Theory and definition of computer science


2018-04-01 02:09:16




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Computer science is a relatively young science. It originated in the middle of the last century. What was the prerequisites? Rather, it dramatically increased the amount of information that has befallen humanity. Next, you will learn what is computer science, definition of science, its goals.

The Emergence and development

So, give the definition of computer science. Immediately it is difficult to do. This science appeared with the advent of computing machinery, serving in the role of technical tools that can enhance human capabilities and process vast amounts of information. Since it's still a very young science, that among scientists still there are disputes over the definition, development, and its role in society. It says only that this science is rapidly developing.

defining computer science

Our generation saw the advent of modern scientific technology, which is based on information. What is information? In computer science the definition of this word has not one value. It is a new resource for humanity, joining other well-known resources: energy, natural, human. Interesting is the fact that every day it only increases.


What is information? In computer science the definition of this term can be described as follows: a set of signals that are perceived by the human brain or the nervous system of animals using sensors and software systems that reflect any properties of objects as well as phenomena associated with physical activity. The nature of such signals should include the ability to save, transmit, and transform or process. The science that studies all of these processes – that is computer science. The definition of this science consists of concepts such as “information” and “automatic”.


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what is computer science definition

The Word came into circulation during the second half of the last century in France to denote the processing of information by automatic methods. The definition of computer science in Russia, first meant a documentary, storage, research, and librarianship. And now this science is a very different field, and has penetrated all sectors of human life. It covers the areas that are associated with the maintenance of information systems, which includes hardware, software.

Computer science Concepts

It is Noticeable that the definition of computer science is explanatory in nature and is not intended for any limitation. Because it is based on such General categories as “data”, “objects”, “signals” etc. But these concepts and definitions computer science is easy to explain.

Signals are a dynamic form of information that is transferred (transported) at a distance through material media, called channels. The science of transmitting information that is computer science.

what is computer science the computer science definition

In computer science definition of data is that they represent a static form of information that is transmitted in time through material media. They are called storage devices.

If you imagine the process of information transfer in the abstract, it can be divided into three main elements:

  1. Source of information.
  2. Channel information.
  3. Receiver information.

The Interaction of these three components generates information, that is, some kind of message. In line with the information can put the concept of “knowledge” and “data”.

Knowledge is the definition of science Informatics. They are the high-level information is called semantic. On the basis of using logical reasoning get some meaningful insights, also called semantic.


Basic definitions of Informatics – “program”, “model” and “algorithm”. The model is a conditional analogue of some object which have certain properties. The purpose of the model – the study of this object. The algorithm is a way of finding way out of any problematic situation. It clearly identifies the sequence of all necessary actions. The program is the same – this is just the algorithm that is presented in one of the programming languages. The main goal of Informatics as a science – search for knowledge in all spheres of human activities using computers.

what is information in computer science the definition of

Before this science delivered a variety of tasks. The most important are the following:

  • Development of technology that processes information.
  • Research various information processes.
  • The Introduction of computers into all areas of human activity.
  • Creating new, improved technologies, processing large streams of information.

Computer science is a science, which can not exist separately from the others, as its goal – is the creation of new information technologies that will be applied in solving problems in various fields.


The Main directions of development - it application, theoretical and technical computer science.

Applied Informaticsresponsible for creating knowledge base, develops methods for automating production. At the present time is the main catalyst of scientific-technical progress. Applied computer science pervades all spheres of activities.

computer science definition is the amount of information

The Calling of theoretical Informatics-development of General theories of search, processing and storage of information, the identification of dependencies in the creation and transformation of information, the study of human communication with computer technology development.

Technical computer science is an industry that includes automated systems for the processing of information, the creation of new models of computers, artificial intelligence, robots, etc.

Structure, form and measurement information

The Most important characteristics possessed information are the structure and form. Structure of information is what defines the relationships between the elements included in its composition. A basic property of information is systematic.

A System is a set having properties that are not inherent to any of the separate constituent elements.

Presentation of information are different:

  • Binary (information, which is represented by machine code).
  • Sound.
  • Graphic (photographs, pictures, drawings).
  • Text and character (letters, numbers, punctuation).
  • Video.

In the case when information is simultaneously presented in multiple forms, it is called a multimedia presentation.

basic definitions of Informatics

Standard action for the information of the selected abstract object that can be in two different States. Such an object is called binary or binary. It contains information volume of 1 bit. It is from this the units of information take place bigger bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and so on. Them operates Informatics. Determination of the amount of information today – one of the main tasks.

Computer science and technology

The arguments about the changing role that information played in the lives of people can be found in scientific literature. What are these changes?

  • Over the past few decades one can observe a steady accelerating increase in information. Information even called the only resource companies that never decreases. As a result, there was a barrier in the process of its processing. Sometimes it just does not make sense to collect and store information, as there is no way to handle and efficient to use.
  • Increased the proportion of problems in communication. This means that the information in the transmission is distorted or lost.
  • There are great difficulties because of geographical, linguistic, terminological, administrative and other barriers.
  • Often becomes impossible the practical use of the information due to the fact that it is dispersed chaotically by different sources.

give the definition of computer science

Other definitions of science

The work on all these problems led to the emergence of independent scientific discipline-computer science. It became the subject information properties, the behavior of information in different systems, methods for collection, processing, storage and transmission. A very versatile science - that is science. In computer science the definition of all of the above called information technology. This formulation is not unique. There are still the following definition of Informatics: it is the science that studies the description, representation, formalization and application of the knowledge accumulated with the help of computers. Its purpose – acquiring new knowledge.

The use of the term "Informatics", which refers to the area of scientific knowledge, not recognized. In the United States, for example, this field is often called computer science.

Computers and society

A Feature of information technology is another field of their application. This is due primarily to the universality of their nature. The flip side of this versatility – the difficulties that arise in the formalization of the descriptions.

The Result of the development of information technology – processes, leading to a global information society. This means that more and more people become involved in activities related to the information industry. Over the last couple of decades there has been a very powerful shift in the market structures of hardware and software for computer equipment. He turns from the market products and services in the technology market.

All of the above suggests that the definition of Informatics is very versatile. It is science that will eventually become something more.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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