The series "Black cat": the actors. "Black cats": reviews


2019-04-04 22:20:30




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In 2013, the screens out the detective series «Black cat”, which won the audience not only for its interesting plot, a great influence on the success of the film and had talented actors. «Black cat” takes the viewer into the postwar gangster years, and the action takes place in the scenery of Rostov-on-don. The way the story develops and who takes the main role in the detective?

The creators of the series. The plot summary

The plot revolves around a detective series "Black cats" - the investigation of the robbery of a food warehouse in the city of Rostov-on-don. The investigation leads the major Egor Dragun, who is sure that behind all this “dark” of the story are not ordinary thieves, but rather hardened criminals. Egor Dragoon will have to exert all his skill and ingenuity to cope with the gang in his hometown.

actors black catsSeries, which was broadcast on “channel one”, like to the audience, not only because it was played by good actors. «Black cat” series, which was also delivered good Director. The project was carried out by Evgeny Lavrentiev, who in 2011 worked on a very popular TV series “the Amazon”.

The Script was written by Vladimir semenovykh. It's about criminal cases knows firsthand: from 1995 to 2013 semenovykh has shot many series for the documentary film “Criminal” (broadcast transmission «NTV”).

«Black cat": actors and roles. Pavel Derevyanko in the role of head of the MPs

For the success of the film, in addition to the fascinating story, it is important to involve in the project “correct” performers. In the series of Yevgeny Lavrentyev was invited by very good actors.

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«Black cat” has become a kind of experiment for a Comedy actor Pavel Derevyanko. Shura from the Comedy "Love me”, he is from the TV series “Land”, Shurenberg from the movie “Gitler kaput!” and the Lieutenant Rzhev ribbon “Rzhevskij against Napoleon’ - that these roles will recognise the actor, the audience. Over the characters, who plays Paul, it is impossible not to laugh.

black cat actors

The word ‘Black cat» Derevianko suddenly offered a serious role. Of course, this choice was fraught with risk. But, on the other hand, Paul has already played in dramas and crime films – like “Ice age” with Alexander Abdulov, “line” with Alexey Serebryakov and “shadow” of Denis Nikiforov. The examples of many projects the actor was able to prove that he looks equally convincing in serious and in comic strips.

In “Black cat» Pavel Derevyanko got the role of head of Department on struggle against gangsterism – major Yegor Dragoon, which is seriously going to resist growing up in the crime city. Together with colleagues from military office, Yegor Petrovich begins to haunt many urban gangs.

Dragoon suspects that for all serious crimes committed in Rostov-on-don, is more than just a crime. His suspicions are justified: in the end it turns out that in the city, on top of that wielded by German saboteurs.

Pavel Trubiner in the role of Colonel in the MGB

The Series «Black cat”, the actors and the role of which is well remembered by the audience, was for actor Paul Trubiner another series in which he plays the role of a policeman. The artist often appears before the audience in the form of the military or the representative of the MIA in the TV series "Grach" Trubiner played a major interior Grachev, in the series, “Death to spies" - senior Lieutenant Terekhova, in the series “forever” - major of police, etc. and “Black cat» Trubiner got the role of Colonel of Central office of the MGB – Paul brown, which are sent to the city of Rostov-on-don in “special” mission.

actors black catsIn 2016 expected to be just four premiere with the actor. In two films he will play a major role. In the drama “Fantasy of the white nights” Paul will appear in the frame together with Elizaveta Boyarskaya, speech in the film will go on the life of artists of the Leningrad ballet during the cold war. And in the series “Second sight” Trubiner again play the role of a police officer-a homicide investigator Tikhonov.

Marina Konyashkina in the role of the doctor Demidova

Actors «Black cat" - mostly the stars of television movies. One hundred percent of serial actress is Marina Konyashkina.

Marina debuted in Belarusian war film ‘Deep within”, playing the main character-Hope. Then, the actress began actively to act in serials: it can be seen in the detective “Protecting Krasin 2" in the Comedy “Camomile, Cactus, Daisy" romance “Alexander” and “never been Better”. In «Black cat» Marina plays a doctor Daria Demidov.

Evgeniy Sidikhin in the role Kaplanova

In the TV series «Black cat” the actors playing the main characters are law enforcement officers and the hunt for spies and thugs. Quite a different role went to the famous Russian actor Yevgeny Sidikhin – in a detective movie he was played by the first Secretary of Prokhor Kaplanova.

the cast of black catsEvgeniy Sidikhin has come to the cinema in 1989 at the age of 25 years. Prior to this, the actor fought in Afghanistan. The trials of war, sent by fate, affected his future career Sidikhin: throughout his life he starred mostly in war and crime films, his characters are wonderfully owned a gun and knew how to stand up for themselves. The reason why such a role was assigned to the actor, is obvious: he could wear the uniform and shoulder straps, for sure knew that a person experiences in the war – no matter, he is fighting with the bandits or the Mujahideen.

In the filmography of an actor such films as «Russian transit”, “For the last line”, “Operation "Lucifer””, “Wolf blood», «Gangster Petersburg», and many others.

Olga Lomonosova in the role of Secretary Antonova

Pavel Derevyanko and Evgeniy Sidikhin – not only known in the project actors. «Black cat» feed, which is part of the filmography of another popular actress – Olga Lomonosova.

black cats are the actors and rolesOlga audience spotted after the role of Kira in the long-running series “Not born beautiful”. Lomonosov noticed and directed her regularly after this project began to receive offers to play a major role. Center characters Olga plays in the series “Shamu”, “Mary”, “a woman's Kingdom” and “45 seconds”. In the film “Black cat” the actress played Secretary of Prokhor Kaplanova.

Other performers

The cast of «Black cat” is and Yegor Barinov, who played also in “the Marina Roscha” and “Teacher”, and Andrey Smirnov, who starred in “the Moscow Saga” and “Belorussian station”.

the black cat TV series actors and roles

In the series you can see Igor Savochkin (“Five brides”, “Quiet Outpost”), Michael Khmurov (“The Laurel”), Alexei Komashko (“Method”, “Warrior”), stunt Alexei Samokhvalov Oleg Simonenko (“Light and shadow of the lighthouse”), Alexander Suvorov (the‘legends of magical love”, “Sasha"), Sergey Denga (“Married Casanova”, “the Division 44”), Pskov actor Victor Stepanian, Odessa actor Yegor Karelia, Alexander Rudko (“Share happiness”), Seeds Treskunov (“Ghost”) and many others. the

«Black cat": actors and roles, reviews

The site kino-teatr according to the voting results 267 series has a rating of 7.5 stars out of a possible 10. The same rating from movie site kinopoisk. Thus, we can conclude that the audience is interesting to observe what is happening on the screen.

black cats are the actors and the role of feedbackAs the main advantages of the paintings, the audience observes the entangled plot. But the quality of the film some viewers consider to be a lack of «Black cat”, saying that too "messed" writers to the final film does not understand what is happening.

Someone was able to abstract and see Paul Derevianko in a new role. However, individual viewers are unable to disconnect from the past roles of actor and ironically accepted his acting experiment.

But in General, the Amateur detectives were satisfied. Of the ten six of the audience respond to the film positively. And only some strongly advise you to watch “pathetic” the film “the meeting Place cannot be changed” combined with “Liquidation”. The final opinion about the detective «Black cat” can be, only after seeing it in person.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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