Frequent palpitations can be triggered by different reasons


2018-03-24 08:22:07




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Almost everyone in my life felt frequent palpitations. This symptom can occur in completely healthy person during exercise or change of body temperature (overheating), and to be a manifestation of diseases of cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, respiratory, digestive, and even urinary systems of the body. That is why the frequent repetition of this complaint or inadequate change of the pulse does not need to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment – it can lead to unnecessary medications and to the development of advanced forms of the disease.

The reasons for the increase in pulse

We must remember that the causes of heart palpitations – in each case, a combination of several factors, because rapid pulse can be a symptom of the problems of the organism as a whole, and about the disease which affects any one system of the patient. In many ways, the frequency of cardiac contractions depends on the age of the person – a young child's heart rate is always greater than that of an adult. In addition, there are situations in which the regular heartbeat is indicative of normal adaptive abilities of the body – no acceleration of heart rate during physical load, overheating, increase in body temperature also may be a manifestation of diseases of the body.

Heart rate can increase even after a heavy meal – it always stimulates the flow of blood in the digestive system at an early stage. In the process of further digestion frequent palpitations due to the absorption of nutrients and are released into the blood hormones. When the disease of the digestive tract rapid pulse may be due to reflex influences - cramps and pain attacks.

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Undoubtedly, the rapid heartbeat, the cause of which concern patients most, the vast majority of cases occur in pathological processes in the cardiovascular and nervous system. It should be understood that emotional stimuli often cause acceleration of the heart rate, which quickly and independently held after the completion of the stress, but such an attack is hard tolerated by patients.

When the pathology of the system of bodies of blood circulation often the heartbeat becomes habitual and often invisible to the human symptom – the patient is so “used” to his condition, it ceases to react to it. The degradation may cause physical and emotional overload, and that stress becomes the trigger mechanism that eventually leads a person to consult a doctor.

Frequent palpitations in diseases of metabolism may occur when the decrease or increase of hormones concentration in blood serum – even a slight change in the level of thyroid hormones pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands can become a cause of frequent pulse.

The Physiological limit of normal for each individual

We must remember that tachycardia may also occur when eating certain foods – to accelerate the heart rate after consuming excessive amounts of caffeine, tannin and other alkaloids, which are abundant in medicinal herbs, some berries and even vegetables. Some patients have frequent palpitations may occur when taking medications-some medications by themselves speed up the heart rate, while others can cause compensatory reactions, for example, when diuretics and excretion of a large number of microelements (potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine).

In any case, the attacks of tachycardia must be the cause of treatment of the patient to the doctor – lost time can lead to the development of irreversible changes in the body.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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