, the purebred can be not only solid Muscovy duck. Tribal enterprises abroad are “forcing” new lines where the colors just mixed. It is noteworthy that these ducks particularly productive and weigh more than brown representatives. Mixed colors are increasingly appearing on the European Amateur shows. Alas, we work with intoday extensively (in larger institutions) and seriously was not conducted, so we got only what was imported once from Europe. Mostly it was a brown bird, partly white and black. This explains the prevalence of this color in our latitudes. Although, due to simple appraisal and with the appropriate attitude, the cultivation of musk ducks can give more positive results. It is possible to obtain, for example, white individuals weighing 4.7 kg for three months. Of course, this would require “an infusion of good blood”.

Muscovy duck breed

Muscovy duck (breed)

  1. White. The color corresponds to the name. The plumage has no signs of yellowing. The beak should be light pink, on the tip — lighter. The shank is yellow. The eyes are only blue-gray.

  2. Black-and-white. The eyes are usually light brown (sometimes light blue), metatarsus yellow (acceptable black spots). The main color of the tail — black, with a characteristic Shine (on the back with a green tint, the rest — with purple). White feathers form a pattern in the center of the head, neck, chest, and “mirror” with the folded wings.

  3. Brown wild. The main color is chocolate. Primaries, the cover and the tail feathers are darker with a greenish sheen. The young white feathers in the wings a bit, in adults — a big part. Fluff brown, bright. The beak is red, tip dark, pigmented at the base. Eyes and metatarsus brown. Valid light spot. In people, this breed is called not only as “red perching ducks".

  4. Brown-white. The main color is a chocolate brown (with green tint). White feathers form a pattern in the center of the head, neck, chest. Flight feather second order brown, the first — white (“mirror”). Red beak (the tip is darker), the allowable light pigmentation. Eyes and metatarsus brown.

  5. Black. The color corresponds to the name. The color of the bird is completely black. Back and wings are a greenish cast to it, the other part — purple. Fluff grey, dark. The eyes are brown. The shank and beak are black.

  6. Blue.The color corresponds to the name. The blue color is expressed. Some feathers have a dark border (different pen). The eyes are brown. Hocks with the beak almost black.

  7. Wild. The prevailing color — black, full-bodied, with a greenish tinge on the back and wings, a purple chest and purple in the rest. Large epithelial wings in adult birds in most white, young them. The beak and eyes are brown. Metatarsus black, the fingers are slightly lighter (may be yellowish).

  8. The wild blue. Has a predominantly blue color. Individual feathers are edged with narrow dark bands (different structure). Blue ducks, and in wild common, most of the covering feathers of white color (Mature birds). The bill is almost black, with the transition to reddish brown (at the base), with dark tip. Hocks close to black. Brown eyes.

  9. With the figure. Basis white. Black solid surface occur on the back, neck, crown of head, tail feathers (2nd order), sides, tail, lower leg, on the wings (inner covering feather). The bill is black, with the transition red-blue, with black tip. Brown eyes, bright. Metatarsus yellow (acceptable black spots).

ducks perching ducks

Development and the timing of cropping activities

It is necessary to consider the biological characteristics of the breed. Tail indotek has three layers: fluff, small pen and large (top layer). Some Chicks are born? Their bodies are covered only with down. It — the tip of feathers that will grow later. Primary fluff will eventually wear out. Instead of him grows opaque pen (after the 20th day from birth to six weeks). Soon starts the youth (the so-called ventalina) molt. That's it for this moment and have to wait for — this is the period when ducklings are ready to slaughter. Why? First, you will avoid “hemp” during obsidiania, and secondly, at this time, ends with the formation of bone tissue (ossification). The shedding period lasts a month and a half, sometimes two. This means that deadlines slaughter — 12 weeks — 24 weeks. As an example, you can take a solid French farm. The timing of the slaughter in these enterprises account for 85 days for Drake's and 70 days for ducks. The last place plays for fattening planting density. Better to have ducklings on a galvanized mesh (small, 1x1 cm, from birth to at least three weeks). This will increase the dryness. Moreover, you will achieve almost one hundred percent survival rate! Planting density — 20 goals (maximum) per square meter to 10 days. A further area increase. After planting it is very desirable to use a large (medium can) chips. In an extreme case, suitable sawdust, but larger. Old sawdust is partially removed and posypayutsya new. The entire litter is not changed. how to keep perching ducks

Green pasture in the warm season allows to reduce the cost of feed and to achieve quick weight.

Features breeding

How to contain musk ducks? Pitch in the house low perches so that the bird rested. Musk ducks require somewhat different conditions. In contrast to the way Turkey, you'll need to make a long bench at a low height (20 cm), stepping back from the wall 35 cm Width of the roost — 18 cm.

Musk duck does not withstand dirt and moisture. The best temperature for the production — 19 degrees, minimum — 16. Perfect floors — mesh (it was written above). Cell size - 24x24 mm. the Grid should occupy 2/3 of the total floor Attica. Such a structure along the far wall. “Pillow” (distance to floor) – 30 see the thickness of the pond — at least 2 mm. One of the edges of the mesh floor is better to make the hinges — at harvest it will be possible to lift and fix. Drinkers put on the grid. Feeders are installed no further than three meters from the troughs. Mats are said to use large chips. Moldy damp litter can cause an outbreak of the disease (aspergillosis).

Contains the Muscovy duck (breed not important) at a density of 3 g/m. Formation of breeding flocks start for 1.5 months before I start oviposition. For five hens one Drake. The latter must be a month older. In this case, sexual maturity indotek will come a little earlier. Age ratios can be achieved by leaving the best males from another grown up party. The brood stock form is usually in may-July.eggs perching ducks

After 180 days of daylight gradually adjusted to 17 hours (before masonry). Mode support for 4 months. To lighten your attitude carefully, because perching ducks — a potential cannibals. Therefore, the strength (intensity) of the lighting is adjusted to only 2 watts per meter. If you want extra light, paint the light bulb red (perfect orange) color.

The egg-laying is cyclical. Unlike normal ducks, musky eggs 15 hours. Collect them at least three times a day (preferably more often). For the cycle to 80 pieces.

A Kind and the instinct of incubation. Muscovy duck in an empty nest is not hanging out there. She avoids other people's nests, hatching their eggs only. If you do not clean masonry during the three (and sometimes two) weeks, the female will sit there for incubation. During this time, will gather 12 to 15 eggs.

The Sexual instinct from drakes seasonal. In the first months of oplodotvorennogo high (96 %), the fall is reduced to 50 %.Therefore, the perching ducks incubation is carried out mostly in the spring. Breeding of interspecific hybrids, it is preferable to mix the Beijing ducks with musk drakes.

incubation perching ducks

Incubation of Muscovy duck eggs

It is advisable to know? The Muscovy duck egg has a fairly thick shell that covers the shell and eliminates dehydration. But at the same time decreases the removal of exhaust gases and oxygen permeability. It is somewhat difficult development of the embryo. Old eggs stored for two weeks at twenty degrees, have a better hatchability than absolutely fresh. Wild hen often leaves the nest for the adoption of “tubs”. After she returned, shaken over a nest, irrigating nasazhivanii eggs. In addition, the future mother turns their legs, removing the film and opening the area for gas exchange. Therefore, the perching ducks incubation should be carried out either in inclined or in horizontal position (better the fetus develops). So they don't fall out of the trays during turning, cover them with mesh, securing strong thread or braid.

For the eggs of this breed are excellent upgraded serial incubators “Universal” (15 Holland casino Amsterdam, Holland casino Amsterdam 45). It is very important not to forget about the cooling system. What is its essence? On the 16th day of incubation (and more) in combined method, the eggs are turned twice — at 8.00 and 20.00 (roughly). At the beginning of the required twenty-minute air cooling by two-time rotation of the drum. Then they irrigate (4 minutes) from the dispenser (the position of the trays horizontal).

Below are the indicative mode of incubation of perching ducks.

Stage 1 (1 to 16 days of incubation). Temperature — of 37.8 °C. the rotation axis at 45 degrees. 32% humidity. Cooling and spraying are required.

2 stage (17-21 days of incubation). Temperature of 37.6 °C. the Rotation of the axis by 45 degrees. The moisture content of 30.5 %. Cooling twice, for 25 minutes. Spraying — twice a day.

Stage 3 (22-30 days of incubation). Temperature of 37.4 °C . Twist off axis at 45 degrees. The moisture content of 28.5 %. Cooling twice, for 30 minutes. The mode of spraying is the same.

Stage 4 (30-31 days of incubation). Temperature 37.2 °C. the Rotation is not required. Humidity is 31 %. Spraying twice a day. Cooling — twice a day for 25 minutes.

5 stage (32-35 days incubation). Temperature of 36.9 °C, humidity 35 %. The rotation is not required. Cooling — twice a day for 30 minutes.

the mode of incubation of perching ducks


That musky eat a duck? Feeding this bird can also be divided into stages: early (Chicks) and Mature (younger adults).

Three days (from birth) is better to feed the chicken (or duck) finely crumbled egg. Then begin to add cheese, mash (necessarily crumbly like milk, and broth). At the same age, give herbs (nettle are especially useful). In two weeks enter the roots. The grain can be cooked and can be fed in dry form. Next put two boxes filled with gravel (necessarily small) and sand (river). Winter feeding use twigs, vegetables, hay. Ducklings Muscovy duck, like adults, love the artichoke (and tubers, and greens). Moreover, when feeding on this plant weight faster is typed in, the plumage is shiny, egg production increases. For winter it is advisable to stock up on silo from raznotrave (nettle, dandelion, chickweed, etc.). The grass is definitely cut, placed in jars (glass), sealed, a little podsalivaya (enough spoons of salt in 3 l), is laid on top of the aspirin. These blanks are stored in the cellar.musk duck feeding

Accelerates the fattening inclusion in the diet of slightly salted boiled corn seasoned with fat.

In General, as for the food, perching ducks are fairly undemanding.

Disease prevention

In principle, the immunity of perching ducks is quite high. However, they can get sick from viral hepatitis, absence of tail, pasteurellosis (cholera), aspergillosis, salmonellosis (paratyphoid a) and so to avoid problems, you should take a responsible approach to the arrangement of the house, temperature, lighting and, of course, feeding. Unacceptable contamination of water troughs with troughs. The premises should always be clean and perching ducks

Quite often fans-poultry farmers are facing a serious problem — “new duck flu”. In a timely response to the outbreak, it is possible to suppress antibiotic - drug "Terramycin". Ducklings may be more susceptible to liver damage due to viral hepatitis. Mortality from this disease, frankly, is quite high. Method of control there can be only immunization. What to recommend for this purpose? As an example, could be considered a vaccine Capevac. It contains a plague virus (uses an attenuated, lyophilized form), a strain of Jansen. The vaccine allows to carry out active immunization of young animals. Done it twice, at the fourth and eighth week, before the oviposition, by a subcutaneous injection. Dosage — milliliter per bird. If a zone is troubled, to instill begin after 21 days. Re-vaccination — in two, maximum three weeks.

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"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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