Where the Arctic, Antarctic and Antarctica: the main differences and interesting facts


2018-04-02 14:21:14




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Where is the Arctic and Antarctic? And what is the difference between these areas of Land from each other? This question puzzles many people, even if they conscientiously studied geography in school. Answer it will help our article.

Unlike the Arctic from the Antarctic

Quite popular geographical riddle reads: “do polar bears penguins?" the adult Brain immediately begins to build a logical chain of thought. Remember pictures from school textbooks, where these and other animals depicted against the background of eternal ice and winter landscapes. Man says: polar bears – they are predators, and penguins – quite clumsy birds easy prey. Consequently, the first should be happy to eat the second.

However, all is not so! Not everyone will know that these animals in the wild, generally can not meet, because they live in completely different parts of the world. One of them – the Arctic, and the other – Antarctica. So to see each other, they can develop in any zoo.

the difference between Arctic and Antarctic

Where is the Arctic and Antarctica – this will be discussed further. What are the features of nature, climate and the organic world of these areas?

Where is the Arctic? Brief description of the area

What is the difference between Arctic, Antarctic and Antarctica? Let's try to understand this geographical question.

Where is the Arctic on the globe? In which part of the world need to look for?

In the beginning you need to remember that our planet Earth has two poles which are diametrically opposite to each other – North and South. This will help you better navigate, where is the Arctic where – Antarctica.


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So, the Arctic-polar region of Earth immediately adjacent to the North pole. Geographically, it comprises the Arctic ocean, the Northern boundary of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. To the Arctic also includes margin of Eurasia and North America, and numerous Islands.

where is the Arctic

Sometimes this physical-geographical macro-region limit from the South the Arctic circle. The area of the region, depending on its southern borders, is from 21 to 27 million square kilometers.

Now you know where the Arctic. What was the development of her person? And when did it start?

History of the conquest of the Arctic and the North pole

The Arctic is inhabited a long time ago. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. So, the man first appeared on the shores of the Arctic ocean another 30 thousand years ago. However, later it began to pull further to the North. There were brave men who wanted to conquer the pole.

Serious and systematic study of the region began in the second half of the nineteenth century. The most famous polar Explorer of the time is considered to be the Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen. In particular, he made history for being the first able to cross the ice cap of Greenland-the largest island of the planet. It happened in 1889.

Robert Peary – another important name in the history of exploration of the Arctic. In 1908-1909, the year he organized an expedition that first reached the North pole. Interestingly, the aim of this campaign was only this record. No scientific research expedition is not conducted.

where is the Arctic on the globe

7 amazing facts about the Arctic

The Arctic – an amazing region which is full of secrets, mysteries and unusual natural phenomena. Here are some interesting facts about him:

  • Organic world of the Arctic, despite such a harsh climate, is rich enough. Huge ice space densely populated by polar bears, Arctic foxes, lemmings, reindeer, and dozens of species of birds and other animals. You can find here even an ordinary crow!
  • To the Arctic to claim their rights from five States, including Russia;
  • The Arctic shelf, according to rough estimates of scientists, hides in itself more than 100 billion tons of oil and gas;
  • About 50 million years ago the Arctic climate was significantly milder. Water in the Arctic ocean in those days was heated in the summer up to +15 ... 18 degrees!
  • The Arctic – the area of Land that is most vulnerable to the worldwide processes of global warming;
  • Deserts are not only in the tropical zone but also in the Arctic. Only here they are called the Arctic;
  • The first voyage in Arctic waters made the ancient Greeks PIFA in the fourth century before our era.

Antarctic and Antarctica – where are they located?

The Antarctic geographers call the South polar region of Earth, which is located on the opposite from the Arctic side of the planet. It includes a huge land mass-the continent of Antarctica and the southern tip of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian ocean (many foreign scholars in this field a fifth ocean of the Earth – South).

The Northern boundary of the Antarctic is quite conditional. Most often it is performed on the edge zone of floating ice (between 50-55 degrees South latitude). Thus, the total area of Antarctica is significantly higher than in the Arctic, and is about 60 million square kilometers.

where is the Arctic and Antarctic

Antarctica, as mentioned above, thisthe sixth continent of the planet Earth – the most southern and most cold.

History of the discovery and development of the Antarctic

Already in the eighteenth century, people assumed that in the South of our planet, there is one continent. The first on his quest he sent James cook in 1775. During his circumnavigation he went to the mysterious "South Land" close, opening the South sandwich Islands.

The Discovery of the Antarctic continent took place in 1820, during an expedition of Russian seafarers F. Bellinsgauzen and M. P. Lazarev. Then began a series of discoveries and kartografirovanie various seas, Islands and lands in the Antarctic.

In 1911, two expeditions (one under the leadership of Roald Amundsen, the other – Robert Scott) went to conquer the South pole. But fortune smiled on only one of the groups of desperate daredevils. 14 December 1911 Amundsen established at the pole the Norwegian flag. Scott's group reached the goal of the expedition 27 days later, and all its members died on the way back.

where is the Arctic and Antarctica

The Continent of Antarctica has significant mineral resource potential. However, the countries signed an agreement on “integrity” of the depths of the continent until 2048.

7 amazing facts about Antarctica

We Offer you 7 interesting facts about Antarctica and the Antarctic:

  • Antarctica-the coldest continent of the planet. In the 80-ies of the Soviet polar station “East” was recorded the lowest the temperature on the Earth (-89 degrees);
  • Antarctica – and highest continent on the planet (primarily due to the massive ice cap that in some places reaches a thickness of 1-1,5 km);
  • Antarctica is the windiest and the driest place on Earth (and this is despite the fact that it contains up to 70 % of freshwater);
  • Antarctica-the only continent without a permanent population;
  • In the Antarctic inhabit 6 species of penguins. Among them – Emperor penguins, which are distinguished by their large size;
  • From the ice shelves of the Antarctic periodically break off huge chunks of ice. One of these was formed in 2000 and went free diving. Its length was 300 miles away!
  • Antarctica has no time zones. Scientists staying here, living at the time of their States.

Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic

Do you Know where the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic? Many do not even suspect the existence of such institutions. It turns out that such a Museum exist!

where is the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic

It is located in the city of St. Petersburg, in the former St. Nicholas common faith Church (Marata street, 24A). In 1930 the Church was closed and its walls opened this unusual Museum. He introduces visitors to the history of the development and study of the Arctic and Antarctic.

The Museum presents polar equipment, unique instruments, rare photographs, model ships and icebreakers, as well as numerous paintings depicting the wild and rugged nature of the polar regions of the Earth.

In conclusion

Where is the Arctic, Antarctic and Antarctica? Now you will easily be able to answer this question and show the above-mentioned region on the globe. Despite the distance of thousands of kilometers between Arctic and Antarctica, between them have a lot in common. In both parts of the planet is extremely cold, there's a lot of snow, icebergs and glaciers, and almost no vegetation.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/education/5843-where-the-arctic-antarctic-and-antarctica-the-main-differences-and-int.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/adukacyya/10391-dze-znahodz-cca-arktyka-antarktyka-antarktyda-asno-nyya-adroznenn-c-ka.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/bildung/10390-wo-befindet-sich-die-arktis-antarktis-und-antarktika-die-wichtigsten-u.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-educaci-n/10396-donde-se-encuentra-el-rtico-el-ant-rtico-y-la-ant-rtida-las-principale.html

HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/education/5846-where-the-arctic-antarctic-and-antarctica-the-main-differences-and-int.html

JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/education/5843-where-the-arctic-antarctic-and-antarctica-the-main-differences-and-int.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/b-l-m/10393-ornalas-an-arktika-antarktika-zh-ne-antarktida-neg-zg-ayyrmashyly-tary.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/edukacja/10391-gdzie-jest-arktyka-antarktyda-i-antarktyda-podstawowe-r-nice-i-ciekawe.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/educa-o/10387-onde-est-o-rtico-a-ant-rtida-e-ant-rtica-as-principais-diferen-as-e-cu.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/e-itim/10397-burada-yer-alan-arctic-antarktika-ve-antarktika-temel-farkl-l-klar-ve-.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/osv-ta/10394-de-znahodit-sya-arktika-antarktika-antarktida-osnovn-v-dm-nnost-c-kav-.html

ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/education/6352-where-the-arctic-antarctic-and-antarctica-the-main-differences-and-int.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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