How to do everything with a small child? Ideas for planning time


2018-03-20 22:11:14




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The Birth of a baby is a great event. But not everyone is aware that this is a huge responsibility. For the next couple of years, you can forget about the concept of personal time. Almost all of the waking hours will be spent on business, holiday practically no place. Apart from the fact that the girl gets a new status - "Mama", she is a woman and a wife. Now it will house and the children. Some, realizing this fact, think about it, how to do everything with a small child. The question is really important. Some tips and tricks to help you in this case. And no matter how much you have kids - the principles are approximately the to do everything with a small child

The beginning

When the period of stay in the hospital behind, have to "return to Earth". A woman becomes a wife again, but now in the status of the mother. And all the household chores fall on her shoulders. This is especially noticeable in families where the men think that the decree is a vacation, not a demanding job without weekends and breaks.

Want to know how to do everything with young children? Try at first not to strive to be the perfect cook, laundress, maid, mistress and mother. Dedicate time to learning your baby. After all, he will be the next few years to dictate the rules. The first month is a period of adaptation. You get used to it, and it - to you and the house. Engage in the moment of her husband to help the housework. Only when all get used to a new family member, it will be possible to consider the planning time.


All homemade and daily duties and Affairs can be divided into several parts. It is very important for proper planning of time. It is assumed that every minute will benefit. So you'll have to analyze what you have to do for the day.

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In the first place should be put forward things that are important to families. That is, those without which there can not do. For example, the child care (self-evident), cooking Breakfast/lunch/dinner. Cleaning is also important, but sometimes you can neglect to do everything with young children

How to do everything with two small children? Exactly the same as with one, three, and five - just learn to prioritize. Divide all your work on the important and minor. Give preference to the first, and sometimes second can be neglected. Remember - in the first place, you must have a child. After all, until the baby wants to sleep/attention/are, you will not be able to do household chores.


How could everything do with a small child? Make a rough graph of Affairs in the beginning of the day. Here it is important to start planning immediately after arrival from the hospital - you have to get used to the baby. Has been said that it is the child who will dictate the rules in the house for some time.

Parents also need to adapt to the daily routines, which builds their baby. Someone's sleeping through the night and day, and morning and evening - no. Some children Wake up for hours, and someone roughly several times at the same time. Note these features.

After a few weeks of maternity you will be able to literally by the hour to arrange his time. It will be clear when the baby wants to eat, when he sleeps and so on. Therefore, the time can be used to maximum advantage. It is desirable in the first place to put the main family business, and secondary and leave for later.

Attracting contributors

In General, techniques for planning a lot of time. No matter, with children or without you. Try to use all the tricks you can imagine. And you'll soon notice that life is not so complicated in the presence of the to do everything with two small children

So, how to do everything with a small child? Advice that is often given by experienced parents point out that to take on all the deeds is optional. We all have grandparents, brothers and sisters, moms and dads, spouses. Relatives - those who will help you to plan.

What does that mean? Try to attract them to home Affairs. Usually husbands charge at least take out the garbage. And asking for help with the cleaning. There are grandparents who are willing to help? Don't refuse such an offer. Importantly, they actually helped, not berated you and gave instructions on what and how you should be doing. Assign them some chores, and themselves at this time take care of the baby or other family responsibilities.

Here we must exercise caution. If you feel that attracted helpers tire you, and advice from them more than the case, it is better to do things on my own. A few weeks of daily unsolicited advice, and you will understand how easy to do all on your own, in silence and tranquility.

Few days

The Following technique will help to release you some time. If you are thinking how to manage everything with three young children (one, two, four, and so on), try to understand one important point: as long as you newborn, don't try to be perfect. Special attention should be paid very important family process - to do everything to do with a small child

To Prepare every day is good. But not always with a toddler is possible. Sotry to cook for a few days. We can restrict a simple but very tasty dishes. If you have diet no soups, please enter them. It is a useful food that will help and be satisfied, and time to save.

Sometimes you can afford a meal at home or to ask for help from husband or relatives. However, if you decide to cope with household chores, prepare for the days ahead.

How to cook with a small child? Then you will be knowing the daily routine of your baby, and also various kitchen appliances. For example, slow cooker. A very useful device which will always provide you with fresh food. And don't forget to prepare for the days ahead!


If you don't know how to do everything with a small child, the correct timing will help you deal with this problem. To be honest, modern moms there are many effective methods to solve the problem. 20 years ago was not the majority of devices and things. But how does that help all the time?how to do everything with a small child tips

Easy and simple! Often to help you use various home appliances. She will ease your suffering and allow a little time to release. Has been said that the slow cooker will ensure quick cooking. For cleaning you can use a special vacuum cleaner robot, for Laundry there is a washing machine with function of drying clothes, to wash dishes will help the dishwasher. And so on. In General, modern women are almost not limited in the choice of appliances to help in the household. Surround yourself with these devices so you can free up a few hours. Yes, not everyone likes this approach, but it really helps maintain comfort in the house in the presence of young children. And things done and mom relaxed, and the child under the supervision!


A woman's Brain is arranged so that it is able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. That is, the girl could run from a couple of actions, in contrast to men. Try to use this chance. But how?

Here you will help your intelligence. I wonder how to do everything with a small child? When the baby is sleeping, try to do household chores. Thus combine several cases. For example, you can cook and parallel to wash the dishes or do the cleaning in the kitchen. Once you learn simultaneously to perform a variety of tasks, will become easier, much easier.

The Algorithm for learning no. Just practice. It will help you to master the technique of execution of multiple cases. Usually women do so well. Several attempts - and it's done!how to do everything with three young children

Modern world

But that's not all! Some girls complain: "No time to eat with a small child!". This means that they just don't know how to plan your day or perform some extra steps. Has been said that it is necessary to divide all the chores on the mandatory (essential) for the family and in the secondary. However, there are cases where even if such planning does not work. Then you have to analyze what you are doing. Most likely, you have too many unnecessary actions. Either you don't use all features of the modern world.

What are you talking About? Progress does not stand still, for children and care for them was invented by a variety of means. You need to use them to the maximum. For example, to not use diapers, and diapers. And not to perform unnecessary rituals of the past. We are talking about the Ironing of diapers with two sides, about boiling bottles and so on. Many experienced mothers suggest that without these manipulations, the children grow up healthy and develop properly. Therefore, all possibilities of the modern world use to the maximum.


You wonder how to do everything with young children? Then remember another sacred rule - refrain from computer and Internet. In any case, as long as you follow their plans. For anybody not a secret that a lot of time on gadgets. In order to have time to do homework, it is necessary to abandon them.

A Few hours will be able to save. First, it will be difficult, but if you really want to have time to do everything, have to make an effort. To sit on the Internet can be when things around the house done, and the child still doesn't require attention. A very good way of saving time. Should exclude gadgets from the life as you start to do more!how to cook with a small child


As paradoxical As it may sound, but to quickly cope with the tasks, you need to relax. Because a rested person is active. It helps to finish a case faster than planned.

Therefore, you should not take on a lot of action. Rest as possible, so that you have power. This technique really helps. Too much relaxing is not necessary, but to turn inside out too. When resting, you will notice that you have more strength and energy. They will help you all the time.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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