Mnemonic - who is this? The meaning of the word "mnemonic"


2018-04-01 13:18:11




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The issues of memory we understand hardly at the level of conscious users. But our ability to hold information in itself is a miracle of the human brain. How many methods of information storage we know? To read, to learn, to try to reproduce... In the best case - binding is associative with the existing knowledge and to arouse in the brain the right way.

But methods for these purposes is much more. And people are the same, as we are, practice them and enjoy brilliant results. One of the ways of memorization - mnemonics, and the people who use them - mnemonics. So let's find out the meaning of the word mnemonics and how we can affect people, it mastered.

mnemonic is

Before you can treat directly the subject of the article, let's remember a movie "johnny Mnemonic". Who saw him, he was familiar with the question a little better than those who are not able to deal with this picture. About it we also say a few words separately.

Mnemonic - who is this? The interpretation of the word

Refer to terminology. The modern interpretation of the word "mnemonic" is a specialist, professionally owning the technique of memorization. This interpretation of the concept appeals to another term - mnemonics.

meaning of the word mnemonic

What are mnemonics?

Mnemonics (in terms of sources found, the term "mnemonics") is a technique of memorization. In fact, it is a certain set of methods and techniques designed to facilitate the storage of information in the brain, to increase the number of perceived data through the creation of artificial associations.


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The Term originated from the Greek word mnemonikon, which translated means "the art of remembering". Some sources say that came up with his Pythagoras of Samos in the 6th century BC.

In addition, it is interesting to know that the name "mnemonic", or rather its original form, is linked to one of the goddesses of the Greek Pantheon - Mnemosyne. Recall: Mnemosyne - the mother of the nine muses, patron of memory.

Mnemonic in the modern world

Historically, the technique of memorization was formed as part of the philosophy. In principle, all of modern science rooted in psychology. Mnemonics was part of the rhetoric and used it, in fact, the ancient orators to remember their long speeches. The first recorded data about the historians of science refer to 86-82 BCE Authorship they attributed to Cicero, Quintilian.

what is the mnemonic

Until today, mnemonics developed, improved and technology made them more efficient. If earlier it was a memorization tool structured coherent arrays of text, now you can use it to keep in the memory any accurate information, even if it is considered difficult to recall or do not remember.

The Wonders of mnemonics (and that's what successful achievement of the entities) are shown as a circus and variety numbers. So, actors-mnemonics demonstrate memorization of many numbers, complex texts, numerical tables and the like. In paired performances on a specially designed code is the issue of "guessing numbers" (or symbols, make words, etc.)

Storage technology

Considering the mnemonics, let's try to look at it from different sides. So, to interpret it will be easier as the system of internal letters, using which people can transform information in a number of other visual images. Reproducing these signs, the mnemonic recalls the necessary information.

How it works? The brain connects many difficult, but the natural mechanisms of memory. They contribute to complete control of processes of perception and reproduction of information. To learn to control their own resources so brain work is similar to the training of skills such as shorthand, typewriting. The key to a positive result of exercise.

Having Mastered the mnemonics, a person may not use in the future. Mnemonics is not a person with natural or acquired extraordinary ability to memorize. Mastering it does not change completely the usual process of remembering. To obtain good results it will need to "enable". It will have each time to form a special "language" of signs, in which is recorded information in memory.

movie mnemonic

What makes mnemonics?

We have already considered the meaning of the word mnemonic. What is the value of mnemonics for us?

The Use of mnemonics in the modern information rich society are great. The first and most important is that it gives a possibility to keep in mind large amounts of specific information. This will allow much more effective to master any academic discipline.

The Results of mnemonics can be compared with the achievements of technical progress. Using mnemonics, it is easy to be on a par with the best representatives of their profession. Reading a scientific paper on the chosen subject, watching the lecturer while watching the film, the mnemonic can literally absorb every word. It sounds like something on the verge of science fiction, but absolutely real.

The Advantage of mnemonics is that information we can use in the future. She is not forgotten, that is not relegated to a distantshelves, and teach her once again not necessary.

Fantastically introduced the subject of the conservation in the human mind the vast array of information film "johnny mnemonic" with Keanu Reeves in the title role. But there are not used resources of the brain and technical tools built in to the head of the hero.

the movie johnny mnemonic


In our article we touched on the unusual topics - high-performance memory difficult to recall information. Mnemonic - a man who has mastered the technique of associative memory to such an extent as to instantly grab and hold the in-memory complex data in order to continue to use it.

We Disassembled and the meaning of the word "mnemonic", finding out his Greek origin. With a rich history, mnemonics in the modern world was one of the phenomena contributing to the integration of individuals into the rhythm of the development of technical progress.

The results of the application of mnemonics to help in the development of new knowledge, gaining a profession, the decision of household problems. Optionally learn this technique, because the benefit it will bring is undeniable.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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