Reviews: "Zeta Insurance" (IC "Zurich"). Universal insurance company


2018-03-25 23:05:20




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Now have to figure out what gets reviewed "Zeta Insurance". What kind of organization is this? What does she do? What are the pros and cons of the Corporation is to pay attention in the first place? Are you satisfied with the customer service? To understand all this will help the numerous reviews. Not all of them are equally useful, but from each you can learn something important for yourself. Therefore, to believe everything that is written, not worth it. This is a normal phenomenon. So what helpful information can be useful to potential and actual clients of the company "Zeta Insurance"?


The First thing is to understand what actually constitutes this Corporation. After all, this is an important point. Every customer should know why to contact this or that of Zet insurance

"Zeta Insurance" is nothing like an insurance company. It offers insurance services in various fields. Used to be called SK "Zurich". Enjoys a good demand among the population. But what everyone should know potential customer before you apply here? Whether the firm is well-and efficiently provides its services?


It Is necessary to understand what specific functions are performed by "Zeta Insurance". This is an important point. It is likely that some of the services the organization provides. Then don't make sense in a particular case to apply here.

So, among the services offered SK "Zurich", you can allocate:

  • Insurance;
  • Hull;
  • Eurocash;
  • Travel insurance
  • Property insurance (including cottages and houses);
  • Registration of voluntary health insurance policies;
  • Personal accident insurance;
  • Life insurance in General.

Accordingly, the organization is a universal insurance company. It allows you to obtain any insurance services with the exception of pension insurance. And this fact pleases the customers. However, it does not surprise anyone. Today these services are available in almost all the insurance company insurance


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Where is this organization? "Zeta Insurance" is a company that is spread throughout Russia. Therefore, offices and branches it has many. To know the location of each office are encouraged within that particular locality.

Nevertheless, many wonder where is the head office of the organization. The city which is "Zeta Insurance" - Moscow. The company's main office can be found at the following address: Bagrationovsky passage, 7, building 11. Accordingly, here are to treat client with some claims and suggestions. As already mentioned, the addresses of the branches of the Corporation should check in each city separately. Nothing difficult or special about it.

Distribution by country

Reviews of the "Zeta Insurance is a" positive-type receives for its size. The thing is that this company, as already mentioned, is widespread throughout Russia. It inspires consumer confidence in the future.

Today the offices of the "Z Insurance" are located in almost every more or less big city of the Russian Federation. You can easily apply here for those or other insurance services. Clients often emphasize the fact that large scale corporations allow you to be sure that we are talking not about fraud. So, in "Zeta Insurance" you can really turn to for help.SK Zurich


Another caveat that is important to know every real and potential customer before studying the many reviews, is contacts with the organization. How can you liaise with the company "Zeta Insurance"? Phone the head office in Moscow offers the following - 8 (495) 727-07-07.

In Addition, there are still a few useful contacts that will help you to easily get advice on provide in the insurance company services. Clients can avail the following combinations:

  • 8 (800) 700-77-07 - multi-channel telephone hot-line;
  • 8 (965) 243-72-07 contact WhatsApp.

All of this helps with any problems through to the management of the insurance company and to resolve certain situations. Many say that these contacts also inspire confidence in the fact that "Zeta Insurance" does not lead to fraudulent activity.

Reliability Rating

Quite important indicator is the reliability rating of the organization. "Zeta Insurance" (SPb or any other city - not so important) has a fairly high level of confidence. Or, as it is called, trust.Zeta insurance my account

According to statistics, "Zeta Insurance" has a reliability rating of A+. This is a high level of trust. It indicates the stability of the organization, and how public confidence in the integrity of the Corporation. "Zeta Insurance" boasts a fairly high indicators in this area. Consequently, people begin to look to the firm for further cooperation.

Rating in Russia

Reviews of the "Zet Insurance" positive type receives more for its place in the ranking of insurance companies in the country. It was already mentioned that the Corporation has branches throughout Russia. But how is she popular?

According to statistics, "Zeta Insurance" is in the top ten insurance companies. The exact positionit is impossible to call, but the leaders of the firm far. Many happy news is that numerous insurance organizations "Zeta Insurance" got into the top 10. So, we can consider the organization for future cooperation.

Online services

On its website, "Zeta Insurance" "Personal account" offers to all its customers. It facilitates easy handling for the company's services. The perfect assistant for remote communication with the insurance company.

Reviews of the "Zet Insurance" gets positive for the presence of such opportunities. Customers are happy that is no problem to arrange, for example, e CASCO or CTP. Personal account makes life much easier.

But at the same time some argue that this service does not always work properly. "Zeta Insurance" "Personal account" provides all its clients, except that the operation of the service is not yet fully established. Sometimes there may be some problem with authorization or order of those services, this should not be surprising.


Workers in the company get all kinds of feedback from customers. Much depends on the specific branch or branches. After all, people are different people. They are more cultured and sympathetic, sometimes less.

"Zeta Insurance" (Ivanovo, or any other city is not that important) generally receives positive reviews for the staff working here. Some opinions indicate that in the offices of insurance companies are polite and helpful people. They always pay attention to each visitor, we try to answer all questions quickly and as clear. No rudeness or coarseness.Zeta insurance Ivanovo

At the same time, part of the reviews indicates that employees in "Zeta Insurance" is sometimes not very competent and not able to give satisfactory answers to the questions of the customers.

What to believe? Rather, adhere to a neutral point of view. In General, the "Zeta Insurance" work good and attentive professional staff. But even they can be rude. After all, the human factor has not been canceled. Fortunately, positive opinions about the running frames more than the negative.

Renewal policies

Reviews of the "Zet Insurance" gets varied. Sometimes it's hard to judge the integrity of the company. Some argue that the extension of policies in some cases takes place with some nuances. Problems they hardly, rather it's shortcomings.

For example, there are opinions indicating that when renewing policies in the offices of the company "Zeta Insurance" do not have corresponding forms. However, this did not make customers nervous - the staff quickly solve the situation. Accordingly, a further extension takes place without any flaws.

In fact, such claims - these are isolated cases. Customers often emphasize that it is possible without any problems to extend any policy that was previously acquired.


Insurance companies MTPL and motor hull insurance policies offer their customers. This is one of the most popular possibilities, which is interested in the population. "Zeta Insurance" offers this service, like all similar companies. What about car insurance?

In this field the opinions differ quite seriously. "Zeta Insurance" ("Zurich") offers its customers a CTP and hull for vehicles. Some customers indicates that the firm is providing services of vehicle insurance. You can easily receive payments in the established sizes, no delays. The vehicle after the accidents heal quickly and without any negative aspects. Here you can apply to insure your car.Zeta insurance phone

There are Also opposite opinions. They point out that other insurance companies MTPL and CASCO are offered on more favorable terms than "Zeta Insurance". This Corporation does not render properly service automobile insurance. Payment or not come, or come with huge delays and in small amounts. Repair of vehicles is also poor. CTP policies and hull from "Zeta Insurance" is not everywhere accepted. And some cases are not insured. Therefore, the benefits under the insurance problems may arise. There is even the opinion, indicating that "Zeta Insurance" is not insurance, but "unclear". Is not the best way affects the rating organizations.

What to believe? If you look closely, the reviews "Zeta Insurance is a" positive type receives more often. Some hitches and negative moments no one is immune. To know exactly what cases are insured and which are not, you just need to carefully examine the contract signed by the parties in the purchase of insurance or waiver.

Auto Repair

Very often customers leave reviews regarding the repair of vehicles. This feature interests a large part of the population. What can you say about OOO "Zet Insurance"?

Repair of vehicles after accidents in the organization generates a variety of opinions. Very often clients say that have to wait long for it. But he still produced. Not always, but in most cases. In some situations, are aware of this, speak in a negative light: "don'tyears", "long awaited" and so on.

But there are opinions indicating that auto repair from "Zeta Insurance" can be performed quickly and promptly. "Nice work!", "Quickly and efficiently!" - such statements are found regarding the repair of vehicles after accidents.

What are we to believe? In this case, there is no unequivocal opinion. Someone fix the auto quickly, some don't. And some customers may inadvertently remain without coverage, insurance and repair from the organization. But often all the same people quite a collaboration with a company called "Zeta Insurance".Zeta insurance SPb


What can you summarize? "Zeta Insurance" is a pretty good place for insurance policies in a particular case. Yes, there are some drawbacks. They all have organizations.

In General, the "Zeta Insurance" rather high indicators of reliability and trust of the population. You can easily make any policy. But it should be remembered that some hitches in the service may arise. It is quite normal. Actually, "Zeta Insurance" is a very popular and conscientious firm, which is often seen in matters of insurance.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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