Free swaddling newborns: characteristics, rules and guidelines


2020-07-03 15:34:15




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Since ancient times, used swaddling, and if it was the only way to wear a newborn, and now the young mother has many other options. We should not forget about the advantages of this method, despite the large number of clothes available in stores. To get started is to understand the definition of free and tight swaddling. The first of these is most suitable for babies.

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How to choose

Free babies allows baby to feel safe and secure like in the womb of his mother. In contrast to the tight, also provided by the presence in the natural body position. Too tight zakutyvanie increases the chance of overheating and makes it difficult to fully breath.

Excessive movement, sharp cries and wince from fright suggests that the free swaddling handles yet is not suitable, and should use a more dense option. It is undesirable if the baby was sleeping peacefully in the pants and the vest.

free swaddling newborns


The Newborn in a comfortable “cocoon” easily move legs and arms, adapting to an unfamiliar environment. Sometimes young parents are faced with the categorical opinion of the older generation about the way of changing. Previously it was believed that due to this pack it is possible to prevent the curvature of the feet and posture. But really this is nothing more than a myth, a child develops slower due to hindered blood circulation and involuntary, is not always a convenient position.

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Movements help to learn their skills, learn about the world and her own body, at the same time, the kid is not afraid of throw up his hands, a loose swaddle newborns several restricts the space and recalls being in the womb. So faster time to fall asleep, this method is often used for a night's sleep.

The positive side it is worth noting the versatility of the diaper. You can not worry that the baby will Wake up from the cold, which is very important in the autumn-winter period. The overalls and other garments become a small much faster than a diaper, so, selecting the suitable size, you can use one set of from birth to six months.

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What you need to know

The behavior of the child can determine the need to use changing. If he is frightened of his own hands, restless sleep and often wakes up too, then you can try to abandon the usual fashion. Baby will feel comfortable in a cozy cocoon of soft fabric. The disturbance in muscle tone and expressed the protest of the kid saying that free and full swaddling is not appropriate. Also to avoid overheating, it is not necessary to wrap a baby in a hot room both at night and day.

Particular attention should be paid to technology. The easiest way to see it when viewing instructional videos. Most importantly, the child is able to take a comfortable position, that is, to bend feet in knees. The upper part of the diaper may be at stomach level, in this case will be wrapped up only the legs or in the neck.


The Impossibility of the greenhouse effect due to air circulation is the main advantage of this technique. As we know, swaddling provides all the parts of the lungs, early hardening and strengthening the immune system. The baby can sleep in a comfortable position, for example on the abdomen. Also worth noting is the possibility of the development of fine motor skills, touch, and prevention of occurrence of dysplasia. Freedom of movement is provided not only with a soft diaper, but envelopes made from natural materials.

There are two basic ways of changing:

  • Arms and legs have the same freedom of movement;
  • The diaper is placed so that there was only wrapped feet.

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Free swaddling: rules

You Need to carefully straighten all the folds formed on the fabric as the delicate skin of a newborn is very easy to injure. It is important that the chin and nose have always been open to prevent difficulty breathing. Also of special importance, the ambient temperature, while overheating for a child is more dangerous than hypothermia. If the apartment is cool, you can use a combination of two diapers (feneley and print) or in addition to dress your child in thin jumpsuit or a set of sliders and blouses.

It is Undesirable to wear indoors cap as it makes the natural thermoregulation. At high temperatures the best option would be cotton or kulirka that you can just cover up the baby. Is strictly prohibited to secure the diaper with safety pins because of the risk of injury.

Undesirable contact of skin with fur and woolen materials. Best suited diaper and clothes from environmentally friendly materials soft, pre-washed with a special detergent and ironed.

When not to do without changing

At first glance it may seem that today rough orfree swaddling has become irrelevant due to the large variety of clothes for the kids, disposable and reusable diapers and other tools that simplify the life of a young mom. But do not categorically refuse diapers, as they become irreplaceable in the following situations:

  • When the baby can not calm down. For the first time after the birth of the limb may frighten the infant due to abrupt, chaotic movements, while in the womb they did not cause him any discomfort. Free wide swaddling will provide peaceful sleep and warm the baby. So you can not worry about that awkward movement will break the rest.
  • The First bathroom. It is believed that if a child wrapped in a diaper, he is not afraid of water and will feel safe.
  • When conducting medical manipulations. For example, to warm the stomach during cramps with heating pad much easier to use to secure the diaper. There is also many other activities that are unpleasant but necessary for the baby.
  • For hygiene. It is extremely difficult to use eye drops to clean the nose and ears, if the baby is carefully resists. Swaddling in this case, allows you to limit traffic for the time necessary for the implementation of all actions.
  • There are Often situations when the diapers do not fit and contribute to the formation of rashes and chafing in the diaper is a constant air exchange, which accelerates the healing of wounds.

If you are in doubt of the need for swaddling should not be guided only by the advice of friends and older relatives, as all children are different and each of them requires a special approach.

free leg swaddling

Useful tools

A Changing Desk is required if you plan a long massage. Today in stores you can find as a full-fledged pieces of furniture and foldable, easy to take on trips or to freely move around the house. The greatest distribution was gained of drawers with changing Board. He will remove the burden from the back of the mother, will provide easy child care, and after the Board there will be no need, just remove it and use drawers only for storage.

Types of diapers

There is a large variety of diapers, the most common are the following options:

  • Envelopes, ensuring free swaddling;
  • Standard of flannel and calico;
  • For the handles, in which the legs remain open;
  • Terry hooded used after water treatment.

The Number is selected depending on the use of disposable or gauze diapers. Several diapers a day is more than enough when using diapers. In another case, there should be at least 20 pieces subject to daily washing.

Free leg swaddling Does not have any contraindications subject to the hygienic manipulation, compliance with the rules and using not more than six months. When this mother's child care needs to promote close communication and bring fun, not to be a daily necessary routine.

free wide swaddling


  • Due to the tight swaddling can avoid many diseases. Unfortunately, everything is exactly the opposite. Cases of pneumonia are much more common in children, who are constantly wrapped in swaddling cloth.
  • You Can do without changing. It all depends on the newborn, someone to sleep and someone does not allow herself to wrap.
  • Tight swaddling is the prevention of leg deformity. If this were true, then every child born in the USSR, would have perfectly smooth legs.

Young parents themselves must weigh the pros and cons of swaddling a newborn and to choose for themselves the best option. What remains unchanged is the fact that your baby during waking hours must be in the warmth, comfort and to be able to freely move my legs and hands.

the free and full swaddle

Types of diaper changing

In Addition to free, also spread the tight swaddling, which involves the use of two large diapers. The baby's head is covered by the hood from the top of the diaper and the body is tightly wrapped in it. That option rationally with restless sleep and in the case of overstimulation.

Therapeutic massage is prescribed by a doctor-pediatrician only for certain indications. Mainly as they favor treatment and prevention of hip dysplasia.

Partial zakutyvanie can turn, only the legs or handles. Other parts of the body are free to move as they are covered. Each of the above options has its advantages and disadvantages and is appropriate in certain situations.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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