Umbilical hernia in adults: reviews of operation, symptoms and treatment


2018-03-27 00:26:25




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When a hospital treats a patient with umbilical hernia, most often he is advised its removal by surgery. But many people are afraid and wait until the last, hoping that everything will resolve itself. In fact, to get rid of fear and anxiety will help knowledge about what is a umbilical hernia in adults, reviews of operation, Where does it come from, why is it necessary to do and what are the dangers of procrastination.

What is umbilical hernia

Normally, the place where the contact of the tendon and muscle fibers, they are closely intertwined, but sometimes in the umbilical region, due to certain reasons, not closely adjacent to each other, and then the umbilical ring relaxes and increases. Become gryzenia gates, which allow abdominal organs under internal pressure to bulge out beyond it, forming umbilical hernia. This is usually omentum or part of the intestine. They are located in the hernial SAC, consisting of a sheath of the peritoneum.
umbilical hernia in adults reviews of operations

At the beginning of the disease umbilical hernia is still small and easily reduce inside, but gradually, as the result of adhesions, hernial SAC coalesces with the adjacent tissues, and reduce inside a hernia is impossible. And over time, the umbilical ring may be expanded so that the hernia SAC may enter the stomach.

Umbilical hernia in adults: symptoms, treatment

When the hernia is small, it is not particularly disturbing. Of course, sometimes there are unpleasant sensations, but on the quality of life they are clearly not affected, but a small increase in the navel are not afraid, especially of men.


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Gradually developing adhesions, a hernia becomes harder to reduce, pain with prolonged standing, coughing, physical exertion.

Later, if treatment is not carried out, the patient begins to disturb constipation, difficulties with urination, frequent nausea, vomiting may occur. This stage is fraught with dangerous complications, and to delay the visit to the surgeon is not worth it.

A Doctor will likely suggest surgery as the alternatives simply do not exist, although many hope that, itravel a hernia, they'll get rid of her forever. But this is impossible, and eliminate it can only surgeon.

Could occur umbilical hernia in adults. Reviews about this disorder variety. Those who have it does not reach large dimensions and are not particularly worried, optimistic. But some patients complain of recurrent pain, who are unable to eliminate even the strongest painkillers.
umbilical hernia in adults symptoms

Causes of umbilical hernia

Most Often this disease occurs due to the weakening of the anterior wall of the peritoneum and the umbilical ring. Another factor – this is a strong pressure from within the abdominal cavity. When there are two causes, the hernia develops quickly and the situation is dangerous and needs quick treatment.

The Reasons for which the umbilical ring can relax, the following:

  • Lack of exercise and muscular weakness.
  • Features of connective tissue from birth.
  • Excessive fullness.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • Pregnancy (often develops in late delivery).
  • Spikes and seams after the operation.
  • Abdominal Trauma.

The Increase in the intrauterine pressure due to:

  • Childbirth, accompanied by complications.
  • Great exercise.
  • Frequent constipation.
  • Long, hard cough.


Typically, the presence of the disease, the surgeon diagnoses quickly enough. The symptoms are pronounced. The doctor queries the patient and determining if any pain in abdomen while coughing, physical exertion. Examining the patient he finds out whether enlarged umbilical ring. He to establish more detailed information will prescribe x-rays of the stomach, duodenum, ultrasound protrusion, a gastroscopy. Appoint gerniografii is the introduction into the abdominal cavity of a contrast agent, which will allow you to examine the hernia.

When there is a suspicion that there is an umbilical hernia - adults - symptoms, treatment prescribed only by a doctor, or maybe mix it with another, and can even be more serious disease.

Umbilical hernia and pregnancy

With the gradual increase of the uterus increases intra-abdominal pressure and, therefore, umbilical hernia – the phenomenon in pregnant women is quite frequent. But surgery is not usually required as the disease is easy enough. This happens because pressure buildup is gradual, and the uterus located between the gate of the hernia SAC and organs which prevents their strong loss.
umbilical hernia in adults reviews after surgery

Moreover surgery during pregnancy negatively affects her. So the doctor recommends wearing compression underwear and jockstrap. They are definitely under his leadership.

The same doctor will observe the patient and after childbirth and will determine the period of the operation. This usually occurs when the abdominal muscles after stretching is recovered and the rest of the woman's body.

Some women who during pregnancy wasdiagnosed "diaphragmatic hernia" (in adults), reviews of operations leave the most positive. Some surgeon, at their request, have removed the little cosmetic disadvantages associated with carrying a child. And the surgery is performed with a gentle manner and do not leave ugly scars and marks on the body that are most important to women.

Possible complications

Aggravation can occur at any time of the occurrence of a hernia. The most dangerous infringement when there is circulatory failure and organ tissue begin to die. This usually happens in older people, as the conditions for this are on the rise throughout life.

Can get inflammation of the organ, which was in the hernial SAC, often a loop of intestine or omentum. When it comes to the part of the peritoneum that can lead to the rapid development of peritonitis.

Usually complications triggered by lifting heavy objects or significant physical load. But sometimes, even laughing, coughing or sneezing can be a reason for entrapment. Violation of defecation may contribute to the To increase the pressure on the hernia and give rise to inflammation.

The Symptoms of its infringement:

  • Felt a sharp pain in the region of the umbilical ring.
  • It is Impossible to reduce the hernia into the abdominal cavity, if it happened easily enough.
  • Hernial SAC becomes hot and tense.
  • When strong inflammation occurs General intoxication, accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting, pains in the joints and lower back, fever.
  • The entrapment of intestinal loops with symptoms of intestinal obstruction.

If there were these signs, it is absolutely justified immediate appeal to the doctor.
umbilical hernia in adults after surgery

Operation for hernia

Surgery to remove an umbilical hernia is called hernioplastica at the time of her organs back into the abdominal cavity, and the gate gryzenia strengthened to the disease has not returned.

It is better to be performed when the hernia has not yet reached large dimensions. Then the complications will be less and the rehabilitation period passes without any problems. Agree with this and those who have diagnosed an umbilical hernia. Adult feedback about the operation just confirms this view: all, who just went to the hospital, say they feel fine, and re-protrusion has not happened.

Surgical intervention is contraindicated in complex heart diseases, chronic pathologies, acute infections and pregnancy.

From that, how is the clinical picture depends on the choice of the method of operation. Plastic hernial ring can take place with the involvement of the tissues of the patient himself, and sometimes synthetic implants are used in the form of a grid. The endoprosthesis is used when gryzenia gate greatly expanded, and the umbilical ring is severely weakened. Usually this method is justified, and postoperative recurrence does not occur.

The Disadvantage of the classical method of hernioplasty – a long recovery period, its duration can reach up to years, if the hernia was large or present infringement.

Looks Like an umbilical hernia in adults after surgery? The photo below demonstrates how a successful hernia repair and tummy looks as if the treatment the doctor was timely.
], umbilical hernia in adults after surgery photo

If the surgery is scheduled, and the hernia is small, your doctor may suggest a laparoscopy. In this case, incisions will be made, but everything happens with a few punctures. This method is relatively young and quite effective. The main condition-a hernia should not be big.

Its advantage is the fact that relapses occur very rarely, rehabilitation passes much faster than the open surgery and the scars are practically invisible. This is because the surrounding tissues are injured much less, decreasing the risk of postoperative adhesive processes.

How successful is the umbilical hernia in adults? Feedback after surgery mostly positive. Almost all patients say that during its implementation, even though they used local anesthesia, special pains felt and even talked with a surgeon.

There are those to whom the disease has returned again for various reasons: because of the strong fear, heavy lifting, coughing. At re-operation a mind to put the implant.


When removed umbilical hernia in adults, after the surgery treatment In the future, takes place in a hospital. To get out of bed will be the next day, and if all goes well, soon you can go home. When there were certain complications with the pinching and inflammation, there is a need for injections of antibiotics, and lay in the hospital longer.
umbilical hernia in adults after surgery treatment [

To the disease has not returned and has significantly reduced the pressure on the still weak seams, recommended after surgery to wear a special bandage.

Umbilical hernia physical activity beneficial for recovery, but they must be reasonable and conform to the patient's condition. Walking and Jogging are permitted after two weeks. And lifting weights and exerciseallowed in a month, and it should be strictly metered load.

Food after surgery

Careful attention to food requires umbilical hernia in adults after surgery. The diet should be sparing, and there are those foods that lead to constipation and flatulence, contraindicated since they may cause excessive pressure on the intestines.

Fat meat, fish, smoked products and marinades – those are the products that must be excluded in the diet. These include mushrooms, beans, black bread, pastries dough, cream, ice cream, hard-boiled egg.

Porridge made from cornmeal, millet and pearl barley is also better not to eat, like raisins, dried apricots, seeds and nuts. Vegetables such as radish and radish, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and garlic, sweet pepper and eggplant – is also harmful for the integrity of the seam.

Bowel movements may increase, and the volume of feces will increase significantly if you eat a lot of foods that contain fiber, and also necessary Be avoided. However, it is needed for better bowel movement, so use it should, but with caution. Bananas, peaches, apples, grapes-these fruits can wait until the stitches are removed as well as black tea, coffee, juices, beer and alcohol.

Of Course, the diet is quite hard, but it promotes faster recovery, and endure is quite real. Until the stitches are removed should only eat low-fat soups, semi-solid pureed vegetable soups, watery porridge, cottage cheese, lean meats or fish, steamed, soft-boiled egg or scrambled eggs, a small amount of crackers. Better to drink weak tea and fruit-berry jelly. These simple products will help to satisfy hunger, and the stitches are intact. umbilical hernia in adults after surgery photo

It Becomes clear when there is a umbilical hernia in adults, reviews of operations show that the earlier treatment is started, and in this case, the intervention of the surgeon, the consequences are more predictable, and disease over time can be forgotten forever.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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