Pyotr Davydov: a biography of the poet


2018-03-18 17:10:43




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The World wide web often provides its users with the opportunity to be surprised. At this time, lovers of history and literature had a little wonder at the confusion that arose in connection with the name Pyotr Davydov.

On the one hand, this name is rightly proud of the Russian history, because it belongs to the genus, whose members at different times anyway its deeds glorified the Fatherland. The Davydov family has deep roots. Their antiquity goes back to the time of the birth of the Russian nobility. Successful and prominent court official, who lived in the 18th and 19th centuries, Peter L. Davydov is a relative of the heroes of the Patriotic war of 1812. His family also has a galaxy of glorious fighters against the Russian autocracy-the Decembrists. It is the name of the famous hero, the partisan Denis Davydov, who famously beat the French in 1812, freeing from the enemies of his native land. The war hero also became famous as the author of the enchanting romances, which froze the soul and trembling to the hearts of generations of listeners. Peter Davidoff have the hero's cousin.


But today, in the networks of extraordinary popular another Pyotr Davydov - the poet, writing poems is mainly of erotic content. You can guess that the fans of the sex addicts, of course, I would like to add to the greatness of his idol. But have a little to hold the ambitions. Their Peter Davydov - the poet is certainly talented, but different. To the family of the famous Davydov it is not relevant.

Modern poet Peter Davydov, whose name is associated with the name of a famous hussar and poet Denis Davydov, wrote works that appeal to the response of the other senses admirers, than the spiritual romances of his namesake, who lived in the 19th century. His poetry is controversial and belongs to the category of what is called “lover”.


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Peter Davidov

Arguing about taste - it is, as you know, ungrateful. In this article, we do not set ourselves moralistic problems. We will try to figure out who it is - Peter Davydov? Or rather, who is who? Which of the namesakes of the glorified Russian history in the past, and who brings his contribution to the development of Russian-language poetry today?

Peter Ivanovich Davydov

Our contemporary Peter Ivanovich Davydov, who is a poet, I should say that from the namesake it is distinguished, as already the reader may have already noticed, a patronymic. He – Sechin. You should take note of those who, stumbling in the Internet on the same name names, do not bother to understand, and believes that is the case with information about the same person. But it is not.

The Poet Pyotr Davydov, whose biography is presented quite briefly, is our contemporary. Date of birth on different sites is indicated by a number and month, year not specified. It seems that the authors of the articles reprinted the same mistake made by a poet once, inadvertently, inherent in creative people.

Peter Davidov facts of life

Perhaps this can be attributed to the subject “Peter Davydov: interesting facts». If you wish fans could have the item pofantaziruete, develop and build the distraction of the poet in rank, for example, genius - why be modest? So often the way with fans of sensations, which turned out to be inflated. But we are not going to do this.

Israel Netanya

Peter Davidov (biography of the poet contains the information) was born 18 Aug …year in Baku. Its age can be judged only approximately, given the fact that upon graduation he spent several years working on a specialty — electronics engineer and then worked in journalism as the correspondent of TASS.

He created a lot of humorous stories. Biography reports that in 1989, in Baku was published a collection of short stories Davydova called the "Good luck".

Designated networks as “a writer of poetry, poet”, Peter Davydov (biography is indicated) resides at this time in Israel (Netanya).

What's behind it?

About the poet Davydov know that he is the owner of the company "Agency of Nathan and Peter" (consulting). Mainly writes poems on erotic themes. Music to his poetry creates Galina Eisendorf. There are songs of his own composition.

The Poet married. His wife Olga is a philologist by education. She is the first reader and editor of his poems.

About poetry

About the poems on the Internet there are the most divergent responses. Many of his poetry considered outright scandalous. Readers think that the intimate moments of life must remain, they cannot be put on public display. This kind of “the mystery of two” authors of many reviews, why dedicate it to outsiders?

Peter Davidov biography

Their opponents are called opponents bigots, emphasizing the significant educational, educational and educational role of poetry Davydova. They think that it is very difficult, “without vulgarity”, writing erotic poetry. From Davydov, in their opinion, is very good at it.

Many people talk about their lives, emphasizing that the poems Davydova, they really help to maintain a loving relationship with their “loved”, maintaining the feeling “as they were the first day" (evening, night) of the meeting.

Sometimes lovers of poetic erotica friends don't understand: why do we need so often to write “SMS” his wife and continually make her Declaration of love? "To understand this, it is necessary to read the poems of Peter Davidov" devoted to them. I thank the poet for what he teaches us to love, to please someone you love, and constantly about him (her) to remember.

“Let's say something about the Victory…”

Pyotr Davydov writes beautiful poems and songs about the war. This topic is very close to the poet. Many of his works devoted to the glorification of the exploits of the heroes of the great Patriotic war, their memory, veterans, victory Day on 9 may. In his poems, the poet often recalls who died in the war of the father.

One day he confessed that the military theme is close to him, he feels very hot, because he is born and raised in the Soviet Union, writes and thinks in Russian, the native and his father was a soldier in that memorable war.

A warm response in the poet found and the current difficult event that certain circumstances embroiled his country. «Russia – do not want war!” writes the poet. He explains everything going on today (meaning the events associated with Ukraine): his country "wants respect - he says - that this world was with her”. Pyotr Davydov confident in the great future of Russia, he is proud of the fact that for centuries, “different people associate it with" their aspirations and hopes.

“Poetry – my life…”

In an interview told Peter Davydov facts of life, the details of which had long been interested in his fans. Speaking for myself, the poet was modest and inclined to self-irony:

In everyday life I am very smart

Normal genius, neither give nor take…

The story of the life he is reduced to the description of the creative process because, as the poet said, poetry – it's his life. He began to write for a long time. Poetry “variety”, but he almost did not publish. Published another – articles, stories, scripts for the satirical film magazine. As the poet confessed, he did not expect that he would write ever-so-blatant ones, though he'd always loved everything associated with erotica. It turns out that all his work is dedicated to his wife.

Many people say that poetry is permeated Davydova joyful mood, optimism. According to him, it was his wife forbids him to write about dark and sad…

“Treat yourself to nights of love…”

Davydov writes about love, erotica and sex. He has a poetic electronic collections containing works whose titles speak for themselves: ‘Love's the most important thing in the world”, “a Woman named Autumn”, “a Necklace of fallen stars», «Erotic gift man”, “Pose No. 69”…

The Poet invites “give yourself a evening of love” to him on page, where he sings “affection”, says “night”. And in his “Diary” with a sweet and touching “stories” on the same subject.

“Poetry – my children – excuse me…”

Indeed, the poet has to ask for forgiveness from his poetry… Reviews of the networks showed a mixed perception of his works by readers. Some of his poems openly admires, and whom his poetry genuinely scandalicious.

It Should be noted that some erotic poetry Davydova so blatant that not all readers (know this from reviews) able to read to the end. Someone of his lines cannot be read modesty, someone even says that it would not hurt to borrow some contemporaries of chastity from their fathers and grandfathers, someone in the way of positive perception of of such poetry are Christian views. However, it was suggested that all these features should be regarded as the shortcomings of education, inferiority complex, you want to work with the psychologist.

In this article we do not undertake to judge the extent of someone's innocence. Readers have the opportunity to see the works of the poet and decide that might be true, times required by modern...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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