Alopecia in women - what is it? Treatment of alopecia in women


2018-03-24 15:17:14




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Alopecia in women – what is it? To this question we will answer in this article.alopecia in women what is it

General information

Alopecia areata is called a pathological condition characterized by hair loss that subsequently leads to substantial thinning or complete disappearance on the head or certain areas of the body.

Since this problem of baldness was observed predominantly in males. But in recent years it began to suffer and the fairer half of humanity.

What are the causes of alopecia in women, what is it and how to treat this disease? About it we will tell below.


As well as in men, alopecia in women (picture of the disease presented in this article) is divided into various types. The most common ones are as follows:

  • Androgenic alopecia;
  • Diffuse alopecia;
  • Patchy hair loss;
  • Scar.

Consider the features of each in more detail.

Androgenetic alopecia in women

For this form of baldness is characterized by thinning of the hair which leads to loss of the Central parting with a further spread on the side of the zone.

The reasons for the development of this condition are genetically. Hair loss occurs due to damaging effects on the hair follicles of this hormone, such as testosterone. It is believed that the tendency to alopecia in 75% of cases inherited from mother.androgenetic alopecia in women


Androgenic alopecia in women is treated the same as men. For this purpose, treatment with medications and transplantation.


Alopecia in women – what it is and how to treat it? The first step is to identify the form of the disease.

For diffuse alopecia is characterized by a uniform loss of hair. This pathological condition occurs as a result of failure cycles in their growth and development.

Due to the fact that this type of baldness is a consequence of impaired functioning of the body, sometimes referred to as symptomatic.

How often do you diffuse alopecia in women? Reviews report that women are affected to a greater extent than men.

Currently, there are the anagen and the telogen type of diffuse alopecia. The first can cause hormonal abnormalities, severe stress and prolonged use of antibiotics, surgery, strict diet, etc. as for the second type, it occurs when the action on the body more strong and fast-acting factors (e.g., radiation, radioactive, poisoning strong poisons, chemotherapy).alopecia what is it the women


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As a rule, after the disappearance of the causes of this form of baldness, the lost hair is restored within 4-8 months. Therefore, the whole treatment of diffuse alopecia is aimed at finding and elimination of the offending factors.

To restore a thick head of hair doctors recommend the use of various growth stimulators, healing balms, sprays, masks and physical therapy.

Alopecia hair loss

Alopecia areata in women, the treatment of which will be introduced later, is a pathological hair loss occurring due to damage to cells of the nervous system and immune protective factors.

For this kind of baldness is characterized by the appearance of multiple, rounded lesions. Also in conjunction with alopecia hair loss patients may experience damage to the nail plate.

Experts say that the cause of development of this pathological condition is a genetic predisposition.

Alopecia areata in women: treatment

To treat this baldness, there are a number of methods and tools. However, it should be noted that they have not been officially approved.alopecia areata in women treatment

The Most common method of treatment of alopecia is the use of corticosteroids in various forms (e.g., injection, creams, oral medications). Also often use means which stimulate the formation of its own corticosteroids.

Cicatricial alopecia

Scarring alopecia in women – what is it? The hallmark of this disease is irreversible damage of the hair follicles and the emergence in their place of scar or so-called connective tissue.

The Cause of baldness can serve a variety of infections, including viral, bacterial or fungal origin, which cause inflammation around the hair of peritricha.

Experts say that with timely treatment of these conditions the hair can be maintained.

What other reasons can occur in cicatricial alopecia (what is it with women, we are told above)? Quite often this baldness is caused due to physical traumas, including injuries, chemical or thermal burns.

Treatment Method

For the treatment of already-formed scarring alopecia there is only one method. Is a surgical operation. If baldness is not too large, then they are removed and then transplanted healthy follicles.alopecia in women photo


As diagnosedalopecia (what is it with women, we are told in the article)? The first step is to contact an experienced trichologist. The doctor is obliged to conduct a thorough inspection of the skin hair and scalp, and then send to the following tests:

  • The level of sex hormones;
  • The level of hormones of the thyroid gland;
  • Trichogramma (that is, the study of density of hair per square cm head with microminiature).

Based On all obtained data, the trichologist has to put a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Traditional medicine Recipes

In the home should be the treatment of alopecia in women? Specialists claim that such methods help only if the baldness was not caused by serious pathology in the body or various infections.

The Most popular, simple and affordable folk remedy for alopecia is the juice of garlic and onions. Carefully rubbed into the affected skin, and after 2-3 hours, wash with water and use shampoo.

Not less is available for the treatment of hair loss are masks with the use of flax, olive, castor, burdock and camphor oil. They rubbed into the scalp and then cover with a bathing cap and leave it like this for a few hours. After some time wash the hair thoroughly.alopecia in women reviews

For a long time as its strengthening effect known tincture of red pepper. Rubbing of this tool in the balding areas every day effectively accelerates the emergence of new hair. However, it should be noted that these medications are contraindicated for Allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin.

According to experts, the most difficult treatment responds to androgenic alopecia. Any defective masks and shampoos cannot restore hormonal balance. Therefore, in this disease should consult a doctor.

Hair Transplant

In that case, if no medication or traditional methods do not help to regain the lost hair, then doctors recommend them to transplant.

There are two types of hair transplant surgeries. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • The Strip method. For this method a characteristic hair transplant using the skin flap that was cut from the donor area on the back of the head. Such a flap is cut into grafts containing 1-3 follicles and then transplanted.
  • Seamless or follicular technique. This is the most modern method of transplantation. To implement the hair follicles extracted from the donor area using a special tool. If insufficient amount of hair on the back of the head as this site can be used the chin, legs, chest, groin, and others.treatment of alopecia in women reviews

Today, the hair transplantation from the donor area is the only and perhaps the most effective way to restore a thick head of hair and treatment of alopecia. According to experts, the transplanted hairs take root in 95% of cases.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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