Defensive battle at height 3234. The history of the heroic deeds of the soldiers of the 9th company


2018-03-19 10:35:14




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It is believed that Soviet troops were introduced into the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) at the request of the then government. Trying to hedge against the emergence on its borders of hostile forces, the Politburo decided to meet the neighbors and in December 1979, to introduce a limited contingent of its troops to the Republic. Initially, nobody in the USSR was not counting on long years of opposition, however, had to fight for 10 years.

With government troops and units of the Soviet army were fighting the Mujahideen (rebels) – the so-called Afghans and other foreigners, which came into armed groups and trained in neighboring Pakistan. Their sponsors were the USA, coupled with some middle Eastern countries. With their help, the Mujahideen were armed, equipped, provided financial support. This operation was called “Cyclone”.

the battle at height 3234


In December 1987, one part of the government forces of the DRA were blocked at the border with Pakistan the city of Khost (Paktia province). After leaving these places of Soviet soldiers, local troops were not able to withstand the onslaught of well-armed and trained bands of Mujahideen. As a result, they not only lost control of the road, the Khost - Gardez, but was blocked in the Host. The command of the 40th army, it was decided to help the surrounded allies through the supply by air of arms, ammunition and food. Subsequently, the leadership of the USSR decided to carry out a military operation called "Highway" to release the Host and adjacent roads.


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It Should be noted that this operation was carried out brilliantly. Even before the new year and the city and the track was taken under control of our troops, and on 30 December 1987, on the road, the first supply column.

Component “Highway”

The Battle at height 3234 (1988) was one of the components of the operation “Highway”. The fact that the mountainous terrain of this road was the only link connecting the region to the mainland, so it is heavily guarded.

Exposed posts and other Outpost is constantly subjected to massive shelling and attacks of the Mujahideen. Following the battle for hill 3234 was the most known in Russia. First and foremost thanks to the film "9th company", transmitted by F. Bondarchuk.

Approximate chronology of events

The Battle at height 3234 occurred a few kilometers southwest from the centre of the road, the Khost - Gardez. To defend it was sent to the 9th parachute company 345 regiment, composed of 39 persons headed by the senior Lieutenant Sergey Tkachev. As the gain was a heavy machine gun with calculation, led by a senior Sergeant Vladimir Alexandrov.

In many ways, the fighting for hill 3234 was won thanks to the work in a short time had dug trenches, bunkers, trenches, and mined areas of probable approach of the enemy, and on the South side was a minefield.

battle for hill 3234

The Beginning of the battle. The first attack

So, early on the morning of January 7 was launched a defensive battle at height 3234. Without any intelligence, that is, unceremoniously, the rebels made their first attack, during which they tried immediately to knock established outposts here and open a path to the road. However, they miscalculated. Built Marines strong engineering and resisted left no chances for the briefness of the battle. The Mujahideen realized that this nut is too tough for them.

A New wave of attack

15.30 battle at height 3234 continued shelling, which used rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, recoilless rifles. It was noticed even several tens of explosions of rockets. Under cover of the bombardment, the Mujahideen were able to sneak up to the position of the company at 200 meters and go on the attack from two sides simultaneously. However, our soldiers were able to fight back. The Mujahideen had to retreat.

defensive battle at the height of 3234

However, the respite was short lived. Regrouped and received reinforcements, they continued fighting for hill 3234 (photo below). He began at 16.30 and was more severe. To coordinate the attack, the Mujahideen began to use the radio. In some areas came to melee fights. The battle lasted about an hour. In the result, the attackers, having lost about a dozen killed and about three dozen wounded, were forced to revert back, do not get close to our positions a centimeter.

On our side also appeared first loss. As in weaponry and in manpower. In particular, was completely disabled by heavy machine gun “Rock”. Killed the commander of the calculation of ml. Sergeant Alexandrov. During this attack on its positions, the Mujahideen concentrated fire of all their grenadiers – so it prevented the attackers. After the gun was completely smashed, the commander ordered the soldiers to retreat inside defense, and he remained in masonry, covering the area of defense. At the end of the fight found the body of Vyacheslav Alexandrov was wounded, but the soldier hands still firmly holding the machine from which it was shot. The defender witnessed the death of the gunner. Subsequently, many of them told me that the incident has had a huge psychological impact.

Second attack

Sensing the weakening of fire, the Mujahedeen in less than an hour continued The battle at height 3234. 9th company continued the defense. This time was the attacked area protected by a platoon of senior Lieutenant Sergey Rozhkova. Lost heavy machine gun they managed to replace the connecting regimental artillery, allocated to help the defending paratroopers. Fire spotter Ivan Babenko was able so skillfully to build her the work that the Mujahideen had once again to revert to the position taken by the defender empty-handed. During this attack killed Anatoly Kuznetsov.

the battle at height 3234 photo

The Third attack

A Long and stubborn resistance of our paratroopers drove the spooks to rabies. After a short break, at 19.10 local time, the fighting for hill 3234 (photo by One of the episodes taken from the film Bondarchuk) was extended to heavy machine-gun and grenade fire. The new attack was a psychological – the Mujahideen were in full growth, regardless of losses. However, paratroopers such outburst only caused the grin on the tired faces. The third battle at height 3234 were repulsed with heavy losses for the attackers.

Fifth attack

Last on the day of the attack, the fifth, began shortly before midnight, at 23.10. It is considered the most fierce. Apparently, the attackers have been some changes in the command, because this time the Mujahideen have prepared more thoroughly. Clearing the aisles in a minefield and explored using the dead space, they were able to get close to the positions of our Marines less than 50 meters. In some areas the enemies could even tossing grenades. However, they still did not help. The last of that day the attack of the rebels, like all previous ones, was repulsed with heavy losses for the attacker side.

Last attack

Last, the twelfth, the attack began at 3 a.m. January 8. According to the current situation it was most critical. Moreover, the enemy has already begun to appear in certain areas occupied by the paratroopers of the territory our soldiers almost ran out of ammo. The officers have decided to call the fire of the regimental artillery on itself. However, this is not required.


Salvation came at a good time. Like in the movies. Came to the aid of the paratroopers reconnaissance platoon led by senior Lieutenant Alexei Smirnov immediately entered the battle and literally swept burst on our positions of the Mujahideen, and organized following this, joint with the defending paratroopers attack the far back of the enemy.

Reinforcements Arrived, delivered to those Marines needed ammunition, and the increased fire of the regimental artillery decided the outcome of the entire battle. Realizing, finally, that to take the height and so need to their way does not work, spooks began to retreat.

The End of the battle

The battle at height 3234 can be considered complete. Feeling the change in the layout of forces in their favor, the rebels, having collected their dead and wounded, ceased offensive operations.

According to some reports, support for the Mujahideen came from the official armed forces of Pakistan. In particular, in the next valley, which was the height of 3234 at a distance of about 40 km for the entire fight constantly arriving several helicopters. In Afghanistan they brought reinforcements and ammunition, carrying back the dead and wounded. Towards the end of the battle the scouts were able to detect a helipad. It the kick was made from reactive multiple rocket launchers «Tornado». The hit was almost one hundred percent. All of its helicopters were destroyed or damaged. The loss of the rebels was very sensitive. The latter fact also had a positive impact on the outcome of the battle.

the battle at height 3234 9th company

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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