How to get rid of pride, arrogance, vanity and self-abasement?


2018-03-20 21:41:20




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Before you start reasoning about how to get rid of pride, first, let's characterize this concept. This word usually means excessive pride, arrogance, selfishness, conceit, etc. All roughly know what is pride, but rarely acknowledges it and if they notice, do not see in it any danger and, moreover, are not going to fight it. But sooner or later it will make itself felt and will bear terrible fruit.

how to get rid of pride

How to get rid of pride: Orthodoxy, Catholicism

Pride in Orthodoxy included in the eight sinful passions along with gluttony, fornication, avarice, anger, sadness, despondency and vanity.

In Catholicism, pride is among the seven main passions along with gluttony, fornication, greed, anger, sadness and envy.

Before you can answer the question of how to get rid of the sin of pride, it should be noted that arrogance and pride are not one and the same. Pride – it is, in General, the most common feature of any sinner. We all from time to time fall into pride. The arrogance – the great degree, when this sinful passion becomes the dominant characteristic of the person and fills it. These people don't usually hear about such people: “a lot of Pride, and a little crazy”.

how to get rid of pride and arrogance

Islam about pride

Pride – when people boast before the Lord for their achievements, forgetting that it was from Him he received. This is disgusting quality makes a person too arrogant, he begins to believe that he can achieve everything without the help of God, and therefore he never thanked God for all that he has.

How to get rid of pride? Islam, incidentally, is also of the opinion that pride – a great sin which causes other sins.

According to the Quran, Jinn named Iblees refused to obey the order of Allah and to make prostration to Adam. The Genie said that he is the better man, because made of fire and not of clay. After that he was banned from heaven and vowed to shoot down the believers from the right path.


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how to get rid of pride Orthodoxy

How to recognize the sin of pride? How to get rid of it?

Pride grows in the soil of well-being, not when everything is bad. In the euphoria of it is almost impossible to notice. But when she will grow, stop it's very hard. It plunges man into the illusion of his greatness and then suddenly throws it into the abyss. Therefore it is better before to notice it, to recognize and, therefore, begin neprimirimogo fight with her. Pay attention to the signs of its manifestations.

An indication of the pride

  • Frequent resentment and intolerance of other people, or rather their imperfection.
  • Constant accusations in their life.
  • Uncontrolled irritability and disrespect for other people.
  • The Constant thoughts about your own greatness and uniqueness, and, therefore, superiority to others.
  • The Need to have someone constantly admired and praised.
  • Absolute intolerance of criticism and unwillingness to correct their shortcomings.
  • Inability to apologize.
  • Complete confidence in their infallibility; a desire to argue and prove its advantages.
  • Nesmirne and stubbornness, which is that people can not adequately and calmly accept life's lessons.

When increasing the pathos, the joy in my heart fades, replaced by dissatisfaction and discontent. Only now some people, noticing all these negative manifestations of pride, begin to resist, others become its victims.

Proud you can handle, until it grew to gigantic proportions, figuratively speaking, took power over the soul and mind. And it is urgent to tackle the problem, but how to deal with pride?

how to get rid of pride and vanity

Methods of struggle

  1. No matter How high your achievements, you should try to be interested in people who have attained a degree, which should respect and learn from them.
  2. Learn to be humble, realize the greatness and infinite potential of every human soul. Take his insignificance before God-the Creator of all life on earth and in heaven.
  3. Do Not assign all merits and achievements. Always thank the Lord for all the good and bad that happens to you, for different tests and lessons. The feeling of gratitude is always pleasant to experience than the feeling of contempt for others.
  4. Find someone adequate, fair and good to constructively expressed about you in his opinion all defects need to be studied and eradicated. And this is the best cure for pride.
  5. Your best experience it is necessary to transfer people to try to help them selflessly with love. The manifestation of true love will purify the heart from pride. One who in time begin to share their positive experience with others will only increase the growth of pride and pseudovelocity.
  6. Try to be sincere first and foremost for ourselves. Looking for kindness, in order not to accumulate a grudge, and find the strength and courage to ask forgiveness from those we wronged, and to learn to admit their mistakes.

how to get rid ofpride and self-abasement


Many people are interested in another interesting question is about how to get rid of pride and self-abasement. These are two extreme points, one concept implies a high self esteem, the other – low. Here about her a little bit and talk.

If we already know about pride, then stop a little bit on properties like self-deprecation, which is based on a bad self esteem and negative self-analysis. Man begins to belittle itself and its advantages in comparison with other people. He may not like his looks and qualities, he constantly criticizes himself, saying, “I am not beautiful”, “I am fat”, “I'm messy”, “I'm a complete fool” etc.


Self-abasement, as of pride, can be used as a tool by which to affect how you evaluate and perceive others not to obtain painful blow to his self esteem.

In a situation belittling a person very first starts to criticize, to scold and to blame, thus he prevents a possible negative reaction to it from others. These people really believe that they are worse than others. Shyness also shows the person developed an inferiority complex.

Causes self-deprecation

Where did he come from? Typically, this can be some negative experience from early childhood that is associated with the inability to assess themselves and others.

Self-deprecation becomes an inadequate way to protect yourself from potential emotional threats. It can be used as a mask, which puts a person in adult life to hide behind her.

Self-deprecation, as a rule, indeed, appears in early childhood, often this is due to the inability of a child to meet all the high bar and expectations of parents, especially if the parents of some outstanding people. They expect that their child will necessarily conform to their ideals, possess talent and ambition.

how to get rid of pride Islam

The Mask of impotence

But the child does not reach the plate, delivered to the parents, then he blames himself, thinks himself incompetent, to his mind comes a wrong self-esteem, because parents are dissatisfied with them.

When the child grows up, and then it appears the fear that he can never be as good as many people around him that he can't like it, so it will never bring success, happiness and love. He begins to openly declare that he is a loser. Is brewing deep internal conflict and chain complexes that are hiding under the mask, which stands for “do not pay no attention to me” and “do not wait from me anything special». To praise he is not used to it and accept it because they do not believe in yourself.


In Parallel, there is another question about how to get rid of pride and vanity. And this is because all links in the same chain. Where there is pride, there is vanity. The meaning of this concept lies in the fact that the person constantly wants to look better than he really is, he feels a constant need to confirm their superiority, and thus surrounds himself with friends flatterers.

Related concepts vanities also include arrogance, pride, hubris, arrogance and “stardom". The vain person is only interested in his person.

Vanity is like a drug, without which hooked on it, already can not live. And envy from the neighborhood is, and they go hand in hand. As a vain man does not tolerate any competition, if someone is ahead, it starts gnawing envy.

how to get rid of the sin of pride

Corruptible glory

As mentioned above, the vanity along with pride included in the eight sinful passions in Orthodoxy.

I Want to add to all that the vanity is when a person constantly strives for in vain, it is vain and empty glory. The word "vain", in turn, denotes “skoroprechodaschie and mortal”.

Position, high position, fame - things on earth are impermanent and unreliable. Any earthly glory – dust and ashes, just nothing compared to the glory that the Lord has prepared for them that love Him children.


Now we need to talk about how to get rid of pride and arrogance. Just need to figure out what is arrogance, then it will be easier to understand and cope with this passion. Arrogance - it is self-superiority, arrogance and contempt to another person.

Summing up the discussion of how to get rid of pride, arrogance and the like, it is necessary to note the fact that the fight against them is possible only after the man will take under strict control of their behavior and words begin to do good works, to care about other people and not wait for it thanks and the Board.

We Must try to get rid of the thought of their own importance, the characteristics and greatness. Look at yourself, listen to what you say what you think, like, put yourself in the place of others.

Pride, arrogance and vanity will prevent the individual to live independent and fulfilling lives. And until they are destroyed, start to deal with them. Only then will you be able to rejoice and live in peace with himself and with the worldothers. And you will not want to blame anybody for their sins, and a desire to thank the Lord for everything.

The World is lit up in other colors, only then can one understand the main thing: the meaning of life is LOVE. And only to her he should strive.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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