Green milk tea: the benefits and harms, recipes, reviews


2018-03-18 10:00:31




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Green tea with milk - an odd combination, which at first can cause an aversion, not a desire to try it. But according to many reviews, this is an unusual tool can contribute to weight. Is it so?

Is it Possible this combination?

options for the design of tea

Green tea and milk... the One who first hears about molokochae, can come in a bewildering from a strange combination. But those who not the first year that "burning" desire to lose weight, is actively working on it, knows what is useful green tea with milk.

In order to lose weight and consume this drink. It affects the acceleration of metabolism. Of course, molokochay helps, if observed the correct diet and eliminated all harmful.

The taste of the drink, of course, for the Amateur, but quite usable. Green tea is a little bitter, while not inhibiting the taste of milk. As recommended to use molokochay several times a day (4-5), then over time, as they say consumer reviews, to its distinctive taste used.

Benefits of green tea with milk

Green molokochay hardly anyone used, if not for its beneficial properties. And a lot of them.

  1. Composition - 80 kcal per 100 ml drink.
  2. Drink improves metabolism.
  3. Stabilizes the gastro-intestinal tract.
  4. Invigorates, tones and relieves the headache.
  5. Calms and normalizes the nervous system.
  6. Has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel, and reduces the risk of caries development.
  7. Enriches the body with calcium.
  8. Good diuretic, which normalizes the activity of the kidneys.
  9. Improves heart system.
  10. Lack of concentration this drink will not harm even the children.
  11. Doctors recommend to consume this tea in small amounts by women during menopause, as a means of prevention of osteoporosis.

The Benefits of green tea confirmed repeatedly. But the disadvantages are also available. Moreover, this question haunts many scientists that determine what type of influence is to a greater extent (good or bad) is having a tea on the body.


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Harm from beverage

The Benefits and harms of green tea is always "go side by side", so what impact the action Morococha, it is not always possible to predict. What is the harm in having a drink?

  1. Green tea with milk difficult to absorb due to the fact that milk protein interacts with theaflavins. Therefore, if the digestive system is selective to the types of products that this beverage should be abandoned.
  2. Milk inhibits the ability of green tea to act as a vasodilator.
  3. Their use of drink may not show at all, because milk and green tea varieties can suppress the beneficial properties of each other.
  4. Individual intolerance of components also takes place.

In Addition, those who have tried the drink say that milk suppresses the taste of the green tea. In addition, the dairy component makes the tea drink less refreshing and invigorating. At least the reviews talking about the absence of an energizing effect after drinking green tea with milk. Some pointed out that the first time you have to choose the desired proportions of components, as if to add unnecessary or, on the contrary, insufficient amount of milk, the taste becomes unpleasant.

iced green milk tea

Drink Recipes

If tool for weight loss selected combination of milk and tea that the drink need to know how to brew so that it was suitable for consumption. Reviews on green tea with milk are advised to experiment with recipes. It is also interesting to try different methods.

The easiest way is by adding milk to already brewed green tea. Milk to use with little or no fat, be sure pasteurized.

Green tea may be a leaf in sachets, powders, any other. Optional drink add spices, but not sugar. Replace it with honey or low-calorie substitutes.

With regard to lemon, the main tea supplements, green tea with milk it is better not to add. Lemon and milk in one Cup of components are absolutely incongruous. Yes, and drink this drink will be impossible.


Drink of milk and ginger

The benefits of ginger as remedies for weight loss has long been known. It is used as an additive, and is also brewed, infused and consumed as a standalone drink. Green tea with milk it is also added to enhance the effect of weight loss.

For tea you will need:

  • 30 grams of green tea;
  • 30 ml pasteurized milk;
  • 10 grams of chopped ginger;
  • 500 ml of boiling water.

Brew the tea as follows:

  1. Green tea poured into the teapot and pour the specified amount of boiling water. Leave the liquid to cool.
  2. Pour the Milk into a saucepan, add ginger and boil this mixture, after 5 minutes of boiling leave to simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Tea combined with milk, strain and drink 5 times a day.

This drink can be consumed hot as well as chilled. Ginger will add zest and flavor to help fight obesity, enhance immunity.

ginger tea

Add the honey

Green tea with milk and honey is a useful tool not only for losing weight but also to strengthen the immune system. How to make a drink? For the correct preparation you will need green tea and milk in the usual proportions, as well as a tablespoon of honey, preferably lime.

All the components connect together and brewed with boiling water, and after a little cool and drink. Tea is good in winter and summer. And in the hottest period of this molokochay normalizes the heat transfer.

The Recipe of green tea with milk like many. This drink is better to cook in the morning, because by taking care of it in the evening, will save money only your time, but not to maintain the beneficial properties of tea.

However, to make a drink is not worth it in large quantities because it not drink 5 times a day, but only 2. This is due to the fact that honey is the source of a considerable amount of carbohydrates, hence, its frequent use to lose weight does not work. The calorie content of the drink will increase slightly, but two-a-day "strike" on the figure will not happen.

milk with honey

For losing weight

Green tea with milk can be the basis for fasting to the whole diet.

In the first case, choose 2 days a month (not consecutive) and drink all day just the drink, without eating any food. This method is not gentle, frequent use can damage the stomach, that is why it is carried out not more than 2 times in a month. Tea alternate with a drink of water. If you want to drink add honey. This is the case, when tormented by hunger.

This drink some spend entire dietary cycles, lasting 6 days. During this time, according to reviews, it is possible to fold from 3 to 5 kg, with reduced swelling, as derived excess liquid. The essence of the diet is: green tea with milk drink 5 times a day, alternating with the methods of water or small portions of savoury fruit. No sugar to add should not be.

The Diet have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • Output of toxins;
  • The saturation of the body with nutrients;
  • Dropping extra pounds.

The disadvantages referred:

  • Calcium is not absorbed;
  • The load on the heart.

It is therefore recommended to follow a diet 2 times a year, preferably after the holiday feasts.

green tea leaves

Contraindications to use

Green Tea with milk, as it turns out, not such a secure means. In this regard, there are a number of contraindications:

  • You should not use the tea hypotensive;
  • Disruption in the kidney is also a prerequisite to refusal to drink;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • The presence of chronic diseases in advanced form;
  • Ulcers and gastritis;
  • Insomnia.

The Benefits and harms of green tea with milk "go next", so if you have any of contraindications, should abandon the use of drink.


Diet and fasting days on green tea with milk is very popular among women and girls, especially in the spring. As noted by the fair sex, this option provides an effective slimming effect. Tea well gets rid of extra pounds, reduces swelling, and some...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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