Makeup For Brunettes - Become A Femme Fatale!


2018-03-26 17:10:08




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Beauty – everyone is different, unique, special. But yet never superfluous to emphasize some features of their appearance: after all, we buy the belt with a beautiful buckle for pants or beads especially for the new sweater. Makeup for brunettes same as decoration to clothing. Most importantly, choose it with taste. Many believe that if a brunette, so we need bright red lipstick, dark shadow and bright blush. Of course, the makeup for brunettes should be brighter than, for example, for blondes, but it is very easy from normal brightness to pass to the calling makeup that does not decorate you, and only betrays your lack of taste and inability to apply makeup. And it is especially difficult to cross the line in the evening makeup.

it all Starts with the selection of colors for the skin. Before you start applying makeup, clean and moisturize the skin, after Foundation and powder to give the color of the skin an even tone and freshness. Choosing a shade of makeup, please note on something close to your skin or a little darker. Suitable tobacco leachate, color natural tan or ochre. To create the perfect glow, use bronze shades, dark peach, coral or reddish-pink. Evening makeup should be a little brighter and more expressive day, so be a little bolder. Then your skin will cause admiration, as you know, nothing makes a woman as the admiration of the views addressed to her.

much attention, making makeup for brunettes evening, should be paid to the eyes as they tell how you lovely and charming. If you have black, grey or brown eyes, especially in combination with black hair, then you can feel free to experiment with the dark tones of eye shadow, eyeliner, eye pencil and mascara, without fear to overdo it. Any color, from purple to black, will play in your favor, highlighting the beauty of your eyes, from the masses, perhaps fall only cool colors, like light blue or white. Evening makeup for brunettes allows for more daring combinations, any extravagant ideas, giving you complete freedom of choice.

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Beautiful makeup for brunettes provides a focus not only on eyes but also on lips, especially their form. Against the background of dark hair, dark skin and dark eyes lips can seem faded, even if they by nature have a rich color. To avoid this, use a lip pencil, clearly outlining the path. Remember, that the pencil should be a tone darker than the lipstick.

depending on the shade of hair and skin, and eye color, varies the tone of the lipstick. Dark-haired and dark-eyed brunettes will suit ruby, crimson red or Burgundy lipstick on top of which you can apply the gloss with a reddish tinge. Green-eyed brunettes with dark skin is best to choose a coral shade, brown or dark pink. However, as much given tips do good makeup for brunettes impossible to do, based on a formula or system. Try new options and combinations to Express your unique beauty. And then living in you Femme fatale finally manifest.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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