As argon to cook? Process description and manual


2018-03-20 04:56:13




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Welding is able to protect the surface from the metal from oxygen and contaminants. It ensures a quality weld and also retains all the physical characteristics of the metal. The argon consumption is much lower than in the use of other welding equipment.

Argon belongs to the category of inert gases, so the environment is its connection with external gases and alloys.

Many wonder about how to cook with argon aluminium or stainless steel. The technique will be described in this article.

How to cook with argon

How to boil aluminum?

As the argon boil aluminum? It should be noted that when working with this metal without this type of welding can not do, because of the oxygen it ignited. This method provides high-quality seam. An arc is formed by means of an electrode on a tungsten basis. This electrode can last a long time. Between the tungsten electrode and the workpiece intended for welding, the arc is ignited. In the combustion zone feed is aluminum wire. Welding is performed on a narrow section with fast movements of the electrode. This allows the aluminum to melt. To weld had a high quality wire must be exactly the same structure as the base metal.

What you need for welding with argon?

Argon welding machine aluminum includes the following components:

  • Power source current;
  • Cylinder with argon;
  • Device for feeding the filler wire.

Preparing aluminum surfaces

Is it Possible to cook with argon untreated surface? With aluminum is necessary to remove dirt, grease and machine oil. This can be done by using solvent. If the thickness of the welded parts is more than 4 mm, it is necessary to cut the edges.

Can I cook with argon

Experts suggest cooking aluminum sheets thickness 4 mm back to back only.

Before you start welding aluminium, the master must ask, what is the thickness of the sheet and the width of the edges. Protection of the edges is carried out with a file or emery machine. If the part has a complex shape, then the welding area should be cleaned through a machine for grinding. From the surface of the aluminum oxide film is removed.

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Features of welding aluminium argon

How to make aluminium argon? For quality performance of weld metal in this way should resort to the use of tungsten electrodes. Their diameter must be 1.5-5.5 mm. Electrode is kept at an angle of 80 degrees. The filler wire is at a right angle. The maximum arc length should be 3 mm.

Under these rules, the consumption of materials will be economical. When working the filler wire must be moved from the front burner. The electrode and filler rod when welding aluminum needs to move along the weld seam. Transverse motion can not be done.

When welding thin sheets of aluminium in the role of the lining may be stainless steel. So will be provided with an increased heat removal from the work zone, and the risk of burn-through will be much less. Reduced and energy consumption, as the work is completed faster.

How to make aluminum by argon

The Pros and cons of aluminum welding argon

The welding of aluminum in argon atmosphere has a number of advantages compared to other methods. The weld has the same depth of penetration along the entire length.

The disadvantages of this type of welding include the complexity of the equipment. When welding with argon need accurate tuning of all elements of the device. The wire should be fed into the working area gradually. With this goal properly set up the machine feeder. If the wire feed will be irregular, then the arc will be intermittent. This will cause an increased argon flow and electrical power. For quality welding of aluminium, the master must have the proper experience. Theoretical knowledge and useful tips in this matter will not.

Preparation for welding argon of stainless steel

As the argon to boil aluminum, it is clear. What rules should be observed when working with stainless steel? For welding this type of metal you will need:

  • Welding machine;
  • Electrodes, we select in accordance with the characteristics of the material;
  • Stainless wire rope;
  • Brush with steel;
  • Solvent.

Before welding parts handled by their edges. Should follow an important principle: to ensure the free shrinkage of the weld while creating a welded joint is a small gap.

In Front of the work surface edges trimmed. For this purpose, use a steel brush. Also the edges are washed with solvent. You can apply acetone or aviation gasoline. This treatment removes from the surface of the stainless steel grease which can cause the lowering of arc stability during welding. This will cause the appearance of pores on the bead.

Argon welding with the use of a consumable electrode

How to cook with argon, using a consumable electrode? Welding stainless steel with the use of covered electrodes makes it possible to obtain welds of high strength. If you do not have high demands to the quality of the connection, it is necessary to use argon welding.

The range has a fairly wide range of electrodes. Each of themdesigned for a specific type of stainless steel. If the wizard knows the type of welded steel, then choose the desired view. You should choose such electrodes, which will reduce corrosion resistance of the material and its mechanical performance.

How to cook with argon

As a rule, work is carried out with application of reverse constant level. Need to work so that the weld penetration occurred to a lesser extent. With this purpose apply a small-diameter electrodes. You should strive to ensure that the thermal energy released in small quantities. Professionals in the field of welding note that when working with stainless steel is to apply electricity to 20% weaker than when welding ordinary steel.

The Electrodes have a low thermal conductivity and high electric resistance. For this reason, the use of high currents is unacceptable. If this rule is violated, the electrodes are susceptible to overheating and destruction. For this reason, electrodes for stainless steel exposed to more rapid melting than those which are welded of ordinary steel.

To preserve the stability of the weld to corrosion make it cooling fast. For example, this can be achieved by means of a strip of copper or air. If stainless steel belongs to the category of Nickel and chrome metals, it can be cooled with water.

How to cook stainless steel tungsten electrode?

How to cook stainless steel with argon gas, using tungsten electrodes? It should be noted that this method is applicable in the case if you want the welding subject from the finest stainless steel and high quality welds. For example, argon welding by means of tungsten electrodes suitable for pipes made of stainless steel, which is the transportation of gases or liquids under pressure.

How to weld stainless steel by argon

How to cook with argon stainless steel? Work is done when applying an alternating or direct current. AC type is suitable for welding aluminum.

Before you begin, it is necessary to prepare the filler wire to the work. Well, if it will have a higher doping level than that of stainless steel or aluminum. When working with tungsten electrode can not produce oscillatory motion. They violate the protective space of the welding zone, the weld metal is susceptible to oxidation. The reverse side of the weld is protected from air by means of podawania argon.

In the tub for welding, should not be exposed tungsten. You can use contactless burning of the arc. It can also ignite on a plate of carbon or graphite with a subsequent transfer to base metal.

At the end of the process you should not turn off the argon flow immediately. This should be done in about 15 seconds. Thus, it is possible to avoid excessive oxidation of the hot working electrode. So it will last longer.

How to cook with stainless steel argon

How to weld stainless steel machine in argon?

As an argon gas cooking stainless steel, using semi-automatic. This welding method is widespread, as it provides high levels of performance and allows to obtain strong joints. To improve the quality of welding wire is added to Nickel.

This type of welding is suitable for joining materials of great thickness. In this case, welding will proceed very quickly. Thus, the increased level of performance. A protective environment in this case is a mixture of carbon dioxide and argon.

Apply a number of techniques to weld stainless steel machine:

  • Welding by short arc;
  • Welding by means of inkjet transfer;
  • The application of pulse mode.

Inkjet transfer used for welding metals of great thickness, and with a short arc connect more delicate items.

Advantage of the impulse method is that this process is controlled. The metal wire is fed into the tub for welding pulses. Each of them is separate welding drop. This mode helps to reduce the average value of the arc current, which is important when welding stainless steel. In pulsed mode, the metal is practically not sprayed. This gives you the ability to spend materials efficiently and to increase the level of productivity by reducing the time required for Stripping the seam.

The article described how to cook with argon aluminium and stainless steel.

How to cook with argon

This type of welding is best suited for aluminum surfaces. There are also a number of different techniques welding of stainless steel by argon. Every master must select the most suitable for the specific option.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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