The theory of Charles Darwin: a driving force of evolution


2018-03-25 03:16:07




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The Essence of the concept of evolution of Darwin comes down to the line of logic, backed up by experiments and other research positions. So, it has been proven that all species of living organisms characteristic of individual genetic variation on any grounds; they multiply exponentially; within species there is a struggle for existence because of limitations of vital resources in this fight to survive and further reproduce only adapted individuals.

Thus, the main driving forces of evolution – genetic variation, natural selection and struggle for existence. Take a closer look at each of them.

1. Genetic variation is the improvement of chromosomes and genes, and the emergence of different combinations in the offspring of parental characteristics, that is, it arises due to mutations. A variety of inherited characteristics due to repetition of mutation and contact between individuals also plays a role in their habitat.

Evolution of living organisms involves the change of genetic environment and the creation of the living units, the chromosomes which form a successful combination. The increase in the number of carriers of these genes leads to hereditary changes of signs of the body, manifested in mutations, so these individuals become more resilient.

The Variability is of three types:

A) a certain – the acquisition of a certain number of units of one type of new indications;

B) uncertain volatility – experience a variety of minor features that cannot be explained, members of the same species;

C) correlative – the interdependence of acquired characters of the organism.

Thus, the driving forces of evolution, namely genetic variation, arise from the interaction of genetic information and conditions of the specific external environment. In this acquired characteristics can be preserved for many generations.


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2. The struggle for existence – the mechanism of relations between organisms and factors of inanimate nature, due to the ability of individuals to reproduce (increase their numbers) and limited resources (territory, food, etc.). There are the following forms:

A) the fight against critical environmental conditions, such as excess or lack of light, moisture, temperature change of the air;

B) a struggle inside a certain type – is the result of the similarity of needs of members of the species;

B) interspecific struggle – is expressed in the relationship between members of different species.

Thus, these Driving forces of evolution, as variation and struggle for existence are closely connected, since the first promotes adaptation to the conditions of inanimate nature, which leads to biological progress.

3. Natural selection – identifying a survival mechanism units with the necessary genetic changes and their further reproduction. The selection is the result of the struggle for existence. There are the following mechanisms:

A) the education of genetic changes;

B) the survival of individuals with these changes in the corresponding habitat;

C) the reproduction of these units, population growth and the spread of useful genetic changes.

The Driving forces of evolution interact with each other, allow to explain the formation of other species in nature. The material accumulated in different fields of biology have a logical conclusion only when they comply with the principle of evolution.

The great merit of Darwin is explaining the process of development and formation of species. This fact has made the teaching of evolution Darwin's generally accepted theory.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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