Cape Khoboy – the mysterious place of Baikal


2019-06-21 18:00:20




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This Cape is the most Northern on the amazing island of Olkhon. Cape Khoboy awarded the status of monument of nature.

Cape of Olkhon island on lake Baikal

Cape of Khoboy (Buryat – “Fang”) is a unique natural monument, which is located at the very North of Olkhon island. It has a columnar form of the rock.
With the water side of one of the rocks of the promontory resembles the face and bust of a woman (profile female figures) – rock virgin. This can be seen on ancient galleys of Greece. Cape KhoboyNoteworthy this place is the fact that it is from the huge monolithic rock reflected the amazing sounds of the polyphonic ringing echo.

You can Also see the very rare relict (endemic) plants found in the only place in the world.

On the slopes of Cape abundantly grow grass. A lot of healing thyme (Bogorodskaya grass).

The Cape on lake Baikal is a complex of picturesque rocks, original seats covered with orange lichens. On some rocks there are through holes and unusual cracks that give this amazing exotic place a special touch.

The Cape is also preserved plants of the glacial period.

In clear weather is visible from the top of the Svyatoy nos (Peninsula), located on the Eastern shore of lake Baikal. Before, a long time ago, near the Cape was inhabited by ringed seals.

Legends about the Cape

Itself the indigenous population of these places is called the Cape of the virgin, or woman. As stated in one legend, this rock was once an ordinary woman. Because of its strong envy of her husband, she was transformed by the gods into stone. The legend says that once on the planet will not remain malice and envy, this stone will turn back into that woman.
Cape photoThis Cape is linked to another legend. It's about a dragon that dropped your canine during a flight over the sacred lake Baikal. Fang fell to the Cape, went deep into the earth, leaving the outlines of this island a trace. Although some scholars believe that this legend is connected with the memories of people about the fall of a body from space (perhaps a small meteorite) many thousands of years ago. It is believed that such a catastrophe could be the cause of geomagnetic activity in this part of Olkhon island.

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Hoboe has a continuous power output of astral energy (numerous sightings of ghostly substances). In addition, locals say that Cape sometimes you can meet the spirits of their ancestors or even their own previous incarnation.

Especially great luck here is to see the spirit of the White shaman, who sometimes emerges from the waters of lake Baikal.

Who visits the Cape?

Very often this Cape to visit representatives of a variety of theological schools. In this regard, it is common to see an unusual picture, for example, a person working in strange and unusual cases.
Cape Khoboy, OlkhonFor many, the Cape is a place for meditation. On the Northern part of these “representatives” in plain sight left a mark – a red circle with three dots (Roerich's sign).

But as the true symbol of shamanic stories on the verge of the Northern monolithic rock, on the most inaccessible height for a person in the crevices of the Cape you can see two of the huge size of the eagle nests. According to ancient Buryat legend, the first who had the gift of the shaman, – the owner's son (spirit of Olkhon), living in the image of an eagle with a white head. Still preserved the worship of this bird as the spirit of the island.

In front of the Cape there is a good place for a perfect holiday and accommodation – a well-equipped pebble beaches.

Sights of Olkhon

A Lot can demonstrate to their height Cape Khoboy. Olkhon there is demonstrated clearly seen skewed tectonic block, which dropped steeply to the East cliffs (elevation 200-300 m), and in the West, gently down the side of the Small sea.

Sometimes the bottom water is observed above the dense fog.

Cape on BaikalNear the Cape there are two grottoes, which is perfectly oriented towards the sunrise. Sand smooth sites of these grottoes comfortable to sleep in sleeping bags. Lying in them, you can watch the beautiful sunrise. On the West side of the island – inclined platform for making shamanic Tulaganov spring. There can be seen the Fang of the Cape Khoboy.

The cliffs of Khoboy anyone can capture a photo through the arch with great views to the Western shore of Olkhon island. Amazing exotic Cape Khoboy. Photo on the background of the slopes of the promontory can decorate the photo album of any tourist.

The Cape on Olkhon island – one of the most exotic and mysterious places of the great lake Baikal.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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