Regenerative medicine Institute. Center restorative medicine and rehabilitation. The Institute of restorative medicine in Moscow


2018-04-05 14:15:32




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None of us think that any minute we might have something happen. And how many such situations: people came to work, he tripped and broke his leg or hit by a car. Sometimes the trouble comes to the house in the form of sudden illnesses like stroke, which can happen instantly, but it will take a lot of time for recovery after it. For these and many other situations there is a particular area of medicine and rehabilitation. Probably, every large city has at least one center restorative medicine and rehabilitation. What kind of help they can get, and learn where experts help people with disabilities?

What is regenerative medicine?

Experts who have mastered this area of medical science, assess the state of the human body. Evaluation is conducted to determine the degree of functional ability of the body reserves that were reduced as a result of some factors: effects of environment or disease. When their belonging to the science of regenerative medicine uses drug-free methods of rehabilitation of the body.

An Institution for training of doctors, rehabilitation specialists and other professionals

Institute of sports and rehabilitation medicineTo allow people to get back on their feet and start a life, must be prepared by special experts. There are doctors who are involved in the processes that contribute to the recovery of the body, for example, a rehabilitation doctor, orthopedic surgeon, massage therapist, athletic trainer with a medical slant, and others. Often, in order to work in rehabilitation centers, you must obtain a medical degree. The specialist can take courses massage, graduate from a medical University, Institute of rehabilitation and restorative medicine, or sports Institute.


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Educational institution of restorative medicine in Moscow

Institute of restorative medicine in Moscow

Considering the fact that in public health facilities rehabilitation medicine pays little attention, for more than 13 years ago, a non-governmental Institute, which to this day produces well-educated specialists. Moscow Institute of rehabilitation medicine provides predicted Pirogov transform understanding of the human body. He argued that preventive, restorative, preventive medicine should be a priority. It will bring great benefit to all mankind.

Regenerative medicine. Institute: the need to create

regenerative medicine Institute

From the very beginning of its existence, this branch of science was applied to patients with chronic disease people. She was also in demand in the rehabilitation process after various injuries. Individual schools or courses for training specialists was not. In our time, when medicine has moved to a new level of helping people, she is increasingly in demand for different segments of the population and people of all ages. Its main purpose was to prevent disease.

Institute of regenerative medicine in Moscow called disease prevention a priority. For two decades, after approval of the program of training of Ministry of health, the school works in order to improve the system of assistance to people in need: expanding program of training professionals hold various courses are involved and invited to teaching well-known academicians, professors, doctors and candidates of medical Sciences.

Basic methods of rehabilitation, studied at the Institute

restorative medicine and rehabilitation

The Institute put on a very high level, this is evidenced by all of the event attracted people and scientific knowledge base. Here, special attention is paid to internal resources of a person, the unknown abilities of the brain, so the main goal is to train professionals to apply non-drug therapy. Of course, in case of need, the person requires the use of drugs, so future doctors studying in depth the relevant items. The main methods which are taught in the Institute are:

  • Magnetostimulation - mild effect of magnetic fields on area of the skin or the human body, normalizes its work, raises or lowers its function;
  • Sismotherapy - stimulation of blood circulation in the body, which improves metabolism and also helps the neurons to become activated, that is, has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • Different types of electric currents and lasers by type vibrotherapy (impact not vibrating object and current);
  • Climate centres - special premises in which artificially established regimes of solar radiation, temperature and air.

Also, the influence of various chemical elements on the skin ways to prevent skin aging, various resources of the body and nature, without which it would not exist regenerative medicine. The Institute aims to become one of the most important in the development of healthcarecountry.

Department in the Institute

Institute of regenerative medicine massage courses

Though the University is not a state, it secured large support from leading government agencies. The Institute of restorative medicine in Moscow also has a Department. Key among these are: cosmetology, and massage in Pediatrics, medical massage. The last two at first sight very similar, but there are many differences in children and adult massages, which are studied in different departments. Cosmetology students love to learn, as this knowledge will be useful to all: the sick and the healthy - everyone wants to look beautiful. There is a lab where you can personally recreate a sample of the ointment or other cosmetic preparation. Recently, when the opportunity arose to expand the staff and scientific-technical base, have created new departments: physical therapy, manual therapy, Spa massage, osteopathy, physiotherapy and kinesiology, correction, and management in the health industry. As you can see, there is already explored not only the medical disciplines but also the sports, therefore rightly some call this University not only as the Institute of sports and rehabilitation medicine. The main method of rehabilitation was and remains a massage. He studied at several faculties simultaneously, but from different angles of impact on the body.

Types of massage different peoples of the world

The Institute massage dedicated very many hours of theory and lots of practice time. Because of its strength, type and technology depends very much in the recovery of the patient. There are many types of massage that are taught in this school, there are also techniques of different Nations, unique in its kind.

Creole - massage, which uses bamboo sticks. It is effective in cosmetology if you have problems with excess weight.

The Thai - based on the theory of energy balance, it can be applied for different injuries and for relaxation. The specialist presses down on the special points on the human body, stretches the skin and joints, deeply works with muscular tissue, so as not to impede the flow of energy through the body.

Hawaiian massage - deep and soft pressure on certain areas of the body for their relaxation or stimulation.

In addition to the national, here we study such kinds of massage as sports, chocolate, holistic, and others necessary for the rehabilitation and recovery of the body. Massage, preventive or curative, is useful for all people, so such close attention he pays to the Institute of rehabilitation medicine. Massage courses are not just for doctors but also to ordinary listeners.

Baby massage

A Separate topic proposed for study at the University, is baby massage. There are a lot of nuances: soft and pressing force, tonic, or, conversely, relaxing movements applied at different diagnoses. Very often neurological massage a newborn baby, it is very important to know what part of the body to start, where to send traffic how to massage with increased or reduced tone. With the development and growth of the child there is a need in orthopedic massage, which aims to prevent development of scoliosis, pathologies of the feet and spine. The Department teaches baby massage Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Tabolin, who is the academician of RAMS, doctor of medical Sciences.

Cosmetology in high school

regenerative medicine clinic

A Fascinating profession that will not leave indifferent anybody who somehow cares about their appearance - aesthetics. This is another industry which deals with regenerative medicine. The Institute enjoys great prestige, as it produces a great expert cosmetologists. There are all conditions for the development of the profession - practice knowledge is fixed directly to the walls of the Institute. Thanks a offices, as similar to the real place of work, modern cosmetology equipment, professional cosmetics you can learn fast and exciting, hooking into practice all the features of professional. By the way, this Department has courses for students without medical education.


From the outset, the Institute worked on their authority. Efforts by major companies, such as the Filatov children's clinical hospital, Military hospital, the Morozov hospital, Central clinical hospital of Civil aviation, and so on. The students, passing practice in these and other institutions, and then stay there to work. Practiced students of the University directly at their school in specially equipped rooms. There are all conditions for learning material, which is available in full.

The Advantages of the Moscow Institute

Regenerative medicine and rehabilitation has only recently started to develop in our country for real. So is the pioneer Institute. He has done a great job on the road to success - has increased the number of disciplines in several times, have got a reputable affiliate support, created laboratory room, provided with modern equipment, etc. the University is known not only in Russia but also far beyond its borders. Trained doctors here,are ready to professionally help people to solve difficult medical problems, that is, they are highly skilled professionals. Past here their education go to those regions of the country, which requires the development of regenerative medicine: Tver, Chelyabinsk, Perm and others.

Partner support

restorative medicine and rehabilitationThe Institute collaborates with many public organizations and state institutions. Even the regenerative medicine clinic in Tver tries to actively support the partnerships. Here established rules of mutual assistance.

The words of Gratitude to the Institute expressing such organizations as the Association for the support of disabled people, Central clinical hospital № 6, polyclinic, children's home, social centres and others. The University actively assists agencies where assistance is required in such industry as regenerative medicine. The Institute, in turn, receives support from the partners not only in reviews but also in quality of equipment, drugs and so on.

Pride Institute - awards

Developing various areas of regenerative medicine, the Institute receives numerous awards: in 2012 he was awarded an eight-pointed star European Quality. In the diploma it was noted that the University provides high quality education to students. European Academy of scientific cosmetology Institute recognized one of its best partners.

The Institute is recognized and respected by many world famous research institutions, but it's worth it.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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