Rules of etiquette for pupils in pictures. 10 rules of etiquette for the student


2019-02-17 01:00:58




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Every year millions of moms bring their children to school. First-graders quite difficult to get used to a completely new life for them. They are afraid of how they will be classmates for sure whether they are the teacher.

etiquette for studentsAt school you must behave correctly. There are all kinds of rules, with which compliance is mandatory. Only in this case, learn to be really comfortable.

10 etiquette rules of the student

Each student must behave correctly. You must observe a certain etiquette. There are a huge number of important rules. It is possible to highlight 10 key:

1. It is time to come to school.

2. Necessary things carefully folded into a knapsack.

3. At the entrance to the school wipe their feet. Upon entering the class greet the teacher.

4. Answer is sure to raise your hand.

5. Talk to friends and teachers should be polite .

6. It is Necessary to protect all school property and in any case not to spoil it.

7. Change is forbidden to run and scream.

8. All adult should greet.

9. Boy skips forward in the doorway of the girl, a student – adult.

10. All rubbish should be put in the ballot box.

How to behave in class?

· It is best to come to school in advance. Before the lesson should remain at least 10 minutes. This time, just enough to leave the clothes in the closet and come to class. It is important to prepare for the lesson.

· You Must complete all homework assignments. In the diary must be filled in the schedule.

· On the lesson you need to forget about the cell phone.

· You can Not say dirty words and show rude gestures.

· To Leave lessons only with permission of a doctor or teacher.

· If lessons are missed due to illness, you must bring to school a note from parents or a certificate.

· At the beginning of the lesson must greet the teacher. For this whole class be sure there. In the same way other adults are welcomed.

· During the lesson, not to interfere with other to talk.

· If you want to go, you need to raise your hand.

· On the Desk important cleanliness and tidiness. Lie down on it should only that need in the classroom. All extraneous items are removed in the knapsack.

How to behave at recess?

For a Long time to sit and pay attention to the teacher rather tiresome. The change that is needed to relax. But it does not mean that you need to run and scream. This is not just wrong, but dangerous. Be sure to observe the rules of etiquette for school children regarding correct behavior at recess.


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the 10 rules of etiquette studentIf you have any desire to run, better to go to court. Change suitable for going to the library, to the dining room, preparing for another lesson, call the mother.

rules of etiquette for elementary school studentsIf the behavior at recess calm, it shows respect for others but also himself. You should try to relax and gain strength for the next lesson.

What not to do during the break?

The Rules forbid the changes:

· Push.

· Obscene to speak.

· Throw in the other any items.

· Join the fighting or to be their ringleader.

· To Slide down the railing or lean over them. It is very dangerous. The stairs going down and up only on the right side.

· To Sit on the windowsills.

With teachers and parents be sure to say Hello.

rules of etiquette for students in schoolTo Open and close doors should be very careful. Not worth to slam them. Definitely miss running ahead of the adults, and then go yourself. Not on the stairs no one to push as it is very dangerous.

How to behave in the cafeteria?

In the dining room usually accumulates a lot of people. Change 15 minutes and during this time you must have time to eat. It is important to observe the rules of etiquette for students:

· Do Not try to get here first. You need to come with their class. Do not rush to sit at the table first, even if you feel very hungry.

· It Is necessary to observe the queue.

· Go in the dining room should be carefully. In this case, be sure to look at his feet. If you dish, you need to be doubly careful.

· Before the food must wash their hands.

· You Must be very careful to use a fork and in some case not to wave it.rules of etiquette for students pictures

· Theresoup and tea, carefully, without spilling it on themselves or on their neighbors.

· To Sit at the table directly, not pushing while sitting next. Elbows on the table do not put.

· Every after eating be sure to clean up the dishes.

Rules of etiquette for younger students

Particular attention should be paid to proper behavior in elementary school. At this age are laid all the rules. If students are not taught how to behave in certain places, then do it at an older age will be much more difficult.

Public transport

· Included in any transport accurately, anyone not pushing.

· Should give place to older people and pregnant women.

· You Can read the trip interesting book.

· Do Not talk loudly as this prevents others.

· Do Not try to talk to strangers.


· You Cannot make a mess.

· No noise.

· Not worth it to behave provocatively.

· Should Not be aloud to comment on the film.

· You can Not talk during a session on the phone.

There are certain rules of conduct and other public places. Rules of etiquette for students 4 classes is extremely important as children get older and go to secondary school. By this time they should already be well-mannered.

The Rules of etiquette in pictures

Children should know and abide by numerous rules of etiquette. Training should begin at an early age. Children is quite difficult to remember all at once.

To make rules of etiquette for students easy for digestion and to make learning as interesting as possible, you should use visibility. Rules of etiquette for pupils in pictures will allow children not only to learn but also to visualize how to behave. It should also be applied to the pictures, which show the wrong behavior. Children will understand that such behavior is far from accepted norms. Visual learning will enable you to learn the material quickly and easily.

rules of etiquette for the students of class 4It is Also worth to educate children by example. It should be the parents and teachers in school. Learning the etiquette in the form of a game most effectively. This allows you to learn the rules of etiquette for students. Pictures help to do this.

The Child should come to school with already formed skills of etiquette. If the preschool age child has not been vaccinated to certain norms of behaviour, it will be very difficult in the team. Bad manners and being rude will cause others just irritation and inevitable rejection. Therefore, to teach children etiquette must, first and foremost it is the parents.

Why it is important rules of conduct?

Preschoolers don't always behave correctly. For them, it's forgivable. All have long known that if the parents of a good upbringing, then the child will gradually learn all the necessary rules of conduct.

rules of etiquette for schoolchildren at the tableBut if the students misbehave in a public place, the surrounding is usually outraged. Unpleasant to look at slovenly dressed, shoving and screaming children who can't use Cutlery.

Learn the rules of etiquette for students is quite simple. Learn polite conversation quite easily. Dressing themselves.

Normally, parents require children to well-behaved. It is important when children find themselves alone in some public place. Rules of etiquette for pupils in school it is important to comply strictly with. Children should know what to do in any given situation. In this and shows their maturity.

Also do not forget that children's behavior is judged on the parents. Don't make them blush. You should try to be polite and well-mannered. It is for this and should study the rules of etiquette for students.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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