Chicken in multivarka: recipe for a delicious dish


2019-04-27 23:20:17




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Chicken is one of the most delicate products. Many cooks believe that the time spent on its preparation should be minimal, because the meat will be juicy and tender. However, the braised chicken in the slow cooker, the recipe of which presupposes the use of cream and mushrooms, is cooked a little longer than usual, but the result is worth it.chicken in slow cooker recipe


For preparation you will need:

- chicken fillet-2 PCs.

- oyster mushrooms-0.5 kg;

- onion-2 PCs.;


- cream – 0.5 l;


black pepper.

It Should be noted that other fungi are also suitable for this recipe, but oyster mushrooms will add a wonderful flavor and texture to the dish. For variety you can also use different spices, but even without it the chicken will turn out just stunning.chicken in a slow cooker in the sauce

Preparatory work

Conventional roasting chicken in a slow cooker comes in several stages. This is due to the technology of preparation of this device, which requires consistent action and the right of the bookmark. That is why you must first cut the fillet into small cubes, prisolit him and pepper. Then cut the onion half rings and mushrooms in small cubes. Before that is all products are thoroughly washed and dried. Usually, the mushrooms helps to get rid of moisture, but it will be released in the heat treatment process.

The Sequence of tabs

To chicken in slow cooker in sauce turned out to be juicy, you must first put on the device mode of roasting or the like. At this point you need to pour into a container quite a bit of vegetable oil and fry the onion until transparent color. This is to ensure that after the laying of mushrooms that are sure when processed water is let out, the onion was not cooked. This treatment method is quite often used in modern cooking when working with this product like mushrooms.frying chicken in a slow cooker

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Oyster mushrooms are roasted just 15 minutes, and then in a container add the fillets. As such, the chicken in the slow cooker, the recipe of which presupposes the use of cream sauce should be slightly browned. Then the mode change to the fire and close the lid. In the process dish can be a bit mixed, but better to leave it in that condition until almost fully cooked. So it is best steamed chicken in the slow cooker. The recipe suggests adding cream at the very end of cooking. Also close the lid and cook the dish for another five minutes. After that, turn off the slow cooker, and the contents of the tank to shift in a convenient bowl.


In Itself, this meat is served as a hot entrée. It is perfectly suitable for wine or more spirits. Also the chicken in the slow cooker, the recipe of which presupposes the use of cream sauce looks good as a complement to almost any garnish. However, many cooks prefer to serve it with boiled rice or mashed potatoes. To this dish you can serve a variety of sauces, which, combined with the sauce will give just a terrific taste and aroma.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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