Chum salmon in the oven. The recipe is a delicious delicacy


2018-03-26 08:00:08




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Table of contents:

Salmon – a red fish, for which it is difficult to overestimate. This essential amino acids, and animal proteins, and vitamins and zinc, selenium, and phosphorus. Recipe for cooking salmon in the oven is quite simple. It does not require any special skills, so start the process, which will benefit and fun!Chum salmon in the oven recipe

Chum salmon in the oven with cheese

The ingredients:

  • Fish fillets – 1 kg;
  • Potatoes-500 g;
  • Small onion bulbs-2 PCs.
  • Fresh tomatoes-2-3 PCs.
  • Cheese any variety-about 200 g;
  • Mayonnaise, salt, Basil-to taste;
  • Vegetable oil-for greasing.


Salmon in the oven, the recipe of which is quite simple, it turns out very tender and juicy. However, it is not always possible to buy just the fillet. So if you managed to find a whole fish, it is not a problem. For a start it is required to thoroughly wash, gut, remove the gills. Next you need to cut the fish's fins, tail and head. But do not rush to throw them away. It is better to clean it in the freezer for as long as you do not have the desire to cook soup. Now you need to cut the salmon, to filet. For this we need to divide the fish with a sharp knife along its backbone and remove the skin. Now, carefully separate the meat from the backbone and then remove and rib bones. Fillet is ready! It should only cut into medium size pieces, sprinkle with salt and leave for a few minutes.Chum salmon in the oven with cheese

Processing the other ingredients

Salmon in the oven, the recipe of which we now describe, will turn out extremely delicious if you use only fresh vegetables. Potato tubers, onion bulbs, and tomatoes need to thoroughly wash under running water and dry. The product should be cleaned and cut into slices. Tomatoes desirable to chop thin half-rings. Cheese need to RUB on a large grater. The Basil should be washed, dried and milled.

Shaping and baking dishes

In order to chum salmon in the oven, the recipe of which you'll want to keep forever, it turned out well, very juicy, do not take the vegetable oil during lubrication of the form. Once you have completed this process, you want to prepared form the first layer put the pieces of fish. They should be liberally sprinkled with Basil and a portion of grated cheese. The next layer should be carefully onion. On top of him to place the potato slices and add a little more cheese. The last is necessary to lay out the tomatoes, which must sprinkle with remaining cheese. The last chord – mesh of mayonnaise. If you wish, you can sprinkle more Basil.Recipe for cooking salmon in the oven

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The Oven should be heated to 200 degrees, put the shape and bake for about 40-50 minutes. As soon as you see the beautiful Golden crust, the dish should be removed and a little cool.

So easily and quickly prepared salmon in the oven, the recipe of which we have described. Fish can be fresh vegetable salad. The dish will be appropriate as at the festive table, and just as dinner for the whole family. Believe me, after tasting this delicacy once, all will ask you to prepare another batch. Bon appetit!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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